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Posts posted by jaede

  1. I dont want a company formation... Its too much money to sink in!!!!

    I just want to set my future wife a business that inproves her cred with the Embassy and if possible provide me a work permit so can help out in the business without being arrested for workin on no permit.

    But will check out the link... and thanks for the advice


  2. Hi

    I want to buy my future wife a small business or two, to give her an employment history for futue visa applications, for me to have a work permit(only coz read in news farang was arrested for sitting in a bar he owned with no work permit) and the 40K an month joint income thing for the visa.

    The 2,000,000 capitalisation thing is a bit rich.... what would be advised? Have read previous threads on this and didnt find them too clear, or maybe I just too simple minded :o

    Anyways advice is welcomed

  3. My experience of girls (Thai or otherwise) like to smile, like to have fun... Life can be taxing, work, health, families etc can take its toll on us all.

    I have noticed thai gilrs hate over seriousness so having a laugh a day does wonders for your love life and lowering your stress levels & blood pressure (although I am no Dr, just read it somewhere). Thai girls can be balls of fun... so if cant beat join em and laugh all the way to the bedroom... :o

  4. Me thinks this thread has been exhausted!! :D Hastings has struck a deal he is happy with... Right or wrong is for him to decide I guess... we should all just wish him the best for him and his bride... and move on to another topic :o

  5. I have only had one bas experience with a girl(non-thai) long long time ago. I have a very positive experience with my gf... As for my THB50k wedding, I am sure we will be very happy. My gf and her family are not using me and my wedding as ATM machine, nor as a ticket to a better life... Which means a great deal as they are a very very simple poor family.

    It shows their moral fibre and that they are happy in their simple isaan life and feel no need to fleece a farang to be happy.

    Anyways sincere good luck & best wishes

  6. "Love and do what you will" St. Augustine

    Hastings, Go for it and don't think about the money so much. Give what you can give and feel good about. I gave 500,000 baht and a bit of gold, but that's only about 2 weeks salary in my case. Don't compare with other people and copy them. Don't pride yourself on having the most expensive wedding or the cheapest wedding. Pride yourself in your ability to allow happiness in others and maintain your own.

    I understand, and can agree in principle with what you are saying... BUT!!! Farang in thai as we all know have to keep our eye open for scams... Especially when getting married. (i wont teach member with much more knowledge and exp. here to sucks eggs on this issue)

    If read this thread fully... The intial demands were extremely excessive even to the intial authors admittance.

    My words were meant to be cautionary

  7. You're as anonymous as the rest of us, cos whether you call yourself Andrew Hicks or Little Orphan Annie makes no difference if no-one on here knows you.

    Some usernames do identify the owners (initials, real names, service numbers etc), some are just a representation, like an avatar is. That's not necessarily hiding. It can be, but most of us are straightforward enough in our posts that we could probably be identified by people who know us. The majority of people don't know us however, so it makes no difference what name we use. November Rain sounds more interesting than my given name & it does say something about my likes & personality - more than my given name.

    Dear Mr Rain or can I call you Nov?

    Yeah, but the difference is that my name's really Andrew Hicks and maybe I'm famous. Have you never heard of Andrew Hicks? I've my good reputation to consider, you do realise, and because I've declared who I am, I have that to uphold. Clear identity seems to be desirable on a public forum and I wonder why this shadowy practice has developed.

    Oops sorry, maybe Novenber's a girl's name.


    I think Mr Hicks needs to chill out a bit!!!!! A name is but a lable. It doesnt make you a better person. Your action and your voice are what best respresents you, not your lable. Your name merely ids you... like the barcode on the frozen peas ids them as they go through the scanner at tesco.

    I am new here, and I feel that many people here are physically known to each other (more so in the local rooms.. ie Isaan, pattaya room etc) So there is very little hiding going on.

    Take of your blinkers, chill-out and chat to some of the nice people here and you might make a friend or two... or even learn something :o

  8. Why would you need a post paid mobile?

    Hmmmmm :D I would like one for extra services and for Global roaming meaning I can consolidate 3 mobiles into 2.

    But please no expansions on why :D !!! I just need to know how..... Please :o

  9. More good news, she apparently owns several rai of farmland, and has built a small western style house (yes, I will probably pay for some improvements (especially if I decide that I will eventually retire to Thailand) and I realize I will be up **** creek if we eventually part ways).

    Do you mean her ex-farang used to own (and now she does) several rai of land with the farang house :D ?

    Thats alot of money you are paying for a 'second hand' bride(no disrespect intended). :D No thai man would ever be asked to, and would never pay for this situation.

    But like others have said, if you have the money to blow and you dont care then throw it away. Next time you wanna blow a load of cash you'll never see again. Give it to charity at least it will go to good use!!!

    Good luck :o

  10. yes, I got scared from the precious post, but 20K as far as living costs is concerced is a good estimate. A generous estimate as well, but a good one!

    I get scared when people ask if 800k a year is enough :D

    I'm so glad I don't live anywhere near Bangkok or any one of the multitude of tourist traps.

    20k a month is more than adequate.

    And in response to a post from several days ago which has now probably been buried under the mire, we can clean the floors too for that sum.

    Hey dont knock bkk, :D I live in a new Farang condo that I rent, with ubc and internet included, eat 3 times a day with my gf, send money to mama in buriram, go starbucks or a nice coffee shop everyday... go to the movies regular etc.... and for a comfortable life... still get change outta 35k a mth :o

  11. Under Thai law I need to marry in the UK (I have been divorced less than 310 days, so can't marry in Thailand).

    Can someone confirm this. I thought you could get married quicker, if you got a note from the doctor saying the lady wasn't pregnant. Or does that rule only apply if the lady has been divorced for a short time?

    As for the ceremony in the village. It's a great day, big party (which you pay for :D ) people tie string around you and your mrs wrist, give you some money and give gifts to the monks (which you pay for :D ).

    The only down side is, if your like me and most farangs we can't sit like Thai's and my legs and ar5e where numb for hours afterwards :o

    Have read up on the divorce subject a fair bit and it seem fairly set that until 310days has passed then cannot register the marriage.

    My ceremony will have no party, only her mum, dad, aunt, and village elders (10people total)... pay 50K dowry no gold....

    So think have got of light

  12. I've bought her 2 phones. One was 1500 b. The latest was 4500 2nd hand and we traded in the old phone for 1000 b. She felt BADLY about me buying her the new one - because someone stole the old one out of her backpack at the BANK of all places...

    If the old phone was "stolen" how could you trade it in for 1000Baht? :o:D

  13. consider myself lucky - my wedding ceremony for the closest family and friends (40 pax) at my mother in law house was some 15k baht + 9k wedding rings, no special outfits, no pictures, a symbolic 1 or 2k dowry.

    that way we were able to build a house for us for the future retirement.

    my wife is a peasant with aristocratic maners, perfect english (no farang partner before) and she is not a young chick. I know she loves me not for the money

    Hi All

    This is like my situation.Whats the rush to get married??? why not build/set up a home/farm first??

    I have been asked to provide 150k dowry but my fiance and her family understands that all money I have,Ihave to work hard for and they DONT take the p*ss. Our Thai wedding will be modest but the House party we had last year was a blast.600 strangers dining/drinking 'on me'. START AS YOU MEAN TO GO ON HASTINGS. ARE YOU REALLY A WEALTHY MAN MARRYING A WEALTHY WOMAN becouse thats what your friends in Thailand think :o

    D the D (currently near Hastings,E Sussex)

    My gf and I, I will be paying 50K baht, no prty, no gold.... Again like others here nice family, no money hassels

  14. Hi all, please if someone knows, can i set up a basic Thai bank account on a non immagrant 'o' visa? I live in Bangkok by onut BTS station, if i could open one would there be a bank close to hear where i could do it? Any advice would be fantastic. Many thanks Chris.


    Bangkok Bkk seem to make life easy with just a passport and initial deposit. Immediate ATM card given etc. I think there is a branch somewhere near the end of Soi 81.


    BANGKOK BANK SUKHUMVIT, old me NO WORK PERMIT NO ACCOUNT!!! BANK OF AYUDHYA in Pattaya was helpful and gave account on tourist visa only, and SCB gave me an account when showed 1yr condo contract

  15. :D Don't fancy a break for a while from all this marriage lark? Getting back on the horse after only (less than) 310 days!

    Good luck :o

    Was seperated for a while, and I think the traditional values of her culture are important. Also her family has never been demanding of money, and the dowry is very low for a farang (50k Baht)

    So I am happy to do this for her to save face & have the respect of family and elders

  16. Thank you for that... My Thai gf mother wants us to have a ceremony in Nang Rong saying it would only be a ceremony, so was confused. :D:D

    Under Thai law I need to marry in the UK (I have been divorced less than 310 days, so can't marry in Thailand). I was seperated over 1yr before I divorced, but that doesn't count :o

    Anyways Thanks

  17. Embassies are not the most helpful in the world. 10yrs I was robbed lost my ATM card/Credit Cards/Money/PASSPORT... The British Embassy contacted my Bank to confirm i had money and arranged for a money transfer... All good until, the british embassy would not issue me a passport to collect the money transfer unless I paid for it first. BUT no money = no passport, No passport= no money. Some Embassies issue tempory 1yr passports for its stranded citizens so they can return home.

    The British embassy how ever could give a toss... If it hadn't been for a kind brit in the embassy lending me the money for passort so could collect my money. I would have been screwed.

    So don't doubt stranded travellers straight off.... Some embassies just don't care!!! :o

  18. thank u all :o

    i'm not in thailand, but am trying to buy one for a friend as a gift. i have another question...

    between DTAC & AIS, which gives a better deal for prepaid cards? i went to their websites but i can't decipher the thai words in the AIS one...although i think i managed to figure out that the DTAC one offers calls at 1? per min & SMSes at 5? per SMS...am i correct?

    thanks again. appreciate it heaps!

    I believe DTAC is the cheapest prepaid to use

  19. Hi guys,

    I have two passports. US and UK.

    I have about 7 days left of my 90 out of 180 days fo visa on arrival for my UK passport. I need 2 weeks in Bangkok.

    Has anyone any thoughts on using my USA passport that has not been touchd by Thai stamps before? Will this get me into trouble? Do they cross reference photos etc..

    Anyone done similar - Any advice would be appreciated.


    you can do it..... I did it with a UK & Aus passport no problem

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