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Posts posted by Northswede

  1. Hi, been thinking of starting, or buying a small compony, but wonder if theres any way to be able to sign papers and such stuff if you dont have 2 million bath to start with, i know that that is supposed to be the requsit to get a WP, but i wonder about if theres some way around it?

    Also wonder what happen if i start w 2 millions, but run it at loss for first year, can u still get a wp the second year even though you dont have two millions that year, cause of the losses.

  2. Hi, I'm a 43 y.o. man from sweden. Have completed a B. of medicin a year ago, but not worked in that area. Dont have any expirience in teaching but would like to work in that area in Thailand. Wonder what the chances are that I could get a job (hopefully with WP and non I-visa), without doing TEFL, so to say, to see what it's all about before investing money and time. Of course I would settle for lower payment during the year or so that I try the work out.

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