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Posts posted by Tinkelbell

  1. Of course this operation was against international law. What should have happened was Obama getting on the phone to the Pakistani prime minister and inviting the Pakistani military to do the job.

    I think that's how they had been doing it the past 9 years but for some reason the targets kept escaping. :whistling:

    Yes, I agree, I often wonder why Bin laden always one step AHEAD of the game.

    How many $billions that the Pakistan has been milking from Washington by keeping Bin Laden alive.

  2. Where I live ( Tampa, FL) we got big thunderstorm and rain continuing for 2 days and nights, the lake behind my backyard swollens and the water starts creeping up on the yard toward my patio which is on a higher slope.

    Luckily, the rain stop last night and this morning Floridians were greeted with big-bright-blue sky gorgeous day.:)

  3. a51mas translation is pretty much spot on (had to smile at the "rat face" allusion in an earlier Post however but that's not entirely out of the ballpark!).

    That said - and this may only be a reflection of the educational standard of your Sister-in-Law (no offence intended) - her use of derogatory 3rd person terms referring to "Gary"

    for example:

    บอก ไอ้ แกรี่ว่า

    แต่ มัน ดูแก่ไปหน่อย


    Well, if he's your friend you perhaps should give him some insight as to the true feelings of his potential Partner in life.


    Patric, I share your sentiment.

    May I ask.....Are you Thai ? I'm Bangkok born and bred. You seem to know Thai language and its culture quite well. Same as you I also feel the level of education and social class of the writer of the letter from the way she composes and choices of words shr uses in her writing .

    In some way it reminds me I often heard among those daily paid workers or household helpers.

    If you're not Thai then a big hand to you, :clap2: you certainly know some Thai cultures deeper than some posters here.

  4. Ok, better than prior polluting planes, but still 'greewash' PR statement.

    It's like saying, 'if I dump five barrels of waste oil on your front lawn, that's better than if I dumped six barrels of waste oil.'

    People should think deeply, each time they consider taking a plane anywhere. Is it really important to make that trip? I don't take plane trips unless I essentially can't avoid it, because of the polluting factor inherent in every trip for every person.

    I agree with what you say. I have thought about swimming from Thailand to America every year, but I was concerned that my arms might get tired. I guess I'll just take the train from BKK to LAX, but I'm still confused as to what track that leaves from. I can't say I have ever gotten on a plane and rode it just for the "fun of it". Usually when I spend that kind of money it is important to take the trip.

    ThaiRich, just love your sense of humor. Thanks for a big laugh.:cheesy:

  5. May he rest in peace !

    I once had an opportunity was on the same ship with this lovely royal family when his older brother Prince Parhlavi got married to an Iranian girl from a diplomate family and they were on honeymoon on the SS Norway - Caribean cruise in the late '80s.

    Very impressed with their very exquisite manners.

    The way they carried themselves, the way they talked, their voice...etc that the way they were growing up in the royal palace.

    My deepest condolence to the Pahlavi family.

  6. Saw this gentleman once at the 4th of July celebration at the Coney Island. An easy going and a humble man, :wai: not an once of elegance inspite of being the Mayor of NY and many times billionair.

    That was quite oposite from Donald Trump, saw Trump at the book signing, this man was a jerk :annoyed: from the way he demanded some service from his entourages.:realangry: I felt bad for those who worked for him.

  7. Nothing surprises me at all after months of reading my local news ( I live in Florida) about loads of foreign tourists ( mostly from Canada, Europe, UK, SA) came to the USA to tour, to shop and spend their money. They all said the same......US is so cheap now..:D

    Some of them even came without their luggage, they would buy everything to fill up their newly purchased bags and flew homes with brand new merchandises. :P

  8. Been here over a decade. Never celebrated Christmas before, but this is the first year we have children.

    Would be unfair to them to simply ignore the holiday. You old curmudgeons can blast it all you want, but as the children are half farang, it is part of their heritage. They deserve to know and live the same myths and know the same stories that the rest of their peers will. When they are really young, it may be confusing, as they will be getting besotted by both Thai and Western narratives, but as they get older they will learn to differentiate between the two halves, and hopefully be at home in either group.

    So this year I finally went out an bought a tree, and lights and all those other Christmas gimmicks. And we'll buy gifts and place them under the tree, and open them when Christmas comes. No chimney, but we'll hang stockings over the charcoal barbecue. And we'll start a tradition for the young ones that they can remember even when they themselves are old curmudgeons. They're too young to remember this year, but there will be pictures for when they are older. Despite the fact that I am not religious at all, I'll even start taking them to church in a couple of years, so that they won't be totally ignorant of those myths either. Will prepare them well for when they go to visit their grandmother in the states as they grow up.

    Only thing I haven't been able to find is a printer who actually knows how to make greeting cards with a custom picture. I want to do this each year and place it in the scrapbook for them as they get older. Anyone know someone who is competent to do this?

    My best wishes for all you grinches and curmudgeouns out there, may you enjoy your moaning about all those jingles, and happy holidays for the rest of you. We'll be celebrating at home. The babies are almost sitting up now, so we've decided to introduce them to solid food for the first time on Christmas day. Should be a real joy.

    Agree with you 'gregb'.

    Your babies and Mrs are lucky to be in this warm, loving and high spirit of this household.

    Wish you & your family a happy x-mas.

  9. OK so now the terrorists can use children to carry bombs


    Nothing new about this.

    Have you seen the tape of ' Beheading by the terrorists ' ?

    Few years ago there was a VDO showing the 14 y/o boy doing the beheading on this Afghan journalist who the Al Qaida blamed that this unfortunate soul was a spy, working for the USA.

  10. What about Tata Young - I met her father once in a beer bar in Nana Plaza.

    Who? Paul?

    Surely you know better than to believe the tales of a guy you meet in a beer bar in Nana!?

    Love your answer...........quote of the week.

    Have a good laugh at some bloke making a fool of himself.:cheesy:

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