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Posts posted by quisie

  1. Most things are answered allready only some important thing is forgotten .

    This is no normal mosquito . It is way bigger then your normal nighttime mosquito and has a very distinct color . The mosquito have also very rare "working hours".

    The dengue mosquito is called a tiger mosquito since it is black with white stripes . You will recognise it if you see it . Chances are big that if you are in a dengue area that you will see the mosquito since it's effective hours are daytime !! and not nighttime. Going to bed with DEET reppelent does not help since you have it during the day . I've seen and been bitten by them many times and killed quite a few when i was in the southern part of Thailand . Luckily non of these ho bit me had bitten a person with dengue b4 ( read about how transmission of dengue ) .

    DEET is effective against Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes who, although known for their daytime activity are most prevalent at dawn or dusk. The best defence is to regularly spray exposed skin AND clothing (The mosquito can bite through clothing) throughout the day as well as night. As the Aedes aegyptti originally hails from cooler, mediterranean climates then a cool spell will not bother them. They are rapidly spreading to many areas of the world, including the Americas. This new research indicates that a mosquito does no longer need to feed off an infected host in order to transmit dengue.

    Hopefully the vaccine will be proven and distributed soon. Meanwhile, protect your home and ensure there are no breeding sites for them.

  2. Does anyone know what this little chap is?

    Photographed him in the garden last night, then later he jumped from here to the tree and then onto the wall.

    Apparently it's a Garden Fence Lizard, Calotes versicolor. smile.gif

  3. is there any other country in the world that does this? I know of none.............

    The Special Constables in the UK have this requirement of the nationality of recruits:

    You must be a British citizen, an EC/EEA national or a Commonwealth citizen or foreign national with no restrictions on your stay in the United Kingdom.

    Therefore, in UK at least, it is perfectly possible to be a police volunteer (paid) and not be either a UK Subject or an EU citizen. :)

  4. I use Good Tour and Travel, they start the pick ups around 6AM, usually clear Pattaya about 7AM. Meal at the casino, back in Pattaya by around 15:00. They do all the paperwork etc. Highly efficient They use 9 seater mini buses/vans and are very comfortable.



    There's an office in the city and one in Jomtien where you can book seats. The Jomtien one is a couple of doors down from the 711 by the Hanuman


  5. very sorry all, you must think me extremely rude just disappearing like I did.

    Just as I was swapping the wonderful information you gave me, we had those rather large puddles here that rather took precedence.

    The people I was travelling with are thrilled with the ideas and have, I think, got an excellent yet relaxed itinerary, unfortunately I shall not be joining them though.

    Very grateful thanks for all the help.

    best regards


  6. Equally important is: what are you interested in? Not much good sending you on a '1000 year old temple tour' if you want to play in the river rapids.

    Excellent question - I should've thought of that - doh!

    River rapids might be fun, but probably out of our league nowadays! I think we really want to see the real Thailand rather than just the touristy bits. Our tastes are quite varied though and would be equally enthralled by ancient ruins and spectacular scenery, people weaving silk in their villages to ornate temples.

    Having lived in foreign countries I know we discovered things that tourists rarely ever saw.

    Everything will be so different to us that I think we will just want to see everything we can in the two - three weeks we'll be there. Including any festivals.

    What we do not want are shopping areas/ nightlife or wild water rafting! But river trips and local markets are different.

    Thank you for your patience :o

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