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Posts posted by artbottomup

  1. I highly recommend getting a multiple entry retirement "OA" visa in the USA which is what I did. Upon arriving in Bangkok, you can then apply for a multiple reentry permit which is used in conjuction with this visa to allow unlimited departures from & arrivals to Thailand with no problem. It's a bit more costly to get a "multiple entry" visa & permit but it's well worth it if there's even a remote chance that you'll be leaving Thailand (e.g., for an emergency) & returnining within your visa period.

    The single entry OA visa allows you an initial entry & a stay in Thailand for 1 year. However, my understanding after checking with immigration is that if you leave Thailand within the year, your visa is no longer valid upon returning to Thailand regardless of your re-entry permit status. There is some debate about this but I'd rather be safe than sorry & have to restart the retirement visa process all over again. IMHO, the additional cost of a multiple entry is insurance of a smooth 1 year stay with any potential unplanned trips outside of Thailand. If you're deadset on staying in Thailand for 1 year without leaving, getting a single entry & saving a few $$$ is your calculated risk. Good luck...

  2. I also use the Kasikorn ATM to withdraw monies through my credit union checking account since neither charges any fees. My 2 latest withdraws this week of 13,500 baht each resulted in an exchange rate of 34.91 baht per $US. On May 7th, I got an exchange rate of 35.11 baht. For some reason, my credit union account gives me a little better rate than my HSBC account so there are slight differences amongst banks & credit unions. However, getting only 30 baht or so at today's rates sounds too low, hence, I'd be a bit suspicious myself...good luck...

  3. One word, "patience". I've been living in Isaan for over a year now & I've had to adjust my "USA" way of thinking & doing things to blend/survive. Even when things get frustrating (as they often do), I have to stop & reflect on why I wanted to retire & move here in the first place...it puts things in perspective. Thailand is a wonderful place & the people are often equally wonderful. Life is good so as the best selling book says, "don't sweat the small stuff..." Chok dee kup.

  4. Just wondered if anyone has an update on nightlife (if any) in Sakhon Nakhon or Nakhon Phanom? I've heard of a nightclub/disco(?) at the MJ Hotel in Sakhon Nakhon but can't confirm. I believe there's a club called Tawang Daeng in Nakhon Phanom. Names, locations & reviews would be much appreciated for my trip planning. Thanks much...

  5. I've only lived in Isaan for a year now having come from the USA. I've gone through similar frustrating situations (yes, I have ipStar). However, I often stop to remind myself that this is Thailand (not the USA or anywhere else) & regardless of all this, we made the big decision to live here...nobody forced us. Yes, there is a lot of crap to take at times, but let's not forget the reasons why we decided to move here in the first place. Hence, I've quickly learned the mantra, "The Thai way or the highway..." Our choice... Hope you get your car's AC fixed & hope ipStar becomes more reliable. Chok dee kup...

  6. Would anyone know if there is a direct bus service to get from Nakhon Phanom to Chiang Mai? It seems that airline options require backtracking to either Bangkok or Udon Thani first then heading to Chiang Mai. I would like to find a direct route to Chiang Mai & I'm hoping that there is a direct bus route.

    My wife, who is from Nakhon Phanom, tells me there is a bus that goes to Chiang Rai but not to Chiang Mai, sorry I couldn't be of more help.

    If you get the bus that goes to Chaing Rai you have to change buses in Udon to the one that goes to Chiang Mai. No waiting time in Udon both buses follow each other. Did it last year and it took 12-14 hours from Kusuman which is 50km closer to Chiang Mai than Nakhon Phanom, think it was about 500Baht.

    Thanks all. Sounds like the route to Udon Thani then changing bus to Chiang Mai is the way to go.

  7. Would anyone know if there is a direct bus service to get from Nakhon Phanom to Chiang Mai? It seems that airline options require backtracking to either Bangkok or Udon Thani first then heading to Chiang Mai. I would like to find a direct route to Chiang Mai & I'm hoping that there is a direct bus route.

  8. I'm thinking about buying a Motorola V3 RIZR Unlocked phone (quad band) & a LG Chocolate (tri band) phone for use in Thailand. The cost for the RIZR is about $230 & the Chocolate around $300 USA. Any thoughts on:

    1. Cheaper to buy in Thailand say at MBK in Bangkok? What do these phone cost in Thailand?

    2. Any problems with tri band phones working?

    3. Is it possible to take the Chocolate phone to a BKK vendor & have them install Thai characters for menu viewing? This would make it easier for my Thai wife to use.

    4. Other phones you'd suggest?

    Thanks much...

  9. I'm planning to move to That Phanom later this year & wondered if anyone could provide info on what options (dsl, broadband, satelite) & costs are available in That Phanom? I will be building a house there so I assume I'll have to get a landline from??? I'm hoping that I don't have to go back to the cave man days of dial up! Kup kun kup in advance for your help.

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