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Everything posted by catinthehat

  1. Can we get 60day extension after each 90 day Non "O". Or is it 1x per year?
  2. Thanks Tod- 1. Penang answered No 1yr ME. 2. I emailed both PP noted contact emails. Both bounced back 3. Waiting in Hanoi response. I will try HCMC. And others. Does it help to use an agent and do a border run and to assist with appointment? Or must applicant do this? I'm often not here long enough to wait for an extension (waiting period).
  3. Dr Jack. Apologies as I meant to exclude Sav as the new 14 day advance window for making appointments seems to fill up quickly. Any others?
  4. Which ThaivConsultes in SEA still issue the Non-Imm "O" 1 yr, ME (Thai marriage) visa? I am emailing Thai SEA Consultes with few responses. Thanks in advance for advice.
  5. Apparently the Thai Embassy website in Vientiane only offers a Non-Imm "O" visa (Thai marriage) for 90 day single entry. Has anyone ever received a 1 yr ME from Vientiane? Also, is the reservation system up and running for Savannakhet Th Consulate? Has anyone used it? Is there a limit of applicants per day? I presume Sav. Is still processing Non-Imm "O" marriage for 1 yr ME with (seasoned or not?) funds. Thanks for any intel.
  6. Apparently the Thai Embassy website in Vientiane only offers a Non-Imm "O" visa (Thai marriage) for 90 day single entry. Has anyone ever received a 1 yr ME from Vientiane? Also, is the reservation system up and running for Savannakhet Th Consulate? Has anyone used it? Is there a limit of applicants per day? I presume Sav. Is still processing Non-Imm "O" marriage for 1 yr ME with (seasoned or not?) funds. Thanks for any intel.
  7. Damn, today I saw that the fellow just reported that 400k does NOT have to be seasoned. That's the definitive report I was looking for. Too late now. Fly tomorrow. Next time when the 90 day is up. Unless I leave first.
  8. Nothing definitively points to seasoning required or not. I travel next week and can deposit the funds this week and get my banks letter if seasoning not required.
  9. I would like confirmation on whether the 400k has to be seasoned to apply for Non-Imm O Thai marriage ME visa in Savannaket? Does Vientianne also offer the same visa in 3 month or 1 yr increments? Thanks in advance.
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