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Posts posted by hotelier

  1. 100-200 people is not a big number so every 4-5 stars in Bangkok will be able to cater for you. Like others have said, what occasion? do you have a budget? themed party or just a place to eat drink and chat? cocktail party or sit down dinner?

  2. I think he stays here for too long and had learnt the Thai driving culture..just kidding

    I think your sister in law should get over it. I mean come on, the guy is 62 yo, probably will retire very soon. You don't have to ruin the remaining years of his life. Out of court settlement is the way to go.

    Don't ask for too much though, one Thai woman taking money from him is enough...just kidding again

  3. What is the cost of living in Vietnam compared to Thailand?

    if you live well in Thailand you will live well in Vietnam. However not many fancy restaurants, luxury goods available so actually you will find yourself spending less in VN

    What is the public transportation like?

    taxis are everywhere, cheaper and most importantly all of they use meters without being asked

    Are there grocery stores in Vietnam?

    now this is silly lol but there's no 7-11 in hanoi though.

    Are there ATMs in Vietnam?

    yes Vietnam is a third world country but it's not located in Africa.

    What is the nightlife like in Vietnam copmared to Thailand?

    many cool night clubs and pubs in Hanoi, some are even more expensive than here but you have to know where to find them (did you know Q Bar first opened in VN?). However those places are filled with rich locals, not many farangs around. Farangs tend to gather around pubs in the Old Quarter (hanoi) but then the only locals you will find there are either prostitutes or gays.

  4. I can't speak for housing and utilities, but my experience over the years in Hanoi, HCMC and other cities is that food, meals and general costs of living remain distinctly lower than Thailand.

    In Hanoi you can buy draught beer (Bia Tuoi) for 1500 dong a glass - about 10 cents USD. Of course the beer is made from rice and you have to drink it in the street sitting on a plastic stool. The locals call it 'bia co' or grass beer! Lots of foreign English teachers drink it over there (especially around 'beer corner' in the old Quarter.)

    trust me when I say you wouldn't want to drink that 1500 dong draught beer, you will have a major headache the next morning because of its low quality. Even the locals don't drink that stuff..okay maybe motorbike taxi and cyclo people. A good vietnamese draught beer starts at around 4000dong. And anyway Tiger or Carlsberg is only around 1-2USD/pint

    Food is as cheap as here. Transportation is also as cheap even though not as convenient since there's no sky train. however the bus system in hanoi is better than Bangkok. Nightlife can be a bit more expensive than Bangkok at certain places however if you're not into clubbing then that won't be a problem.

    Accommodation varies alot but I'm sure with just 10,000 baht you can rent a private house. My friend paid 500USD and he gets a 3 storeys house near the West Lake

  5. they have no business coming to bangkok to cause trouble protesting and destroying public property. better to let the educated people incharge do what their jobs are to do: govern and rule the land. pity. my thai chinese wife said it best "back to your province."

    I don't think I could have summarised the position better myself.

    you sound like the father of the guy with the Benz that mowed down innocent people. Who are you to say who is educated and who is not?

    and by saying your wife is thai chinese, are you trying to say she's more educated than the average thai and does not live in "province"?

    ps: nothing against thai chinese as my gf is one of em

  6. I'm proud to say Khun Bunyart Buntuttarn, Khun Prachuab Chaiyasarn and Khun Suthut Ngernmeurn were my classmate from TU, still in -touch and seeing them everytime when I come to BK. :o

    This friendship has last over four long decades. :D

    who are those people again?

  7. I've always been in 2 minds about the whole wai'ing thing.

    I don't wai. Simple as that.

    I like a good firm handshake.

    That is my culture.

    Sure I'm a guest here, but that doesn't mean I have to check my culture at the door and do everything the local way.

    same here. I don't wai. None of my Thai friends (in their twenties) wai at me and if my staff/colleagues wai at me I would just nod or bow very slightly (for really older people)

    Also notice my staff all wai differently, the position of the hands, the body angle...

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