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Posts posted by jrbkk64

  1. OP, do you have a passport? You obviously have no idea about the culture of your future wife and somehow feel superior to her culture by demanding something a Thai would never demand. Of course you can discuss the topic with her but it is her, and ONLY her, decision to accept or not what the owner is offering her. It’s not your business and clearly you have no understanding at all of Thai work culture. Step back and let it happen. Stay out of it!!!!

    • Like 2
  2. I know Khun (Dr.) Chadchart personally since 2004. He is absolutely 100% a genuine guy and only has the best intentions for Thailand and its people. Obviously in the role he has today he has to deal with a lot of political nonsense.

    I have shared many a bottle of Opus One ( check it out, fantastic Californian red wine) with him and discussed his view on Thailand, corruption, Thai culture, etc., etc.

    Like most foreign educated well off Thais, he knows very well what is wrong with Thailand and he is one of many who are trying to improve the lot of ALL Thais.

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  3. Don't leave the house Cers, the world is a very dangerous place!! Come on don't be silly. Do you ever sleep in hotels? How would you know if the sheets, towels etc. have been cleaned properly?? Just go and enjoy. If the towel looks unclean than it probably is and you ask for a replacement or leave!

  4. Buckeye: NY Steakhouse is in the Marriott Hotel in Bangkok. I am sure your Uttaradit restaurant is ok, but surely it comes nowhere close to the BKK one.

    My vote goes to "Le Beaulieu". I think the food at Le Normandie in the Mandarin Oriental is at least as good however I prefer the relaxed atmosphere in Le Beaulieu.

  5. Estate Agents are only for dummies when it comes to your typical house/condo purchase in most parts of the world. Most if not all information needed to purchase properties, incl. recent selling prices, checking legal status, bankloans etc can be done by oneself with some legwork and research. Often the result is a lower price for either rent or purchase price.

    Just in the last 12 months I have bought twice, both in different countries. One will make 9.8% nett yield starting next month (1st time on the market in Thailand) and the other one in Europe makes 6% nett yield. No agent involved, just common sense and preparation.

  6. You could consider it overkill. However they would have to do a stool test and some others and it takes 3-4 days for a result. Without medicine you will probably suffer longer. Antibiotics and specifically Cipro kill bacteria like salmonella (needs 7-14 days of cipro twice a day). Untreated you can pass them on to others through food and contact and over the longer term they could cause al sorts of issues. There are many other bacteria associated with food poisoning and many of them need antibiotics.

    If you really want to know you should get stool tested at least.

  7. nasajsc: you seem awfully full of yourself. Why do you end up using your educational background and the size of your expat package as some sort of justification for your opinions, spelling or anything for that matter? You must feel terribly insecure about both yourself and your wife having to resort to these tactics on an ANONYMOUS forum!! Silly and childish.

    The OP has every right to do whatever he feels like and in this particular case many people would have done the same. Their motivations may differ; curiosity, physical attraction, wanting to know the truth, etc.. Why would visiting the Nana area make anybody worse or better than anyone else? Many offices in the area besides the foreigner oriented "entertainment". I wonder how someone so single and narrow minded could ever and up in a senior management role? Not in my company!

  8. OP : I would have done exactly the same as you did in the situation you described.

    Mr. PHD and others whose wifes/gf's would have a problem with what the OP did:

    wake up and smell the COFFEE ; your wife/gf does not trust you at all if such a minor issue (checking the truth of a story/rumour) becomes a reason for "CIA/SAS" style interrogation by the respective wife/gf!! If my wife/gf would react like that she would be out of the door immediately. No time for silly jealousy!

    Spelling CIA: i am not a native english speaker so don't bother

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