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Posts posted by nightshot

  1. Maybe the reason is that you have not known this thai lady long and there is a risk that she just wants to get to your country for financial reason.Perhaps the thai embassy is adding 1=1 and coming up with 3.Could be an element of truth in this as 9 months approx may not be long enough to prove that this is a relationship.May i ask how old you are and also the age of your gf/partner.

    anyway good luck in your life,and try to live in the land of smiles.

    i am 30 and my gf is 26

    my g/f of 15 months just got refused,still waiting to see copy of the letter as i am back in the uk,doesn't sound good does it?try and keep this post open ok

    there must be a few others out there with their experiences, can we have some please?

  2. hello everyone,need some advice here.got married oct last year,no papers yet,get them later this year.she is planning on coming here april 2008.what would be the best course of action to take to get here here for 3 weeks holiday?she has filled in the vaf1 but she not posting it until i am sure this is the best way to go.many thanks for any thoughts :o

  3. Agree with much of this

    First POWER :D

    What about love, trust and friendship. :D

    My wife and I are buying a house for the two reasons of growing family we need the space, and second it is in the long run better to own than to rent.

    Sure the house is going to be in her name, that's the rule for houses, and if the worse came to the worse that would be her asset.

    I think what some of the posters seem to want is no responsibility so they can walk away without any costs, or they are afraid of the woman not being what they hoped for and only "in it for the money" :o

    If that's the case it is rather sad.

    Bill by the by seema a nice guy! The one thing that makes the nappy change fun is that my baby keeps smiling through it all never mind what lurks down there! :D

    best thing i have heard on here so far."what about love,trust and friendship"

    I would not jump in with both feet and hope for thr best,where my money is I wouldn't want to risk it all at my time of life,i you cant trust then dont get married,rent somewhere and make sure she is the one,plenty more fish in the sea,once your money is gone it is gone,not easy to walk away with nothing if you have invested heavily,o be cautious at all times in the first year or so,just giving a bit of advice to those of you thinking of spending all your assetts on a lovely thai girl,there's treating them nice and looking after them the rest of their lives at your expense.

    I have a lovely girl I am getting married to but will live with her family for the first year and see how the land lies at first,better to be safe than sorry my friends,once bitten(english gf)twice shy,dont let them have it all at the first jump..................hope it works out for everyone out there as well as me,but some will get burned,some quickly and some painfully slow,and the painfully slow is a lot more painfull.

    Someone who dont want to get burned,lol

  4. Agree with much of this

    First POWER :D

    What about love, trust and friendship. :D

    My wife and I are buying a house for the two reasons of growing family we need the space, and second it is in the long run better to own than to rent.

    Sure the house is going to be in her name, that's the rule for houses, and if the worse came to the worse that would be her asset.

    I think what some of the posters seem to want is no responsibility so they can walk away without any costs, or they are afraid of the woman not being what they hoped for and only "in it for the money" :o

    If that's the case it is rather sad.

    Bill by the by seema a nice guy! The one thing that makes the nappy change fun is that my baby keeps smiling through it all never mind what lurks down there! :D

  5. So it seems that getting a freedom to marry cert is easy for americans, but for brits they are a bit tighter - do the brit embassy ask for divorce papers all the time ? What if you say you havent been married before - will they ask then ?

    good question!!!! I need to know do you need an afidavit at all since i am single and never been married anywhere.Bit of a hassle to go bkk for 3-4 days for it,so just wondered if it is necessary?Any answers motly welcomed

    nightshot :o

  6. just wondering about this marriage thing going on,planning to get married in june this year,i heard that you need an afidavid and a translation from bangkok before the amphur will register us,takes about 3-4 days but is needed so as the amphur(ubon)will do the ceremony there,having to put off from april till june so can get time to sort this thing out.

    Anyone done this?I have all the addresses needed in bangkok but cant see anything on the threads here so just asking for a bit of sound advice.Know the isaan wedding as have been to 2 weddings there now,just this paperwork thing in bkk thats giving me a bit of a headache as the inlaws want an april wedding,any thoughts would be great.is the bkk really needed?


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