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Posts posted by fabianfred

  1. If you have a friend who is already a forest monk then fine, go and be his pupil, or better still ordain as a novice and do so. I'm pretty sure that there are no age restrictions to being ordained as a novice and one has less rules to follow.

    I was a monk for two years but disrobed to look after my kids. I may yet ordain again when they are grown up but since i am already 63 I may have the same problem as you so might end up just being a novice.

    Nothing wrong with that, although many Thais ignore novices and prefer to make merit with full monks... which is OK providing that the monks are practicing as they should otherwise a more devout novice would gain them more merit.

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  2. Firstly, you can adjust the pressure by how hard you squeeze the trigger.

    I spray the wiping hand/fingers instead of directly up the hole..

    The hardest spray is good for cleaning shit which sticks to the sides of the bowl without needing the brush.

    The plumbing in Thailand uses small size pipes which will block easily so avoid putting paper down the loo.

    Paper is Ok for drying the wet bum.... but what do you think they put the tails on shirts for?

    In underdeveloped Countries without bum guns... I shit ... I flush ... I dip my hand into the clean wtaer in the bowl and clean up... voila!

    Makes one less lazy about washing hands afterwards....

    Why do you think few Thais bite their nails..?

    Story... I stopped wearing underwear 20 years ago. I used to enjoy riding a M/c on long trips and the undies got scrunched up and uncomfortable in the jeans/leather pants after a long hot sweaty trip. I read in a m/c magazine that a guy stopped wearing and tried it....great! ... Hang Free!!!

    Story ... I read a book about the Samurai times. Assasins were common. They probably handn't invented the U-bend then. So the thunderbox or a hole in the floor was probably the system used.... with trays to catch the fertilizer for the crops. Assasins had been known to hide under the loo and stick it up 'em whilst the man was in a delicate position. A warlord used to keep himself alert for attack at all times, and so he never left his pants around his ankles but always removed one leg. I do this also and it enables one to open ones legs wide and relax..... and I use the bottom of the pant leg to dry my bum with before putting them on as normal. In this climate after only a few minutes it is dry... much better than a damp bum area of the pants.

    Now I know why Thai think old foreigners, especially Brits, stink and avoid touching them.

    explain the logic underlying your statement ...??

  3. Firstly, you can adjust the pressure by how hard you squeeze the trigger.

    I spray the wiping hand/fingers instead of directly up the hole..

    The hardest spray is good for cleaning shit which sticks to the sides of the bowl without needing the brush.

    The plumbing in Thailand uses small size pipes which will block easily so avoid putting paper down the loo.

    Paper is Ok for drying the wet bum.... but what do you think they put the tails on shirts for?

    In underdeveloped Countries without bum guns... I shit ... I flush ... I dip my hand into the clean wtaer in the bowl and clean up... voila!

    Makes one less lazy about washing hands afterwards....

    Why do you think few Thais bite their nails..?

    Story... I stopped wearing underwear 20 years ago. I used to enjoy riding a M/c on long trips and the undies got scrunched up and uncomfortable in the jeans/leather pants after a long hot sweaty trip. I read in a m/c magazine that a guy stopped wearing and tried it....great! ... Hang Free!!!

    Story ... I read a book about the Samurai times. Assasins were common. They probably handn't invented the U-bend then. So the thunderbox or a hole in the floor was probably the system used.... with trays to catch the fertilizer for the crops. Assasins had been known to hide under the loo and stick it up 'em whilst the man was in a delicate position. A warlord used to keep himself alert for attack at all times, and so he never left his pants around his ankles but always removed one leg. I do this also and it enables one to open ones legs wide and relax..... and I use the bottom of the pant leg to dry my bum with before putting them on as normal. In this climate after only a few minutes it is dry... much better than a damp bum area of the pants.

  4. 2. Because it wants to go on the other side of the road

    bit simplistic that.... I think its trying to make a move whilst the farang is otherwise occupied with the baby.

    I am obviously walking in its direction and as we know chickens will always try to cross ahead of us and not behind... it is as if we are pulling a curtain behind us and if they don't make a dash for it they will never be able to cross once we have passed..... ( IMHO ).

  5. I shall have my annual rant... and get torn off a strip for it as usual.

    Lots of good stuff here... and lots of crap too. It's nice to see new faces contributing.... but try to remember... its for a calender!!

    Usually Calenders try to show the best which really fit the theme.....not out of focus happy snaps or holiday shots out of the hotel window.

    Try to think....is this worthy of a calender?

    I'm not pointing the finger at anyone and also not trying to say my contributions are any better than anyone elses.

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