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Posts posted by Irishrogue

  1. On 6/1/2021 at 8:40 AM, Samui Bodoh said:
    The purely medical reasons (above) alone are enough, or at least should be.
    Other reasons, if needed.
    • You won't emit a disgusting odor everywhere you go.
    • You won't endanger family, friends and strangers.
    • You won't spend hours a day ensuring that you have your smokes and lighter with you.
    • You won't anger neighbours with the second hand smoke.
    • You'll enjoy food and drink more.
    • You won't have to hear people telling you how bad smoking is.
    • You'll save thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of Baht.
    • You won't have an ashen, pale, sickly looking visage.
    • You'll be able to live your life without worrying about a 'Monkey On Your Back'.
    • You won't cough up phlegm during intimate moments.
    • You'll be able to watch a long movie without having to leave halfway through to kill your cravings.
    • You'll live in a place that doesn't have smoke particles imbedded in the furniture.
    • You'll perform better in the sack.
    • You'll avoid those horrific 'Smoking Rooms' in airports.
    • You'll pull more chicks
    • You won't spend all your time wondering if you have enough smokes on you.
    • You 'll be able to climb stairs without gasping for breath.
    • You won't have 'yellow fingers' anymore.
    • You be able to spend money on fun stuff instead of addiction stuff.
    • You likely won't die hawking up sputum in a grimy hospital bed. 
    Have I missed any?
    It can be done; Good Luck!

    I certainly cannot disagree with many of your points highlighting the negative effects of smoking as I was on and off a smoker. But I never had difficulty running up or down stairs I never had stained fingers nor did I ever smoke in my home. But I agree wholeheartedly about the smell even though it never prevented me from mingling with the opposite sex in the numerous countries where I have lived. I have not smoked for 7 months and hope not to ever smoke again but who knows I stopped for 13 years before. I am 70 this month and still run up the stairs without much effort.

  2. 5 hours ago, keith101 said:

    LOL,LOL,LOL they really dream big don't they delusions of grandeur . 1 million they would be very lucky to get 1 thousand and what exactly do the expect them to spend 100,000  on every single month , cmon time for a reality check .

    Well I seem to have lived outside reality for the past 18 years, I have had no difficulty spending 200k/month 4 children house payment utilities care payments x 2 and general expenditure, it was not that difficult although regrettable at times and for that I received nothing from the gov, that also does not include the millions of USD in business that was brought into manufacturing companies in Thailand. 

  3. 12 hours ago, WineOh said:

    morning all,

    today's anecdote is about the time I bumped into a gentleman in a restaurant in downtown Hanoi.

    He was a middle aged man and I was a young sprog who just moved to asia.

    at that time I was a free agent and was still looking for a place to settle.

    He was dressed well and seemed like he knew the ropes so I decided to strike up a conversation. 

    Turns out he was from Cornwall and had just moved to Vietnam after 33 years in Thailand.

    I pumped him for info all night and some of what he told me shocked me a little.


    I had just visited Thailand for the first time at that point and had a real blast,

    I was still well into the 'honeymoon' phase and hadn't (at that point) heard anything even remotely negative about the place.

    that evening, all that was about to change.

    I asked him why did he leave Thailand?

    It took him a while to answer but finally he did.

    what he said was that living in Thailand for 33 years had turned him into a misanthrope.

    he was now avoiding all contact with people and only talked to me as I reminded him of his son.

    He asked me what was I doing all the way out here when I should be back in the UK playing footie with the lads and chasing tail

    I told him I was after some adventure that back home could not offer me.

    he said that's fine, but please don't make the same mistake that he made. 

    He said have fun, fill your boots but do not live there.

    No good will come of it.


    At that time I thought he was mad, which he may well have been.

    But his words now have some resonance with me.

    He may have been right.

    I have myself noticed a marked change in my personality since moving here and my attitude has certainly changed towards locals and expats alike.

    I used to be warm and fun to be around.

    Now I'm aloof and a bit miserable.

    People annoy me very easily and I hardly ever smile.

    Not sure if that is a direct result of Living in Thailand or just getting older.

    but it sure is interesting as I seem to be heading down the exact same path as the elderly man from cornwall.


    Do any of you have similar experiences as myself or the man from cornwall? 

    I was oblivious as to what you were going say in your post but having read it I have to agree. I to was happy and gregarious now I am morbid most days after 20 years here.

  4. 11 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    So your obtaining a 12 month extension based on retirement? Marriage? 

    Using what method. Income or money in bank?

    Reason I ask is that if it's retirement using money in bank then it's simple and pretty much bullet proof regardless of where you apply.


    11 hours ago, Liverpoolfan said:

    So, i have recently moved to Nonthaburi from the big smog but thought it would still be ok to do my visa at CW.


    so went there yesterday fully prepared, waited 8 hours for document check, all fine.


    waited another 20 mins to see the IO who then tells me I have to go to the Nonthaburi immi office to renew my visa.

    now, over the years I have heard some horror stories about this particular office and was wondering is it an absolute must that I go there? Is it as bad as everyone says it is? Can I go to the Nakhon Pathom office or not? Where would be the best place for me to go and renew my visa? 


    thank you in advance. 

    I have been using Nontaburi Immigration for years and to date have never had a problem I am currently on a Retirement visa with funds deposited in a Thai bank. Prior to that I had a WP and proceeded accordingly. I have heard the stories and yes some of the staff were moved but in my case there has never been any problems and or issues. Many times on 90 day reporting I have been in and out within minutes.

  5. 7 hours ago, newnative said:

         Good questions, for which I have no answers.  I've told the story of looking at a bank-owned condo. It was on the lowest floor of a seaview condo project so had the worst seaview.  And, unfurnished, vacant for years, and in need of some repairs.  Price?  About the same as identical higher floor furnished units with much better views.   Fast forward several years and I am now living in the condo project in a different unit and I can see the still unsold unit sitting empty and unsold every time I go swimming.  Why not price it at a true bargain and get it sold and off the books?

    I know of a few couples who borrowed way in excess of the property value and included the kick back to the lender if they default there is no way the property would be good value and I am sure that is common here.

    • Like 2
  6. 12 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    Painting the outside of your own house is much more "dangerous" in a "working w/o a work-permit" context.  A neighbor with a bone to pick could call that in, and at least stir up trouble. 


    But you sitting in your home typing on a keyboard - working on a system thousands of miles away via a secure data-connection, with your income being paid into an overseas bank-account?  Not a problem. 


    If you had to leave Thailand (for Cambodia, Vietnam, etc), you'd still have the job - not a Thai - so no Thai-Job is affected.  The job has literally nothing to do with Thailand, any Thai person, or your presence in it.


    OTOH, you spending your income from that job here does benefit Thais and Thailand.

    I live in a village with many senior Government officials including Police, Army, Air Force and paint my home many times and do lots of work and no one has ever said anything other than comment about me doing it in the heat. 

  7. I have bought and sold my previous cars to both Thai and Foreign buyers. The last one was in Nov last year to and American. My wife and I took them to the relevant Department in BKK in the Chatachuk area and there are agents who for a few hundred Baht will deal with the process on your behalf. We had to wait for a few hours in a local Mall and the process was completed without issue. You will though need as stated by a previous poster to have a Certificate of Residency from whatever area of Thailand you reside. If you choose to buy from a dealer then they will also deal with the transfer provided you have the correct paperwork and pay for the process which is not much in the scheme of things.

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  8. I have 4 children in Thailand, they are from 16 years old down to an 8 year old I am legally registered as their father and at no time was I required to provide DNA evidence. I did not have a work permit when the first 2 were born but did for the last 2 and the only document I had to provide was my passport. After the birth it was then my wife who took care of all the necessary documentation but again only my passport and signature, which I assume in your case can be dealt with if even required via email. 

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