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Posts posted by mobiiart

  1. Hi, I just wanted to give another example to what's available here. I live about 2 hours north of Bangkok, and teach in a private school here. I make 25,000 bt a month, and have a 12 month contract. This is my first year with this school. I will make 30k next year. I also make anywhere from 5-12,000 extra a month during vacation time. I teach small 1-2 month classes in English, while the kids are on break. That is only an extra 20-30,000 bt a year, but it adds up.

    I don't have a degree, but I do have a TEFL cert. from ITTT. They seemed to be most interested in that. But please understand, that I am married, and my wife makes about 26,000 bt a month also, so this average wage is fine for us.

    Bangkok pays better, and the only real major expense difference is housing. Our house payment is about about 1/3 of what it costs to rent a house in BKK. But life in a small village is peaceful, and I am only a 2 hour drive from all the hooplah. Hope this helps.

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