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Everything posted by dougieboy

  1. Just a word of warning to anyone who thinks safes in hotel rooms are actually secure, if you forget the number you set when you locked it, virtually any staff member knows the procedure to open it. Therefore this knowledge is only as safe as the integrity of anyone who has worked in a hotel (and their friends) My advise, either give your valuables to the hotel manager to put in his safe or use a safety deposit box if available. Or try not to have too large an amount of cash or gold. safe travels everyone
  2. I think iPhone 16 is not available until 20th September
  3. Never mind dear, you will benefit from this (bad) experience and it will leave you better equipped to deal with these matters in the future. Hope you get home soon, then, move on. Good luck
  4. "Catch me if you can.........." Smart!
  5. Wonder how many offences went unpunished over the last 30 years in Thailand? never mind the justice system in the UK will take real good care of him, shame he hasn’t been jailed in Thailand
  6. I don’t hold any sympathy for her. She knew how high the risks were and decided to take them. She is very lucky to still be alive lucky on many counts she was lucky that the death sentence was reduced to a prison sentence. She was lucky that she was able to serve some of her time in an Australian prison. She was lucky she didn’t commit this crime in the Philippines as she almost certainly wouldn’t have survived. I hope all this good luck wasn’t wasted, Hopefully now you can spend some of your time advising others not to go down the same road you went down
  7. I think, if you visit a restaurant and the food and service is of poor quality then you should have every right to leave honest reviews without fear of prosecution. However, if you leave poor reviews about a restaurant simply because you’re upset that they’ve revoked your right to use their right of way then I’m sorry you deserve everything that’s coming your way. You should’ve just sucked it up
  8. If you have 36 qualifying years you are entitled to your pension, you’ve earned it. so for them to then freeze it just because you choose to live elsewhere is nothing short of criminal. Time for change but don’t hold your breath!
  9. Intentional, unintentional, no longer important…… absolute tragedy! To the gunman, “go back and face the consequences of your actions” RIP little innocent child. 😭
  10. Did this boat not have those self inflating life rafts? I guess not as surely they would have begun evacuating the boat minus 1 or 2 crew members. Did they even carry enough life vests for everyone? Oh dear, making money seems to be the number one priority again.
  11. Immigration people are already not happy people 😜 so you deffo gunna piss them off if you do it 😝 good luck 🤞🏻
  12. I think he should be deported but I doubt he will be, probably be someone in a position of authority who’ll take a brown envelope to set him free. vast majority of people can drink all day and night and get totally sozzled resulting in falling down, 🤭 being sick 🤢 and sleeping 😴. Then there’s that minority that become violently dangerous to all around them. We’ve all seen them. Time to get rid. Detain, fine, blacklist and deport.
  13. Reply to Impulse: You have a good point, however, I still stand by my argument and even in the “ultra regulated markets” as you put it, council regulated taxis are still fiendishly expensive and this creates a space, a space for competition, and competition drives innovation and in come the entrepreneurs with their modern fancy new apps. And I must add that a lot of Thai women don’t feel safe with the Thai cabs but feel safer in a Grab. But the real point I’m making is that Thai Meter Taxis are also well regulated but choose to defy those regulations. Personally when I’m in Downtown Bangkok I prefer to take my life in my hand and use the motorcycle taxis.
  14. The so called “meter taxis 🚖 “ who often don’t want to use meter are angry at the “Grab, Bolt, Etc era they find themselves in. Not surprisingly, however these new types of app based taxi wouldn’t exist had it not been for the greed of some (a lot) of the meter taxi drivers. The Taxi industry is like all others in that, if you are too expensive the competition door will open. It’s hard to find a solution when corruption exists at all levels and introducing a scheme which rewards drivers by giving them gold star badges just opens up another potential layer of bribery and corruption. I have visited Thailand every year for the past 15 years and finding the taxi who’s driver instantly says yes when asked to use the meter is year on year becoming increasingly difficult. 😞
  15. Good old banks ( the world over) Taking good care of our savings, they have to eat just like the rest of us.
  16. Hmm rather a lot of cash. Looked like he was in a hurry to get rid of the fake notes as he already had 200k in genuine TB. Must be quite good fakes to have fooled the operator at first. Time to pay for your crimes!
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