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Posts posted by Lemmy

  1. Yes yes "were going on the piss" this how we say it in the uk but in Oz they call beer; piss, don't listen to chili as he musn't get out to often. In Oz they definitely say "let's go and drink some piss!" or "<deleted> I drunk a shit load of piss last night mate!" mad I know but there you go.

    Aussies = piss drinkers.

  2. Another funny one was when I asked my Aussie cousin if he fancied a brew - "Awe shit yeah!" He looked disapointed when I fetched him his cuppa. :D

    Oz: Brew = Bong.

    Cheers Lemmy, I'm learning a lot today :o

    Are you taking the Michael?

    Uk: Michael = mickey = mickey bliss = (cockney rhyming slang) piss. :D

  3. Sup as in "supping" (an english expression) it means to drink.

    "I've got the shit's!" an Aussie expression which means I am upset, I could never get used to this one and yeah in Oz, piss = Beer.

    Having spent most of my life in Oz I have never heard of someone saying they are going to sup some piss. I do understand what it means as I speak both English and Australian and understand American. :o

    Yes chili I did notice, I was merely translating for the benefit of others. Another funny one was when I asked my Aussie cousin if he fancied a brew - "Awe shit yeah!" He looked disapointed when I fetched him his cuppa. :D

    Oz: Brew = Bong.

  4. Aussie slang makes me piss!

    "Awe man have I got the shit's! I'm off to the pub to sup some piss mate!"

    What the h3ll does sup the piss mean??? I have never heard anyone say "sup" (Except in America as a shortened version of Wassup).

    You can "get on the piss" or maybe "hit the piss" both of which will leave you "hangin' for a piss" so it'll be off to the bog for a quick slash.

    Ok, sup as in "supping" is more of an english expression, it means to drink but When I was in Oz I heard "let's go and drink some piss mate" pure times. I could never get used to it, nor could I get used to the expression I've got the shit's (which means I am upset/having a bad day).. I mean you've got the shit's and your drinking piss, that is definitely not a good idea.

    Oz: Piss = Beer.

  5. Nothing to do with age just the grit wasn't there from the earlier stuff....and that latest Rocky.Yes he looks good but give me Sean Connery anytime at least he's got more character.

    I thought this aspect of the john rambo character worked well. He looked like he was thinking what the <deleted> am doing again? which is what we where all thinking.

  6. Yes...i'm probaly having a bad soup week....but whereas there is good food in Pattaya...I have little confidence in most (but not all) of the eateries that supply western food, and although we all like a dose of "comfort food" from time to time, in general I'd rather cook my own.

    PS - I did have real mashed potato at Seaview the other day!....real potato with no fingernails or hair!

    If there is one thing that Pattaya doesn't lack it is quality restaurants.. there's farsands of em!

  7. Hi Enyaw

    Thanks for the info. Sorry I got me dates wrong. I leave LHR on 9th and arrive the following day,then hop over to BFV on that day. I must be suffering from PREMATURE EVACUATION

    I know what you mean, I get that if I haven't flown in a while. Apparently if arrive too early you can get a massage around the lounge area and after that you should be good to go again:D

  8. Before the coup, here's how countries were ranked in terms of business friendly environment by World Bank:


    "For ease of doing business, Thailand ranks 18th out of 175 countries in the world." Malaysia was 25th in the world.

    "Thailand ranks fourth in the Asian region."


    It looks like Thailand have a few games in hand over Malaysia aswell.

    How many games are left does anybody know? I wouldn't mind seeing how this pans out.

  9. It's a case of damned if you do and damned if you dont for BA, do you leave her in economy where it'll obviously cause more concern/problems etc or move the body up front in first where there is more space and less people

    even though they have paid over £4000 for thier tickets :o Having said that surely there must be bunks or something what the staff use?

  10. IMO, old Lakey got off lightly as she is clearly a gold digger. If you lend a mate tenner and never see

    them again it's a good investment. £1800 on phone calls though? The silly <deleted> could have got return flights

    and 10 months in a nice condo for that? And lived quite hansomely off is pension?!

  11. In case you were unaware Thais are incredibly sensitive when it comes to personal hygene. Therefore as you both smoke why come here with your entire body, clothes and breath reaking like dirty ashtrays as most locals may consider that disgusting.

    It's true what you say about personal hygene, on a whole I've noticed Thai's take good care of their personal

    appearance no matter what class they may be considered to be but I wouldn't think the majority of Thai's would agree with a analy retentive fella like you though?

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