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Posts posted by skyblues

  1. Yeah probably...100

    Dont you just hate it when people start a thread on 'i got ripped off'.. clearly having a few beers themselves and buying a few lady drinks probably amounts to what he ended up pying anyway..

    when are people gonna stop blaming bar girls for there own f..K ups...

  2. You know iv come cross a couple of stupid post in me time but this is just left over kebab material..without meaning to sound rude to the OP America has a couple of laws that are just plaine wrong.....

    Lets not go down this road because atleast Thai's are happy so you trying to say that you living your big old life and paying paying more tax per week than the average 'happy' thai earns in a year then dont bang on about it on Thai Visa, if you feel strong then send your execess spend to a national reconised charity!!!

  3. come on lets be honest here...we all break the law whether it be traffic, sex or otherise we all do it and we do it because as long as we dont take the the p_ss then a little tea money will be okay and it is a little tea money...if your asked to pay over 2k for something then you have done something wrong...

    A lillte story which i watched i was sitting ther having a beer when the boys in browns stopped a farang in patong for not weraing a helmet which everyone whos has been to Phuket will no that before dark its a no no to not have the supid thing on..any way they stopped him and from what i can gather he didnt have any dough..so they made him run round the car park till they said stop then go nd get a helmet..then they let him go...

    Now for me ill take that all day long....................at worst a pan tea money...i am doing wrong

  4. "3 Beers x 60 baht, plus 3 wine coolers x 60 baht"

    dam_n it that could be a new post 'how much for a lady drink'

    when was the last tiime anybody paid 60 baht for a wine cooler in bar never mind a lady drink wine cooler

  5. Yes you can but you have to go to Device manager on the stick and change it to 'optimize performanze' then format to NTFS...

    but obviously that will wipe everything on it..which is what i dont understand if the OP has a virus on the stick he doesnt just wipe it because depending on what virus it is as soon as he put's it in the USB it will transfer onto the OS(that's if the virus is already active)

  6. Yes you can but you have to go to DV on the stick and change it to 'optimize performanze' then format to NTFS...

    but obviously that will wipe everything on it..which is what i dont understand if the OP has a virus on the stick he doesnt just wipe it because depending on what virus it is as soon as he put's it in the USB it will transfer onto the OS(that's if the virus is already active)

  7. Op this a very confusing post your handy drive aka USB stick is harvesting all your viruses..what does that mean???

    There is no permissions on a fat drive so you need to convert your drive to NTFS to do this go to run and asuming you are using c drive go c: /fs:ntfs which will change to NTFS which you can then give permissions to..as a general rule root and system32 are read/write/modify only while program files,my documents and other no system folders are full control

    As far as i know..infact you cant password protect windows files/folders at all without using 3rd party apps

    id still like to know more info and if you need more help then PM me and ill see if i can sort it for you!

  8. I dont know how you highlight what you want to comment on so iv copy paste it if any can tell me thanks so..

    "Long periods between first meeting and deciding to tie the knot are frequently symptomatic of a relationship in trouble "

    "Many marriage fails after only a few months when the parties were getting married to subconsciously "save a failing relationship."

    if this is off topic then sorry but come on its the norm is to meet fall in love get engaged get married which takes a long time and through that you end up knowing that this is the person you want to marry...its not the right to suggest that people who meet and get married after long period of time do this because they have are in trouble..its a shame to say but it seems that yet again its insecurity the only reason why people would rush though this type of commitment is because they cant believe they have "bagged" this good thus want to seal it to feed there self esteem..

    Any level headed secure normal person would wait at least a minimum...

    The sad fact is that ther is a lot of us(me included) that packed up and abanded ship because we ran way from something, whether it be financial, personal or whatever and that is displayed in levels of insecurity by doin this type of thing...

    I stick by what i said originally 'good luck but wait'

  9. Ive gotta be honest here i find this post strange for a couple of reasons, while i hope it goes well for the OP i got to have my reservations..18 days of knowing someone and then getting married just aint right, yes there are a very selected few that love at first sight gets married and lives 'happily ever after' but it's just that a selected few...it's situations like this that makes the Falang marries a Thai seem like a joke to everyone..there is absolutely no way that after that short time, you know her well enough to warrant spending the rest of your live with that person and as someone said earlier it's just insecurity..

    Clearly there is a few on this post that know the OP personally and its laughable that they are like 'Yeah congrats nice one' blah blah blah when what they should say is wow steady on wait a while..but the level headed secure people get branded naysayers!!!

    I hate to say it but if i announced to my pals i was getting married after meeting someone 18 days..they would all start laughing at me and rightly so...

    My advice... wait a while and see if it's 'true love' in 6-12 months then get married!!!

    P.s Before anyone puts me down...yes im married...i waited 2 1/2 years....didn't cost anything bar the registration fee's

  10. My experience is if you have a hooky copy of Windows nowadays it will validate your c opy of windows if you want to download an update from update site..if you do this and it knows you have a illegal copy it will eventually come to the point wher you will only be ble to see your desktop and nothing else the only workaround is to download the service pcks as standalone and install from your hard drive

  11. No need to be so rude is there..wht do you want everyone to do serch the whole of TV before posting thread...as it happens just looked down the the 1st 5 pages and couldn't see nothing...if you aint go nothing good to say dont say F*&(k ALL..<deleted>

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