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Posts posted by aslan612

  1. I met Kan about a year ago at a Buddhist temple in the U.S. while she was here teaching Thai language and culture in her time off from university. I visited her in November and just came back from Thailand a few days ago after a short trip to spend time with her again. During her stay in America she wasn't allowed to leave the temple and didn't get much of a chance to see what our life is like here. My position won't allow me to leave work every couple of months for a trip to Thailand and I would like to get to see her more often. We checked her visa and it was only for a single entry during a certain period of time and was set up by the university and temple so she'll have to apply again. I've heard from Thai people here in the U.S. that it is very difficult for a female to get a visa for tourism. Why is this? If I apply for a fiancee visa will the Thai gov. then allow her to travel here? If we get a fiancee visa because we can't get a tourist visa and do not get married while she is will she be allowed in again or will this only complicate things if we decided to get married in the future? Help, I miss her.

  2. what better place to post than a forum for women. i care a great deal for this woman and think a thai woman's perspective would be helpful in my decision making process. perhaps they have been in the same position and can give some insight. that's why i posted it here.

    Is this specific to the Ladies forum? Or is the original poster assuming this forum is about women?

    Give me a reason to keep it here, or it will be moved. This forum is for women, not about women.

  3. I have been to Thailand a number of times and have always loved the food, architecture, art, and many other things about the culture. Last year I decided to try and learn to speak Thai. Someone told me that the local temple had classes in Thai culture and that language classes were offered so I decided to take a look. The teacher was a very pretty Thai woman and all of our classes were one on one. She would teach me about her culture and I would teach her about America a few times a week. After about a month we began talking on the phone until she left to go back to university and finish her last year. I visited Thailand last November and we spent much of my time there together. She's wonderful. Inquisitive like a child, always joking around, attractive, educated, modest, respectful, and I'm happy to have met her. I feel sometimes like knowing me isn't good for her. I don't think it possible for me to move to Thailand though I do not dislike the idea of doing so. I just don't know that I could find a job. Her moving to America isn't a good idea because I want her to be close to her family. I want her mother to know her children. I think she would move, but I don't think she really wants to because she is very close to her family. I can't take that away from her. I've been planning another trip in the next few months, but again I'll have to leave. I'm not sure what to do about it. What I want for her most is happiness and it breaks my heart a little each time she says she misses me and asks when I am coming back to see her. I wish I could be there for her, but it seems so impossible.

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