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Posts posted by rbrb

  1. yes well, with respect, the reason is: this forum has for a long while been boring.

    it needs some spice and an attitude.

    just take a look at some of the topics, aparel for gays, Vincents 7 rooms, gltb toolbar(that could have a hint of naughtiness) but probably does not etc etc

    Get some topics that will interest most of us gays, and u will get some interesting postings and people!

    have a nice day.....dear.....

  2. I was planning to visit CM soon,namely this month November, but someone told me that this flower festival will go on for months and CM is full including most hotels, plus congested roads.

    Anyone who lives there or in the know please post here when does the festival end, and is CM very busy and hotels full etc or what is the true situation?

    Many thanks in advance.

  3. Congratulations Noel!

    Many thanks for the excellent posting with photos and giving us a reliable confirmation that the Pattaya Immigration has indeed moved to a new location.

    Your report is factual and detailed and I am sure will not only be "news" to many people but will save a lot of us having to make unnecessary trips to the old office.

    May Noel have a healthy and happy Xmas and New Year! :o

  4. Thank you Axel.

    It was the Pattaya posting which you refer to that led me to raise my question.

    The Pattaya posting is from someone called eyebee with a cartoon character as his motif who claims to have seen a note outside the immigration office saying they are moving.

    Can anyone seriously regard that as a reliable source of news???!!!!

    Dear oh dear....is it me...or what?

  5. To Neeranam,

    No one is suggesting that this site is run by Thai Immigration.

    With respect if u run a site called "Thai Visa" and espose to provide information on Visa and related matters, you would at least expect to get a news report that one of the main immigration offices has moved its location if indeed that is the case.

    If it is not the case them apoligies to Thai Visa.


    Joey Boy,

    Right I will go and have a look if I do not get a satisfactory answer on here.

    Implicit in your posting is for example the suggestion that if the International Airport in Bangkok moves location we should all go to the old airport to check when it will move rather than rely on people in the travel business to tell us.

    Thank you Noel for your sensible posting.

    All I am asking is confirmation by yes or no that the immigration officce in Pattaya has moved.

    If so, the exact address and new location and opening hours.

    thank you.

  6. I happened to read on the Pattaya forum that it is being claimed the immigration office has moved from Pattaya to Jontium within the last few days.

    This will affect literally thousands of people including tourists, long stayers etc and for Renewal of Visa plus 90 day address notification and so on.

    But assuming what the posting says is correct what has "Thai Visa" done to announce this news and tell us where the new Pattaya Immigration office is, working hours etc???

    I looked on the Thai Visa sites. I can see nothing.

    Whilst I have nothing but admiration for the excellent web site, surely something must be awry if this important news on a site titled "Thai Visa" does nothing to relay this important information.

    Please can we have clarification based on actual fact and not hearsay and kindly understand I am trying to be helpful.

    thank you Thai Visa.

  7. I will be visiting Bangkok this weekend and I have not been there for a few years.

    Be grateful to have any recommendations or suggestions from those who live in Bangkok to know:

    1. Decent daytime gay massage/sauna establishments in Suriwong/Silom area?

    2. Ideas for interesting sight-seeing places to go?

    3. I recall years back going to some amusement parks; are these still open and if so, where are they?

    many thanks in advance.

  8. Having followed the appalling human tragedy with the ongoing disaster on the gulf coast of the States, would be interesting to know what Americans think of the events.

    Many observers see:

    1 gross incompetence.

    2. inhuman neglect of mainly black and poor people.

    The final indignity is learning that the likes of Sri Lanka and Afghanistan have offered or are giving aid.

    A bit like setting up a charity fund to benefit Bill Gates....

    so, whats wrong with America???

  9. Can anyone suggest some security sound(no spyware etc) sites to permanently download free games for XP?

    I am looking for adult games such as memory or concentration or chess games which can be played offline and are not merely for say 30 days only.

    many thanks in advance!

  10. Yes Everton were embarassingly pathetic.

    And remember they were playing against basically a reserve youth Thailand team.

    Comprising no doubt of part time players taking time off from their jobs as construction workers etc.

    The tv commentators were making all sorts of excuses for the woeful Everton performance, such as the heat, jet-lag, climate change and so on.

    In truth we should ask ourselfs how long will we want to waste time on the likes of Everton with there over-rated and over paid bunch of losers.

    What is the betting that Everton will slump in the Champions League to some non-entities from Slobonia, and be in a relegation dog fight in the Premier League with the other non-runners such as Wigan and West Brom.

    So good luck to Thailand.

  11. With no live English football on the television yet, taking a look at the recent British Grand Prix is a sobering experience.

    F1 motor racing is tedious, repetitive and boring and the British one was no exception.

    These races always seem to follow a similar pattern.

    For almost 2 hours we have to endure noisy and over-priced pieces of junk aimlessly speeding around a cement track; invariably the one which takes the lead keeps it, and rarely does that lead vehicle surrender its' non-competitive front position.

    And why is it that we have tv commentators screaming "in your face" for most of the race?!

    (Its' bad enough with the extreme noise of the vehicles).

    And even worse these commentators seem to have a nonsensical language of their own; what with the likes of usage such as "2 stop"/"3-stop" strategy et al.

    mind you the most "exciting"(sic) feature of the race is when the jalopies come into the pit and it only then becomes remotely of interest when something goes awry either then or on the track.....

    surely it can be said that this "sport" is the most boring ever. way ahead of tiddlewinks and synchronised swimming!!!


  12. Sound advice chownah, grateful for that.

    However to clarify my question, in view of that horrendous case in the news I posted, may I ask :

    In the event that one of us needs surgery by a doctor here in Thailand,

    what suggestions are there for:

    1. finding out the competence and credentials or otherwise of the doctor ?

    2. discovering his or her ability and history as a surgeon etc?

  13. A few questions:

    1. What is the differences between a non-immigrant 'O' Visa and a 'O-A' Visa?

    2. It is my understanding that retirees can usually get in Thailand continuous 1 year extensions on the basis of their 'O' visa.

    So when one's passport expires can the 'O' Visa be still valid for the new passport?

    3. I have some acquaintances who claim they have obtained 'O-A' Visa's from consulates abroad and these Visa's they say are valid for 1 year with no need for Visa runs or money in Thailand.

    Is this correct, and if so can that 'O-A' Visa be used for renewal in Thailand in the same way as "O' Visa's for retirees?

    Many thanks in advance.

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