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Posts posted by nucag

  1. what the heck , these people are dutch , why did they even think of going to thailand when they could go to Bali, did not their dutch freinds tell them about the fantastic dutch connections in Beautiful bali or dont they even read there own history books.

    Why would they even think of going to a dump like thailand , something fishy in this story

  2. about time , foreigners can get the proper visa , ie non immigrant , business , retirement etc , so long to those sleazy visa runs and the sleazes that use them

    No they can't. I tried to get an non immigrant visa in Vancouver Can. I asked specifically for it and told them that i wished to stay in the country for a year studying muaythai, massage, travelling around and a couple of side trips to neighbouring countrys..

    They specifically told me to just get a triple entry TVisa. Then when it ran out go to a neighbouring country and get another.

    Now midway through my trip they change the rules and I may not get that second TV because apparently i'm a sleaze, a bum etc.. which is a laugh considering most of the hollier than thou non bums on this board couldn't buy an apartment in the city where I own property.. whatever inslults make you feel better though.

    simple , fly down to singapore for the weekend do some shopping , have a nice meal , then fly back , whammo another 30 days how easy

  3. what a load of rubbish u guys crap on about , most thai guys cannot afford 180 baht day after day to go to sauna , and most farang can , so to get a mix of 50/50 farang / thai the owners put that policy in place , just common sense , and it will probaly be the difference between success and failure, just take babylon for example i have met a lot of thai guys who have not been to babylon just because its too expensive , so i think posters who post racism here are liars , i think they are tightwad money scrooges with nothing better to whinge about.

  4. thaksin behind it ( what a load of rubbish ) the religous group that dominates malaysia and indnonesia is behind all this, they want their religion to dominate the whole world by death dissaray,whatever it takes. well for my lot enough is enough . they should build walls and fences to keep them out of thailand, refuse to trade with them, as they have proved they want to drive us back to the tenth century or even back to the stone age. you will never ever win gainst them. just fence them out all over the world and let them solve their own problems over the next 1000 years.

    This is the most cowardly way of creating civil unrest and senseless violence: bombing!

    I wish their families of these bombers one day be killed the same way by someone they really do not know. Nothing else will make them understand the crazyness of their acts. How stupid, how cowardly... and what do they reach???

    You are asking for the whole scale massacre of innocent people, including women and children, to teach a lesson to a handful of evil people. I believe that it is people like you who are responsible for global terror.

    Do you not have the sense to realise that it is the spilling of innocent blood that makes impressionable youths join terrorist groups? Bush's war on terror, and all the other world leaders who have joined the bandwagon have done nothing more than create more terrorists.

    Yes, we must fight terrorism. But vindictive and indiscriminate acts of violence that you call for are not the way to fight terrorism. On the short term, you need good intelligence to wipe out terrorists while minimising civilian casualties. But only efforts at understanding the root causes of conflicts, and tackling them will provide lasting solutions to any conflict.

    People like you, who spew forth vitriolic hatred are a blotch on the face of humanity.

    yes amigo im sure if you held them in your loving arms,let them suckle your tit, run your nurturing finger through thier hair,and tell them how you want to understand them. They will forget that God told them to kill you and It will stop raining blood in some part of your feeble little world. Or maybe they will bite it off throw a tire around you and let your innocent cilvilians light it on fire.

  5. why is jomtien towers more run down than view talay aparments , is there a lousy expenditure committe or what , or just the construction being so white it gets mouldy quick , at least they should clean the outside glass near the elevators, thats one of the reasons i was keen on vt7 was to block out that awful run down building , maybe if someone tidied it up and built some low rise development in front i might not be so pro vt7

  6. ok i will answer the following posters ,if i was going to buy it would be one with a 10 % deposit and see what happens , and if nothing happens i would be confident of getting my 10 % back, answer to second question name one thing beatiful about jomtien well thats easy , the answer is it is not pattaya , and the beach it is easy to get into water compared t0 phuket where u have to walk hundres of metres becuase the fall is so flat to get swimming depth, so i think ol tammi u better pack ur bags and go back to good ol usa , if u hate jomtien so much.

    and to the other poster . lets see what happens regarding the law , usually common sense prevails , especially for the long term development of jomtien and pattaya . i personally think the most important things are in this order , clean the quality of the water , allow new nice develpments along beach line , complete the freeway to bkk and airport , and upgrade and extend the railway line to bkk.

    Who said I hated Jomthien. I said there is nothing beautiful about it. In the mid 80s it was beautiful.

    If you knew anything about spelling you would know I am not American. But I do like every American I have had the pleasure to meet.

    What is most important is that the Law is upheld; everything else follows on, sensibly and properly.

    sorry for guessing u were american , my humble apologies , i just assumed tammi was an american name , as i have only heard it used there. yes maybe ur right as in tammy wynette the country music singer , again sorrry

  7. Clean the quality of the water? I agree, it is disgusting; and I wonder what plans there are to process the waste from several hundred toilets in VT7.....

    the water from vt7 has to go into the sewer system like all the other buildings , then it has to be either cleaned or partially cleaned and recycled onto plants , thats basic urban infrastructure which has to be done on a larger scale by the pattaya govt , and yes they are capable of that. then you have to work on bkk

  8. ok i will answer the following posters ,if i was going to buy it would be one with a 10 % deposit and see what happens , and if nothing happens i would be confident of getting my 10 % back, answer to second question name one thing beatiful about jomtien well thats easy , the answer is it is not pattaya , and the beach it is easy to get into water compared t0 phuket where u have to walk hundres of metres becuase the fall is so flat to get swimming depth, so i think ol tammi u better pack ur bags and go back to good ol usa , if u hate jomtien so much.

    and to the other poster . lets see what happens regarding the law , usually common sense prevails , especially for the long term development of jomtien and pattaya . i personally think the most important things are in this order , clean the quality of the water , allow new nice develpments along beach line , complete the freeway to bkk and airport , and upgrade and extend the railway line to bkk.

  9. good time to put a deposit on an apartment in vt7 , i beleive that a mucher lower sale price could be negotiated with this sale price with all this controversy, and common sense will prevail , eventually a very nice Y shaped vt7 will be built opposite the beach and tidy up that corner of beautiful jomtien and hide that mouldy jomtien towers from view ( its so ugly its not funny ) .

    You see a precedent has already been set in pattaya with so many premium apartment towers being built within the 200 m limit and i am sure development will overide pulling all the other ones down. if you want to look at what will happen to pattaya in 20 yrs do a google search on surfers paradise Australia , its a suburb on the gold coast , all the premium apartment towers are beach side and all the old crap is left at the back.and there not mucher dear than vt7 , probaly about 5-600,000 usd for a 2 bed 2 bath apt

  10. i wont go away , and dont think u americans have the power to bomb people u dont like either , but u think starving people in pattaya is ok

    She's right. You have some huge logical flaws in your statement. For instance, by your logic, thai people are starving because they aren't allowed to sell heroin. In addition, just because these workers aren't allowed to work on an illegal construction project doesn't mean that they will starve to death--there are legal jobs available. Finally, it's Thai law that's preventing them from working, not anything to do with Americans.

    ok i concede that argument :o , but americans get up my nose as they try and push people around ,as a regular visitor to jomtien i thought a nice y shaped view talay on that corner would of been fanatstic , as it would of hiddden that ugly old mildewy buiilding behind it and probaly would of jazzed up jomtien plaza , the only downside is i dont know if you could fit anymore people in deckchairs on dongtan beach :D

  11. dont u guys feel good , i have it on very good authority there are plenty of thai families starving whose breadwinner was working on view talay 7 , just to placate a few fat cat americans , what next. :D:o:D:D

    Yours is a totally ridiculous statement. Please go away.

    i wont go away , and dont think u americans have the power to bomb people u dont like either , but u think starving people in pattaya is ok

  12. all my experiences at the telephone bar are wonderful ,and my korean freinds also say its wonderful , food is ok , well actually the spicy tomato soup is fantastic , and is hard to stuff up a diet coke on ice. the manager is sophisticated and good looking , one of the owners ( ausssie one ) is so helpful with bkk info. so what more can u want for.

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