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Posts posted by selftaopath

  1. 3 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    You miss my point.


    I don’t expect all Trump supporters to defend his assertions that he is above the law, I don’t even expect the diehards to either.

    My point is, here in these assertions of being above the law Trump goes beyond what is defendable in a democracy.


    We are seeing exactly where Trump wishes to take America, into tyrrany.



    Oh how long have I been saying this? And I also felt for a/b 1.5 yrs. Swamp king is willing to have a "hot civil war" to keep himself in office.... at all costs. Hell it wouldn't surprise me if he suggests "war games" WITH his puppet master's army. 

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  2. 5 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Core of the assertion that the President can pardon himself is the belief that the President is above the law, that he alone is not subject to the laws the rest of us live by and live under.


    I’d like to here the views of Trump supporters on that particular point.

    If U.S. democracy survives I think there ought to be many changes in the law. The Constitution seems to have assumed the President would be for the betterment of the country and the people. They seem to have never thought a/b this despicable example of slime. 

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  3. On 6/1/2018 at 10:20 PM, dunroaming said:

    This is Trump showing the world that he is clueless beyond belief.  But it's a bit late because we were all to aware of it anyway.   Actually nothing new here. He will continue on his road to the destruction of the USA until he is stopped.

    America has a system of checks an balances. However Republican Congress and others are complicit in this disgusting traitor's actions/being. Boy I hope he moves on from this world soon. 

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  4. Maintenance and Thailand in the same sentence ?  Must be something not close to Isaan b/c I don't think the word/action exists around here. 


    Replacement parts for anything seems practically non existent - or maybe I just look in the wrong places e.g. HomeHub/HomePro/DoHome/GlobalHouse/ThaiWatsado/ local auto and electrical shops etc. But many of these places will sell new items. ?????????? 

  5. 21 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Just more hyperbole from the disinformation king. He rants, and rants and rants. And yet, he has not come up with even one idea, that will lead to reduced prices for drugs, for the average American. Now, in an effort to discuss drugs, without putting any pressure on the companies that he receives many lobbyists from, in his office, he suggests that other countries, who do the right thing, by forcing these drug pirates to lower their prices, are responsible for the high prices in the US. This is exactly what this man does, on a daily basis. This is a disinformation campaign, and my guess is that a portion of his base is buying into it. Tiny Don has never met a lobbyist he has ever been able to say no to. He is bought and paid for. He is as much of a whore as any of his predecessors. 


    Little Don has never said no to a lobbyist as president. Not once. He has no principals, nor any vision, so why would he? He is perhaps the most dangerous man on the planet right now as it appears he is trying to lower the quality of life, for everyone on earth, and his policies are making both America and the world less great, and more dangerous. 


    Thankfully, he will not remain in office for more than 12 more months. Resignation, impeachment, or prison, are in his future, and many of us will be very, very thankful for that. 


    Tiny DT. The art of moving America backwards, and lowering the quality of life for the average American. 

    The art of I cannot make a deal to save my life. 

    The art of losing talent in droves, and replacing them with sycophantic fools, devoid of talent or experience. 

    The art of attempting to lead a nation, while being infected with the thinnest skin of a world leader, in history. 

    The art of not having a diplomatic bone in his body, and destroying long held alliances, with hate, hubris and a horrible lack of intelligence, vision and talent.



    "Thankfully, he will not remain in office for more than 12 more months. Resignation, impeachment, or prison, are in his future, and many of us will be very, very thankful for that." 


    One more and perhaps my favorite. He could die. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 6 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


    I can only speak for myself, but 2 months ago I put my family on a new healthcare plan with about the same deductible as my Obamacare plan but with better coverage. It cost's $6,500/year less than I was paying for the healthcare exchange plan under Obamacare. It is better healthcare at a reduced price for me and my family. It is still exorbinately expensive but much less than it was. Your mileage may vary.

    Good for you however there are projected rate increases. 


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