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Posts posted by nathansouthall

  1. Mind that the door don't bang you on the arse on the way out Nathan.

    How can it bang me? if i havent arrived yet. You muppet

    Upset are we Nathan?

    Yes, yo be honest i am.

    Whilst i accept that Thai people are well and truly 'fed up' with the 'uber-corruption' etc, it is nonetheless an act of TERRORISM to disrupt the function of a country's main international airport.

    This current action is nothing but a contradictory act of misplaced idiocy. Because of this protest:

    Vital medical supplies aren't being delivered and lives ARE being lost.

    Businesses WILL move abroad in favour of more a stable environment.

    Tourists WILL cancel holidays and not come in future.

    Thai farmers WILL lose export crops and future export orders.

    Thailand WILL lose face.

    Thailand WILL lose money. (lots)

    I feel most sorry for my Thai friends who WILL\ARE losing money and their businesses because of this crminal activity by the PAD.

    Yes, i may sound a bit 'stiff-uper-lip' but that's because i am an Englishman and that's the way we are, we don't take b*llsh*t lighty. Tell you what, come and try this in Heathrow and see how long you last. I give you about 6h at best.

    Yours respectfully (and not wishing to fall out with anyone, just make my point)

    Nathan S\

  2. OK, i've heard\seen enough.

    Right, if you (police\army) can't be bothered to do anything about this obvious TERRORISM....

    I'm off....

    I'm off on the 12 DEC to SOMEWHWERE ELSE to spend my money and enjoy my Xmas and New Year.

    Lived in Thailand for 4 years, been back in UK for 5 years. Love LOS to bits, love Thai people to bits, but if this is the way you wanna play it...

    Grow up Thailand, you are not a child, sort yourselves out and give the rest of us a call when you are adult enough to recieve guests.

    Yours truly (patience worn out)


  3. hello all,

    i lived in Pattaya for 4 years but have been back in UK for similar time now.

    Travelling to Pattaya for 2 week holiday first two weeks of september. 3 of us booked flights already, there may be 4 people altogether. Need two apartments close together preferably in central Pattaya. One of them must be at least 2 bedroom. Willing to pay cash up front when we arrive, no problems. Feel free to drop me a reply on here via PM.

    Jomtien also considered, but Pattaya preferred.

    kop krun mak kap.


  4. By the way I have cancelled sophon, in my opinion the best thing to watch is pattaya news, unless you like to watch a movie where disc 1 runs out and the disc changer is asleep or drunk, so you sit there at home screeming at the tv, “PUT DISC TWO IN YOU BUNT” and when your prayer is answered disc 1 is repeated. the first part of the film twice......

    Oh man I am laughin my socks off at this quote, I remember this happening a few times when i lived in Patters, it's funny now but at the time you just wanna throw the TV out the window!! Me and my mate Luke actually considered waiting outside the Sophon offices for the 'disc <deleted>' to finish work, then following him home and killing his entire family, in the hope that whatever genetic mess that had been unfortunately thrown into the human speicies which made it unable for someone to put in disc 2 AFTER disc 1, could be once and for all, ERADICATED. We decided against the plan because we were A - too drunk to get on the bikes, and B - The girlfriends wouldn't let us.

    I have also been mentally scarred by the 'Disc <deleted>' because for some reason I believe that the Titanic set sail twice.

    Nathan S/

  5. Yes, I will be coming (and also attending the pissup!). Arriving LOS 15th so no problem. With my tee-rak in tow though, hope this is alright.

    Whilst I know where Blues Factory is, can someone please tell me where Sunny Valentines is?

    And what time at Sunny's roughly?

    Oh and I've never met anyone on Thai Visa in person before, so if you see the guy pictured to the left of this text, please say hello to him, his name is Nathan.

    Looking forward,

    Nathan S/ :o

  6. Listen everybody, I have just been struck by the answer to the whole dual beer pricing question, that most foul of evils that has plagued the (disco going) pattaya punter for some time!!

    Can't believe I never thought of it before.

    All we have to do is......


    Errr, Ummm, on second thoughts...... :o


  7. Yeah,


    Lived there about 4 months in 2003 ( I think ).

    Here was my BAD experience there...

    Went out one night in Jomtiem for a meal with a girlfriend, on the way back I managed to crash my Honda motorbike at about 70km/h, coming up the hill out of Jomtien, near soi Theprassit junction. I wrote the bike off and seriously hurt the girlfriend. Two young Thai guys (about my age) in a pickup took me, girl and bike to soi 8 hospital. I was cut up bad down the left side and jeans ripped to shreds etc. The girl was stable and amazingly no broken bones between us. They kept her in hospital overnight. They wanted me to stay also but I hate hospitals, was scared because I had drunk a couple of beers before the crash (stupid I know) and was generally full of adrenalin, so I caught a taxi motorbike back to Yensabai. The idea was to change and shower (clothes hangin off and I am covered in blood!) then head back to hospital.

    When I got back, realised that I had not got my room key, it must have come out of my pocket during crash, and was lost. My room was high up (8th floor I remember) so no way to get in.

    Please bear in mind that at this point I have NO keys, NO mobile (broke), very little money on me, my door is locked, I am freaked out totally, covered in blood with one shoe on, jeans hanging off, my girlfriend is in hospital and I'm essentially thousands of miles from home. It was around 10pm.

    I needed to get in, I considered knocking on next door and climbing around the balcony but it couldn't be done on a good day with no wind, let alone when you've just crashed a bike quite badly!!

    So I did what I think most people would do, I went downstairs, explained what had happened to the security and counter staff that the one and only key I had was lost, mobile was broke so I couldn't call the guy I was renting the room off, and asked them if they could help me break in. My Thai is not bad, they understood me. I'm not joking when I say that, of the two security staff, one found it funny and walked off to tell the motorbike taxi guys about the 'stupid falang' (they'd obviously seen me pull up minus my bike and covered in blood beforehand) and the other one flatly refused to help and walked off. The woman on the counter simply shrugged her shoulders and amazingly had managed to forget the English language in one day as well as suddenly becoming unable to understand my Thai!!

    At this point a middle-aged German guy came into the reception with his girlfriend. He took one look at me and said '<deleted> happened to you?!'. I explained everything. 'These B*stards wont help you' he said. Anyway, it turned out he lived on same floor. We ended up kicking my door until the lock gave. I never saw him again (thanks man!) but only because of him I got into room. (Thanks to his girlfriend for calming me down with her kind words too).

    The best of it is, the next day the Managment actually complained to me (quite vehemently as well!) for MAKING NOISE!!! They did this as I was helping my girlfriend out of a taxi - she was ON CRUTCHES!!!!!!!! I was told that if I made this amount of noise I would be asked to leave the condo for good. I tried to explain but it was to deaf ears.

    Couple of things I must say to conclude;

    I honestly don't know why I was treated like that, it's beyond me.

    I don't care who owns Yensabai or how rich he is, his staff had no morals or professionalism that night, they should have been fired for attitude alone.

    I lived in Thailand for 4 years, this was possibly the WORST I was ever treated, 99.9% of the time I have always found Thai people to be very helpful and kind.

    I moved out within 10 days, when I didn't hurt enough so that I could lift boxes etc.

    The girlfriend was fine after, I'm not with her anymore but spoke to her last year and she is well. We spoke about this night and she still can't believe it either.

    Yensabai can kiss my sweet lily *ss.

    Thanks, sorry it was so long.....

    Nathan S/



  8. Well, just spoke to my G/friend who is in BKK staying with family this week. Everyone there is up late watching TV in the whole street, whole families, quite a buzz apparently, especially for our younger generation...

    A lot of Thais seem to be under the impession that it was Thaksin who ogrganised this coup, not the other way round!!


    About time he went in my opinion.

    Time now: 20.30h GMT 19/9/06

  9. Look at the pics .... in pic one you can see the size of the bag relative to his hand .... (and 200g is less than 1/2 a pound)

    I doubt he'd still be holding on to the bag at the police station, looks like a cell phone to me. Check out the other hand, is that a blunt or a cigarette? :o



    Pardon me, but what is a "blunt?"

    To answer you're question 'What is a blunt?' please see photos attached. A blunt is like a rolling paper.

    The name, "Blunts," is a street name used to describe a marijuana and tobacco cigar. Other street names include "el-pees" (LP's), According to one source, blunts originated among Jamaicans in New York City in the early 1980's (1). Blunts take their name from "Phillies Blunt" brand cigars, although other brands of similar make (such as El Producto, White Owl, and Dutch Masters) are also used for this purpose(1). Tobacco is removed from the inside of the cigar, and replaced with marijuana.

    You can now buy flavoured blunts i.e. Strawberry / Blueberry / Coconut etc to enhance the flavour of you're joints...

    Hope this helps!!





  10. OK guys and gals, speaking from EXPERIENCE (and not saying I am proud of that!)

    It only looks about 100 grams at most (about 4 ounces ; 28g = 1 ounce)

    Although in England this would be about £200, in Thailand weed is quite cheap. Chances are this came from a Thai guy and as the weed is cheap, it suits the local dealers to sell in this amount as they make more money, less often.

    I feel sorry for the guy to be honest, I mean, Ganga has been in use since at least Egyptian times, it's a natural plant and not addictive like class A drugs. A lot of people prefer it to alchohol for example and in England it is commonly accepted as a 'recreational' drug. PLEASE don't anyone bash me for my condonance of weed, just trying to give a perspective!! The guy was probably stoned and a little paranoid.

    The guy just wanted a smoke I reckon.

    If he was dealin then he IS stupid.

    The real tourist ######s are the ones who get caught with lots of Ya-Ba. Fact.

    Nevertheless the moral of this thread is - 'THAILAND IS STRICT ON DRUGS'

    I don't think he will be coming back to LOS for a smoke anytime soon

    (just my 2 cents worth ok people?)



  11. Well, some good replies so far, thanks to Johnq, Britmaverick, Wanraya and Zzap.

    I have watched games in the Dog's <deleted> before. Is it still run by Steve H, Chris and Hippy or has it changed?

    I know about Tims bar

    Where is King Kong bar? Remember the name but cant place it in my mind.


    Now then 'tuky', in response to you're wonderfully rubbish argument that Aussie football is better than football, well I am very sorry to be the one to tell you this but IT JUST ISN'T!! I mean for god's sake man, have you GONE INSANE? I don't see giant screens on the ###### pier for Auzzie Football do YOU?

    Man I feel bad for having to tell you this simple basic truth, it was like when I told my nephew Santa didn't exist......

    Now I've started something..... (Tee hee hee)


    P.S. Tuky if you're in Patti around the 10th June, come and me and the lads for a beer and watch a game and we'll discuss this more and also explain the offside rule etc etc!! You're more than welcome at our table mate.

  12. I will be in Pattaya for the first few days of the greatest tournament on earth and would like some feedback on where will be good to watch the games, i.e big screen TVs, good atmosphere, also bearing in mind time difference Germany/Thailand.

    It will be my 10th time in Pattaya so I know quite a few good places but fancied somewhere new...

    Any ideas??


    N@ (UK)


  13. I always like the 'Love You' beer bar. I forget the Soi number but its about half a km down (sea on you're right) from the Police hut and KFC, as I recall there is a PADI diving sign at the head of the street also.

    Other than that that, the only wild nights I have had in Jomtien have been when I met a fit girl in Pattaya and she happened to live in Jomtien.

    Having said that, I like the place, the beach is good, the water park is good. For a fairly quiet drink it's excellent.

    The Winchester bar was the best ever but I believe old 'Bill' the proprietor has been exiled to the Phillipines so...

    Long live Bill...


  14. Artisan, I think you're pictures of Pattaya and Naklua back in the 60s are brilliant. What a world away from modern Pattaya. I wish I had been able to visit Pattaya when it was still like that. Sadly I wasn't even born then!!

    Excellent pics anyway.

    Anybody else got any old pics of Patti?


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