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Posts posted by BudZumwalt

  1. :o

    Oh my dearest D80 I certainly hope not to offend you darling. I am certainly sorry for wasting space, tell me dear how much space you need? I hope you not getting upset, because I do not mean to up set any Asian ladies. Forgive me if I misspelled any words, since I was raised in a little third world country called Guyana, South American in Grove Village. Didn't go all that far in school back home, but Bud educated me in American and now I am an RN.

    As far as phone records go, I hope this man finds himself another lady. I have read some of these rather absurd postings and find that Thailand was much like my own country, lots of prostitution, males with many wives, it seems to be all the same in every poor county.

    I am the real Savitri Lall,

    PS: Buddy does not do my writings under my name, I do the writing for him while he is away at sea ... this site seems to have many private detectives, I suggest you all keep your day jobs of meeting bar girls and kicking Soi Dogs. Oh and another thing, Bud can spell very well, maybe it is the Thai governmental police on this site that cannot spell, or their translation software does not understand some English words.

  2. :o

    To M80,

    Who says, "I rest my case, your honour! "

    Well, I have seen a few of the ladies from Thailand, some seem almost presentable, I was wondering if your one of the some what attractive ones or not?

    I will now rest my case, Bud arranged to have my most recent photo put on the web site, so perhaps we can settle this, go to the web site, click on the resume page, scroll past Bud the nicest, most polite, well manner, gentleman I ever used to be married too and then view my photo, I have finally gotten around posting it as asked by many followers of this forum. I hope everyone is now satisfied. I as well hope some the put downs will end, and you start saying constructive things about each other.

    Savitri Lall

    See me at ... www.zgramyachtdeliveries.com

    I just do not understand why all you men cheat so much?

  3. :o

    To M80,

    Who says, "I rest my case, your honour! "

    Well, I have seen a few of the ladies from Thailand, some seem almost presentable, I was wondering if your one of the some what attractive ones or not?

    I will now rest my case, Bud arranged to have my most recent photo put on the web site, so perhaps we can settle this, go to the web site, click on the resume page, scroll past Bud the nicest, most polite, well manner, gentleman I ever used to be married too and then view my photo, I have finally gotten around posting it as asked by many followers of this forum. I hope everyone is now satisfied. I as well hope some the put downs will end, and you start saying constructive things about each other.

    Savitri Lall

    See me at ... www.zgramyachtdeliveries.com

    I wish you the best at the fest, and Buddy says it should cheer you up and make your more hospitable.

  4. :o

    To M80,

    Who says, "I rest my case, your honour! "

    Well, I have seen a few of the ladies from Thailand, some seem almost presentable, I was wondering if your one of the some what attractive ones or not?

    I will now rest my case, Bud arranged to have my most recent photo put on the web site, so perhaps we can settle this, go to the web site, click on the resume page, scroll past Bud the nicest, most polite, well manner, gentleman I ever used to be married too and then view my photo, I have finally gotten around posting it as asked by many followers of this forum. I hope everyone is now satisfied. I as well hope some the put downs will end, and you start saying constructive things about each other.

    Savitri Lall

    See me at ... www.zgramyachtdeliveries.com

  5. :o

    To M80,

    Who says, "I rest my case, your honour! "

    Well, I have seen a few of the ladies from Thailand, some seem almost presentable, I was wondering if your one of the some what attractive ones or not?

    I will now rest my case, Bud arranged to have my most recent photo put on the web site, so perhaps we can settle this, go to the web site, click on the resume page, scroll past Bud the nicest, most polite, well manner, gentleman I ever used to be married too and then view my photo, I have finally gotten around posting it as asked by many followers of this forum. I hope everyone is now satisfied. I as well hope some the put downs will end, and you start saying constructive things about each other.

    Savitri Lall

    See me at ... www.zgramyachtdeliveries.com

  6. :o

    To M80,

    Who says, "I rest my case, your honour! "

    Well, I have seen a few of the ladies from Thailand, some seem almost presentable, I was wondering if your one of the some what attractive ones or not?

    I will now rest my case, Bud arranged to have my most recent photo put on the web site, so perhaps we can settle this, go to the web site, click on the resume page, scroll past Bud the nicest, most polite, well manner, gentleman I ever yust to be married too and then view my photo, I have finally gotten around posting it as asked by many followers of this forum. I hope everyone is now satisfied. I as well hope some the put downs will end, and you start saying constructive things about each other.

    Savitri Lall

    See me at ... www.zgramyachtdeliveries.com

  7. :o

    Buddy sends his regrets that M80, his favorite forum chat partner is so ill and not feeling well, he says that your angle wings must of fallen for awhile. He hopes your brilliant imput will continue once again in the near future. He as said tell Dr. PP that Buddy realizes that the King of Joy is filled with Thai angles just like M80 and Kathe and yes your right there are more than just a few.

    Savitri Lall

    Oh, my updated photo will becoming to the web site www.zgramyachtdeliveries.com soon, it was just submitted to the web master for replacing the old one of me, the new photo will clearly show my facial features as well as other aspects of my shapely bod, Thai ladies take notice, you now have some heavy competition.

  8. :o

    Stay at the Watana Manion Hotel, find one just across the street, or walk to the corner, just south of One Stop Immagration, not more than 1/10th mile is another one, walk on down the road two or three more within a block or two, actually any street corner in that area, about 2,000 baht, 1-hour with body rub, the next hour with Thai lady hosting any positon of your choice, of course the connection is best made with her on top. After leaving walk bo legged home or catch a Tuk Tuk, the wind will cool you off, hot ladies, equals hot body, so cool it off.


  9. :o

    Bud has asked me to fill in every so often, while he has gone out to sea. He certainly has been so sweet since his return from Thailand. It seems the Thai ladies he met were very polite, beautiful, understanding, up town ish, had the highest morals, ethics above board. He noted Thailand has changed, the country had nothing going on other than a solid tourist environment, rumors of sex and red light districts are just rumors, it is no longer like that. The country is above board and so aren't the wonderful ladies. Highest morals he has ever seen. It said much of this was due to the effort of a few women named Kathe and M80. He always mentions them as the angles of Bangkok, with them on this forum the city was saved from sin. Bud now attends bible study classes each night when not at sea, church on a regular basis, he claims he learned this newer higher level and standard of moral living while staying with two Buddhist sisters in or around the outside of Korat. Bud is so sweet and so changed, it is like a dream come true.

    Savitri Lall


  10. :o

    Bud has asked me to fill in every so often, while he has gone out to sea. He certainly has been so sweet since his return from Thailand. It seems the Thai ladies he met were very polite, beautiful, understanding, up town ish, had the highest morals, ethics above board. He noted Thailand has changed, the country had nothing going on other than a solid tourist environment, rumors of sex and red light districts are just rumors, it is no longer like that. The country is above board and so aren't the wonderful ladies. Highest morals he has ever seen. It said much of this was due to the effort of a few women named Kathe and M80. He always mentions them as the angles of Bangkok, with them on this forum the city was saved from sin. Bud now attends bible study classes each night when not at sea, church on a regular basis, he claims he learned this newer higher level and standard of moral living while staying with two Buddhist sisters in or around the outside of Korat. Bud is so sweet and so changed, it is like a dream come true.

    Savitri Lall


  11. :o

    Bud has asked me to fill in every so often, while he has gone out to sea. He certainly has been so sweet since his return from Thailand. It seems the Thai ladies he met were very polite, beautiful, understanding, up town ish, had the highest morals, ethics above board. He noted Thailand has changed, the country had nothing going on other than a solid tourist environment, rumors of sex and red light districts are just rumors, it is no longer like that. The country is above board and so aren't the wonderful ladies. Highest morals he has ever seen. It said much of this was due to the effort of a few women named Kathe and M80. He always mentions them as the angles of Bangkok, with them on this forum the city was saved from sin. Bud now attends bible study classes each night when not at sea, church on a regular basis, he claims he learned this newer higher level and standard of moral living while staying with two Buddhist sisters in or around the outside of Korat. Bud is so sweet and so changed, it is like a dream come true.

    Savitri Lall


  12. :o

    Bud has asked me to fill in every so often, while he has gone out to sea. He certainly has been so sweet since his return from Thailand. It seems the Thai ladies he met were very polite, beautiful, understanding, up town ish, had the highest morals, ethics above board. He noted Thailand has changed, the country had nothing going on other than a solid tourist environment, rumors of sex and red light districts are just rumors, it is no longer like that. The country is above board and so aren't the wonderful ladies. Highest morals he has ever seen. It said much of this was due to the effort of a few women named Kathe and M80. He always mentions them as the angles of Bangkok, with them on this forum the city was saved from sin. Bud now attends bible study classes each night when not at sea, church on a regular basis, he claims he learned this newer higher level and standard of moral living while staying with two Buddhist sisters in or around the outside of Korat. Bud is so sweet and so changed, it is like a dream come true.

    Savitri Lall


  13. :o

    Yho D80,

    Your getting off base now this is all about phone numbers, so what is yours?

    Hey, when the old man is out to lunch, we are made for each other, I want you babe. You got those bed room eyes. Drop the boring life of Internet forums and take a ride on the wild side baby.

    I know you want my number just go to my site...


    See the new Buddy, far out!!! So cool, just like Super Dave, now their is Super Buddy

  14. :o

    I really got to confess, I have not been the same since my operation, those Thai doctors just did me in. My forehead is full of holes, the blood leaked down my forehead, over my breast implants, all the way into post operative new Thai virgina, down my hairy legs and all over my latest foot massage. Visit the web site and check the resume page, see what went wrong and only then will you all understand.


  15. :o


    Go to my web site, review my photos on the resume page ...


    Now tell me bro, wheres your photos.

    I am sorry if I offended anyone, Bud has been a bad boy, the Kingdom of Joy did it too him, he ran wild screwing everything in site, even a few soi dogs, then the beautiful rental wivies from his free web site, then onto the "Ladyboys", from there he upgrade his loves to the goats outside of Korat in the villages of the rurual farm areas, then onto the sisters, both of em. After all that he returned to civilization, America land of the free, streets paved with gold, sun and fun in the Palm Beaches, now just what kind of nice guy do you think Bud will be after all that PTSD. even his ex-wife pyschiatrist can't him.

    If your really Bud's friends you'll help him back to the guy he used to be. Show some understanding. Fix him up with D80 and Kathe......LOL


  16. :o

    Ghee whiz guys, my surgery went well, no slips at all. I thought you'd never ask. I was bum bumming right after surgery. Well, I came back the same day and made love till the cows came home, oh excuse me no cows in Bangkok, until the soi dogs came home. Most of those soi dogs will never come home, unfortunately women and dogs in Thailand have about the same rights.

    I guess that is about as unsensitive as it gets, right.

    Bud the newest soi dog

  17. :o

    What is even harder than that is trying to take a dump on one of those low rider toilets out in the rurual Thailand, you know out in hicks ville. I eat some hot stuff by mistake and had to dum my load at the same time, wow wow wow, oh wow, and well I dump so much water down my mouth, I had nothing left to pour into flush the toilet.


  18. :o

    OH no Dr. PP, your going to ban me? I though we were friends now, tell me Dr. what rules I been breaking this time? Well, guess I need to spend more time playing the forum politics, greasing the palms of the forum police.

    Yho D80, I really hoped we could be friends, you see even though your kind of boring and have all those upper class ideals, I still think you kind of get a kick out of reading about what you never had.

    Oh, before the non complient Buddy gets his vacation, look over the new Bud photos on the web site, you all know the drill, open site go to resume page.


    Let me know if you like the new non complient Buddy look.


  19. :o

    Actually I did attend some "Ladyboy" shows and had my girl friend and the "Ladyboys" waiting outside for photos, but never experienced one under the sheets. When I compare the photo of the "Ladyboys" and my girl friend, I must say the "Ladyboys" look better. So, I was wondering just wondering?


    Oh by the way got my photos up dated on the web site, just go to the resume page and I know someone is going to lift em and have the photos all over this forum.


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