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Posts posted by PhilC

  1. We no longer allow links to huahinnews or to their rival forum, but I think I will let that one stay, unless the newspaper objects.

    The Hua Hin Forum and the hua hin news as posted in the jpg above are two completly different media outlets with no connection whatsoever. I'm sure the newspaper will not object, but I think you'll find the Hua Hin Forum will about your misleading association between the two.

  2. This lizzard has woke me up maybe three or four times a night for the last week. It's not really bothering me too much yet, but I know it will eventually.

    Last night I got the tourch out and spotted it on the outside wall close to the eaves of the roof. It measures about 10 inches in length, is green and has yellowy orange spots. It screeches about the noise level of a saw going through alluminium. It makes a sound like UGH OHH, and always five times.

    Is it trying to attract a mate?

    Or making a territorial claim?

    At least I now know where the dollops of white s**t I have to clean up every day are comming from. I suppose the fact it is making the mess means it's a least eating other nasties I might be plagued with if it wasn't there.

    A good thing to have around or not?

  3. I am using a dial up system at the moment. Can anyone recommend a good broadband service in the Hua Hin area? Is wireless a good option? I would like to be able to sit on my rooftop balcony and access the web on occasion, nice shaded area, gentle sea breezes, as it is just so peaceful up there. Sitting indoors in this climate just doesn't seem right, I wouldn't want to loose much speed for the wireless v broadband option though. Dial up using csloxinfo is OK for the time being, but very very slow.

  4. gee an teung supermarket on the left over the railway tracks have a good selection of imported foodstuffs and also sell hua hin ham and bacon products.

    tescos fruit and veg are relatively pricey and the choice is not always up to much, local markets offer better stuff at better prices , and golden place supermarket near the palace have organic fruit and veg.

    50 yds south of golden place is baguette bakery selling good bread and cakes, tarts and buns and a small selection of cheeses

    The Ham and Bacon shop, Bread shop and Golden place are all quite close together and only a five minute bike ride from where I'm staying.

    Golden Place, good fruit and veg, many european vegetables aswell. Great selection of Salads, many types of Lettuce, big beef tomatoes etc. This place seems popular with the Thais, (is there a connection with the King and this shop?), many upmarket Thai branded groceries, a little western food, pleasant shop.

    Bread shop, very good crusty white bread, not sweet, baguettes, loafs, buns and cakes, quiches etc.many styles and baguettes at 18Bht a stick, very good value.

    Ham and Bacon shop, a little treasure trove of western branded foods. Lot's of things I've not seen even in Villa or Foodland. - Robertsons Jams, Sharwoods Curries, Coleman's Sauces of many types. Got myself a really nice Argentina Rib Eye, pricey but the best steak I've had in a long time. Basically a freezer shop, lots of meat from every country, all butchered out to every available cut you could think of. Busy shop too, many expat customers while I was there. Got a few pies to try and some bacon a sausage for breakfast tomorrow.

    Thanks November Rain and Taxexile for the info, life in Hua Hin is going to be a lot more pleasant. If I find anymore little gems here I'll update you all.

  5. Excellent thread, all Newbies should be directed to read this, especially if they have just settled here.

    Only been here for a while, but already taken to walking the beach at 6.am. (tide permitting). Stopping off for fresh coffee at the end of my walk, sitting chatting with the locals, all friendly and smiles, then turn around and walk back down the beach home again.

    Love it, start the day feeling like I'm living in Paradise.

  6. Hello everyone. I'm new to this site also.

    Living in Hua Hin, not a great deal about the area on the site, but I have found some useful information already.

    Site wide there is a huge amount of information about Thailand, culture, laws, experiences and so on that I've not needed to post that many questions, just read, search and I've found pretty much what I've needed to know. Excellent site for info.

    Only been living here a short while, hope to contribute more as I settle in and gain experiences of actually iliving in Thailand as opposed to being the tourist/traveller I have been for the last ten or so years. There is a big difference between the two, I have realised that already.

    Keep up the good work, many thanks


  7. Thanks also November Rain (great track by the way), I'll check a few of these places out tomorrow if I can find them on the map I've got.

    Where are the Ham Bacon & Meat place and the Minit Farm situated? Could do with finding a place that has good steak for sale, and I always like to have fresh fruit in the house.

  8. Just moved to Hua Hin 3 weeks ago. Going to stay about a year to start with. Been coming to Thailand for about 10 years now, just retired at 50 and thought that I would take a year out and experience Thailand as a long stayer. See if it suits me before deciding to make the big plunge.

    Rented a nice house with a sea view (18,000 Bht a month) got my telephone sorted out, motorbike (and Good helmet) and busy searching all around the area to find all those special places most expats keep secret. Food is important to me as I have an allergy to shellfish, so I have to be carefull when eating out. Tesco in Hua Hin isn't really anything special, still, I can always continue to shop in Bangkok, I'm there every ten days or so anyway.

    I really like Hua Hin, been here three times before as a tourist, thought it would make a good base to spend my year. Hope to meet some Hua Hin members at some time. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions to ask about the town as I get more settled. No problems so far though.

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