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Posts posted by DRJONES

  1. But surely I can join a private school anytime?

    I was feeling optimistic after reading the first e-mail but now it seems I'd be better off not going to Thailand. The problem is my girlfriend and I want to live there and have more or less settled on this plan. I don't really fancy being unemployed though, although I suppose I could hang on until April/May.

    Now i'm going to read the first 2 pages of this thread to see what you're warning me about.

  2. Thanks for the information, much appreciated.

    At the moment i'm in the thick of my CELTA and I'd just like to cover the bases in case I don't pass (hopefully I will). Anyway, your info has given me a lot of encouragement. Do you think it's best to try and secure a job before I leave or try to get one when I arrive in the country?

    I currently plan to work in the UK until October, then travel to Australia for 3 months and then hopefully take up a post in Thailand in Mid-January. My girlfriend is half Thai but hasn't lived there for 15 years, so we're both a bit wary of settling down there and finding employment.

    However, as I said, thanks for the info. Much appreciated.

  3. I'm currently doing a CELTA course in the UK but would like to know whether I would still be able to find decent employment in Thailand if I should fail this course? I have a degree and 2 years teaching experience for NOVA (English conversation school)in Japan but, at the moment, i'm finding juggling a full time job and the demands of my CELTA course a little tough.

    Do you guys think it would be possible to find employment in a private school in Thailand and re-take a CELTA/TEFL course while i'm there? Also, what kind of wages would I be looking at with/without the extra qualification? (per month).

    Any advice would be most appreciated.

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