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Posts posted by noungning

  1. sad, those dying are mostly people that seem "healthy". Younger kids, teens and younger adults, which we'd normally see bugs/flus only affecting the seniors and kids, but so far it's been people from 0-30s. been briefly discussing the topic with a boss and she mentioned possibly people who have lived thru the years to collect all these bacteria in their bodies which developed a strong enough immune system to fight against the new strain of flu?

    2 girls in my state, i live in USA, have just died. one of them being 12 and wasn't confirmed to have the h1n1 flu until after she died and was tested and it came back positive that she indeed had the flu and died. her symptoms were mild for 2 days then she suddenly gotten very ill and died. another teenager also just passed away a couple of days ago and her only complication was that she has a chromosome disorder which has no kind of relations to triggering the death.

    it's good thailand has some supply, it's also good they are trying to make some money on this since their planned hiv breakthrough kind of fell through the hole. however, i really hope they support themselves and the people of their own country when they are in need of that supply instead of selling it to other countries and depriving their own citizens of the supply, now that would be demonic.

  2. i thought there were snap on types which isn't this risky. why would someone who doesn't need "real" braces get them, suffer thru pain for something you don't even need to deal with...OMG. i hope this is a message sent out to many other teenagers that are doing this to "fit in". i'm sure many broke teens are also milking their parents for these also...what a shame, what next?

    i feel awful for the parents, they wanted their daughter to be happy, but now she's gone. :) condolences to the family.

    i hope those unauthorized "dentists" get some kind of punishment.

  3. One thing that get me, Is there is no talk about evidence that there was some other person at the scene. If there was then i have missed it somewhere.

    Surely there must be footprints or tyre tracks other than the deceased?

    Very sad

    Condolences to his family.

    from reading what others are saying at crime scene, it's been so contaminated by on-lookers and the police teams themselves, i don't think is possible. which is very retarded IMO since they are able to play these careful police investigation scenes in the thai soaps why isn't it possible to actually do it in reality :D
    Really sad case but looks like a real amateur job. I am no expert but they left the body, his car and all the personal stuff (notice the personal ID!) all around at an easy to spot location. And this bomb....stupid. Maybe the killer tried to force him to sign something and then BAM!

    More like somebody hired some poor Cambodian to do the job or his/her own nephew :)

    well obviously they wanted it to be known who the person was! LOL gosh you sure aren't expert.

    this is a very sad case indeed, but also reminds me of many bizzare cases i've seen on investigation documentries where they utilize another person's body, murder them and claim life insurance from their life insurance companies. but this is probably not the case.

    and for the police team to speculate suicide is just a bit nutty... first off, why all that effort to blast yourself into a billion pieces with a bomb controled by remote, why go over to another province? if they conclude it as suicide, it's just slacking and writing off someone's life like it never mattered. the power of money and lack thereof. :D

    my condolences to the family that must endure this gruesome discovery.

  4. wow too long to read thru all pages, but this has been a problem with ALL of my family members excluding myself. thank goodness! i've traveled to thailand 2 times, and not have missed anything from my luggages. i think it's because i've known this to be a problem so my bags are set so all my underwear and garments are right up front when u open the bags LOL.

    however, all my family members that have travel either to thailand or thru thailand to laos have lost many items, most of the time it's jeans, any kind of jeans! they take it all! my uncle whom went to laos thru thailand as a layover lost his suit that he intended to wear to his brother's wedding!

    and everyone is aware of removing new tags and etc. so yeah, it doesn't matter if it's old or new, most had a problem of missing articles, it wasn't so much that the whole luggage was missing. :)

  5. At several points around the pool there are water pumps which make the water circulate, these are fed through heavy looking metal grilles in the floor of the pool.(around a meter square} Water is sucked in through these grills by pumps on the side of the pool and is expelled again at force through angled pipes in the wall of the pool providing the circulating effect. I wonder if one of the grills in the floor of the pool has been removed for maintenance or some such thing and not properly replaced. With no grill it would be easy for someone to be sucked in to the duct there and it would be almost impossible to get out.

    this is probably likely. but seems like someone also mentioned he had lifted the gate himself to go in...

    if the suction is strong, i don't think the curiousity would lead him to wanna check it out.

    accidents like this happens a lot in the US. many public pools are forced to follow saftey guidelines because kids have been dying because of those suction holes, or even losing their limbs. i believe they've also come up with additional pool laws for safety of the public.

    it is very sad indeed that the kid had to pass this way. drowning is my worst fear of death. :)

    kids will be kids, they like the feel of that suction in those pools, and it is ultimately the responsibility of those public facilities to secure all means that can prevent from injuries or fatalities.

  6. I might be the only one, but I am far more interested in the reasons why someone does something like this than the punishment. Punishments are just a vindication of a society that has no answer to the problem of drugs use anyhow. outrageous punishments never stopped ten more smugglers from trying because they might have made the reward higher.

    i think u might've overlooked addiction in itself and also money. addiction leads people to do many things. money also leads people to do many things. the 2 combined makes ones mind believe they are supernatural.

    for addiction to stop, greed also needs to stop. no money = no drugs and vice versa.

  7. Decapitation is the norm in cases like this. Nothing suspicious about it either. People that commit suicide in this manner are not acting rational, so it is to be expected that the circumstances of death will reflect that mental state. I'd wager that 9 out of 10 MEs upon seeing the info as presented would approach it as a suicide.
    Me too, there is/was a reason that when hung from the gallows the drop was only a few feet, any further and the body WILL seperate from the head,

    I still need someone to explain how the head stayed attached to the rope.....

    that's what i'm questioning... it looks like his head isn't in the bag... isn't tied to the rope either... but just "stuck" or "hooked" to something...

    but whatever the case, RIP. it seems so hectic day by day there in what once used to be "ok".

  8. when i first went to thailand, this was something i had to really adjust to, as i love the hot water. especially to shower in.

    but after being there for a while, i kind of understood the whole point of not having the hot/warm water... the weather there is quite tropical and mostly warm to hot... it's not really necessary for hot water.

    i was washing some dishes as i lived with some folks in bangkok, and i gotta say it was first annoying that the greasy dishes were harder to clean, but after the 2nd wash, the grease was gone. i don't really use hot water here in the states to wash dishes normally unless it's really cold and my fingers a freezing up. i really see the warm/hot water as a warmer, not a killing bacteria factor. as long as there is soup, dish washing detergent, with some lemon scent... i'm good to go.

    and i agree with many, the tap water comes out warm over the summer months... unless u're in chiangmai when it gets really frosty, i don't think u need it in bangkok when it's like 90 degrees fahrenheit. also while i was in the rural, i have to admit i was getting cold to shower in cold water, but it was the matter of just pouring the bucket on myself over and over to get used to the cold water, and i was just fine.

    and besides, thailand see utilizing hot water is just a waste of power and energy, you're not helping the country by consuming more energy which the country is trying to save.

  9. i blame the television, all these ganster movies etc etc, i think it does effect a person if brought up watching them with an unstable mind, its becoming a trend its happeneng more and more all over the world, i personally agree with the death penalty as its the only way other potential killers will learn and fear. Jail for life just inspiers some people, sorry for the spelling;o

    Why do people still blame television for the negative actions of others? That would mean that possibly mentally handicapped people, who could be considered to have an unstable mind, are a force to be dealt with someday because they happened to watch a Tony Jaa movie, or the Godfather, or Die Hard, blah, blah ,blah... People do the things they do for their own reasons, i.e. illicit drug use, too lazy to get a job and its easy money, or whatever. He thought he picked a couple of 'easy targets'. I am willing to bet though it was to support some kind of drug habit and the person can not hold a job down. Its petty theft this man did with a capital crime added to it. He may have also panicked too if the women challenged him. He had the mental capacity of getting a weapon to do the crime and I bet it wasn't his first time. It just ended tragically for the victims, their families, and his family, and for the heck of it, I'll add him too because now he is about to loose his life for what? Greed? A quick fix?

    So, I strongly believe television had nothing to do with it...

    wow, i was thinking the same. nicely put.

  10. i just came back from thailand a few weeks ago. got thru to chicago, they checked a bag out of the 3 i had. looked at some stuff, smashed a few things as they carelessly shoved it back in... got thru no problems. i brought back a luggage full of clothing, a small bag full of jewelry [costume jewelry: i.e. chanel, dior, etc.], some other small wooden goods. nothing got confiscated, i just declared broad information such as: clothing, jewelry, gift gave a random price. got thru just fine.

    last year, same time, i came back with 5-6 designer knock off bags. i came thru detroit, nothing was searched. i got thru fine.

    however, i don't know the circumstances of other airports, so good luck.

  11. There's a big difference in bringing in personal items, as opposed to new stuff, still packed in it's original packaging.

    Nobody lugs his laptop or their camcorder around in the original cardboard boxes and bubblewrap :D

    So basically, anything which just looks like ordinary practical used things are left alone.

    I've never seen any body's laptop taken out of it's carrying bag with a customs officer trying to convince you thats it's a new device and you are trying to import it without paying taxes!

    It's a bit of a different story for Thai nationals returning from their Hong Kong or Singaporean shopping trips. They get checked over pretty good by customs since they are not visiting tourists taking whatever they bring in back out again!

    Normally the only way they are allowed to bring stuff in over the duty free allowed amount is by proving that they bought it in Thailand and are merely brining it back in...

    no no, i'm talking about i'm bringing a brand new laptop over, of course i'm not going to bring it with the box and foam, but it's new, i'm afraid they might catch that it's new and charge me.

    additionally, i'm bringing loads of clothes, brand new with tags, after reading this i think i might want to untag all? they're all gifts and souvenirs from here that i want to bring back for people i know there. or possibly mix and put my undies on top of the clothes so they don't check it? :o

    edit - spelling

  12. Where in the world can you park your car in neutral and nobody damages it?, where in the world you can have a water festival and people only throw water?(an image how dangerous would be to do the same in "developed" countries), where in the world a girl can go home after midnight alone and get there safe?, where in the world you do not listen everyday of homes broken and car stolen?......safety is another great thing in Thailand.

    hmm are we talking about the same country? i felt we were talking about paradise there for a good milisecond. :o

    well, i'm not a guy and i like thailand because it's thailand. carefree. well...besides minor dangers and getting ripped off but it happens anywhere. :D

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