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Posts posted by beuaspam

  1. Does anyone else report spam to spamcop.net?

    Am I the only one?

    Glad to read that more people are taking the time to report spam.

    I can understand that people who have little time just delete spam. However, that will not reduce the ridiculous amount of spam, which uses loads of bandwidth, and forces ISP's to constantly invest in spamfilters thus making the use of internet unnecessary expensive.

    I report every spam to Spamcop.net. Moreover I send removal requests for the spammed domain as well as for the (ab)used name servers. For this I am using the Complainterator. I have noticed a decrease in spam since I started using it.

    However, the top criminal spammers (Rokso-listed by Spamhaus.org) are not happy with this approach.

    Their response is blocking the IP-address of Complainterator users; strange situation: you get spam, but cannot visit the spammed site directly. Using DomainTools it is possible to find out which site it is. That info is usefull to include in the removal request (besides including the full original UBE).

    It is a time-consuming approach, but, as spammers are more and more using hijacked pc's (botnets) it is a very useful complement to Spamcop.net.

    For information, see: http://www.spamtrackers.eu/wiki/index.php?...Complainterator

  2. I just noticed that I could not connect -directly- to the website of a (major) telephone company in the Netherlands, http://www.kpn.com.

    I had one time the same problem with this site -TV (about 1 week ago) - with Hotmail, and with the site of a foreign newspaper. All these blocks lasted only a few hours, but I don't understand why they are blocked at all (access IS possible).

    Anyone had similar experiences? And, anyone has any idea WHY such temporarily blockings of perfectly legitimate sites occur?

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