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Posts posted by funlovinkid

  1. On 1/14/2023 at 12:20 PM, Bubbha said:

    I use a CMRA in Florida and find that banks, investment companies, etc., accept this as a mailing address – but not as a residential address.


    Another factor to consider is exposure to state tax authorities when using the residential address of a friend of relative.

    As far as state tax authorities, I've thought about this, but the possibility of a real problem has always struck me as pretty unlikely.  I mean, if the tax authorities were to investigate, it seems to me that it would very quickly become clear that the address represented neither my residence nor my domicile.  I suppose I could be found guilty of misleading the bank, but I can't imagine that would be the concern of state tax authorities.  Would you happen to know any different?  Besides, I'm pretty sure I'm too poor to consider pursuing  ????

  2. On 1/14/2023 at 10:13 AM, GinBoy2 said:

    Best case keep your friends physical address as your mailing address


    The next issue you will run into is a phone number. Pretty rare nowadays that financial institutions wont want to send a PIN code to a US cellphone number for any interaction.


    The old days of using VOIP solutions are pretty much over

    I use a Skype In number.  I've been using this (domestic American) phone number for over a decade now, and the automated bank OTP service that contacts me there seems to work pretty consistently.

  3. On 12/31/2022 at 7:36 PM, MaiDong said:

    I'm looking at a dynavap convection heater, but apparently you have to order through line, despite the product being on their website, I'm wondering why that is? 

    The product is actually cheaper here than back in the UK, too. 

    Any recent experiences? 

    Yeah, I bought my XMax V3 Pro vaporizer, with accessories, through that company, without any problem (by the way, this is a great product!).  GreenLungs requires you to establish communication with them through the Line app, and then tell them what you want via the app.  They quote a total price, which you pay directly by bank transfer to their account.  Once they've confirmed that the payment has been received, they ship the product.  A lot of stuff transacts this way in Thailand, and I've never had any problem.  It's my guess that they're unable to conduct financial transactions directly on a website for their product line, because vaporizers of any kind aren't legal in Thailand (from what I know).  So, weed is now legal, but vaporizers still aren't - which puts those of us interested in instantly enjoying cannabis in a healthy fashion in an interesting position!


    To vape, or not to vape?  That is the question, haha

    • Thanks 1
  4. I'm wondering if anyone has ever encountered a problem with a financial institution as a result of using one of the CMRA's mentioned above (or any, for that matter).  I myself have had a close friend receiving my mail for over a decade now, but that situation is changing, and I'm wondering whether I'm taking a significant risk of creating a problem by starting to use one of these companies.  I have another very close friend in the States who has expressed a wholehearted willingness to start receiving my mail, but I'd rather place most of the responsibilities on a paid entity in order to minimize any headaches for my friend.


    The way I see it, if I change my address to one of these CMRA's, and one of my financial institutions flags my account, any (residential) address I provide it thereafter (like that of my friend) might not be accepted on a flagged account.  So, I'm wondering if this is one of those situations where you only get one chance.  If my checking account gets cancelled at my American bank, KYC/AML banking rules might require that I have to physically be present in order to open a new one, and I don't relish the idea of a trans-Pacific flight these days.  I'm not expecting this, just trying to consider the worst-case scenario.

  5. 15 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    The OP is trying to control temperature of two streams, two variables. If he shuts off his cold water supply, he will only have one variable.

    On both my water heaters, there is a temperature control dial. I set it to the desired water temperature, cold water in, warm or hot water out. Basic Hitachi and Toshiba 4.5 kW.

    The water temperature in the condo shower remains unchanged, because my GF is too short to reach the temperature control. In her house, it goes back and forth because she prefers colder water.

    Mounting a water heater above the ceiling doesn't sound too smart to me, inaccessible for either temperature control, or if the heater develops a fault.


    Hmm, hadn't thought about just leaving the cold water valve off, and setting the temperature (once) on the water heater.  Thanks!

  6. I've been having endless problems controlling the temperature while showering, and I've decided to try to figure out the best solution so that I only have to fix this problem once.  I have two supply lines that feed the shower fixture: one is normal (unheated) supply, and the other is supplied by the water heater mounted on the wall above the shower ceiling.  I know that some heaters are designed to be physically accessed and controlled during the course of the shower (i.e. mounted on the wall inside the shower stall), but any water heater mounted in my current location above the ceiling will obviously be inaccessible as well.  I've been controlling the temperature using the shower hot/cold control knobs, but it's been a constant struggle.  Also, I notice that the cold water supply line which feeds the heater is also the source for the shower cold water valve, which might significantly change the supply of water available to the heater whenever I open the cold water valve, resulting in temperature fluctuations.


    I've done some reading about "open-loop" vs. "closed-loop" water heater designs, and which design might be best for a shower.  After having lived in Thailand for over 10 years, it seems that this is a very common problem.  Wondering if anyone out there has already been through this?

  7. On 9/14/2022 at 7:14 AM, bamnutsak said:

    You may be using the wrong technique.


    Can you describe the vapor which you exhale? On a scale of 0 to 10, how visible is it?


    Can you smell or tasted the vapor? If so, how does it compare with the smell of the freshy ground cannabis?


    How easy is the draw? Do you labor at all to get a draw?


    Can you describe the cannabis you smoked? Which strain? Did you use a grinder? Soft, pliable, fluffy, color=????


    Can you describe the material after you vaped it? What did it look like? Color, compared to what went in.


    Use quality cannabis.

    Grind it.

    Experiment with lower temps

    Draw straight into your lungs counting to 5 or 10, and then exhale immediately.

    Try not to cover the air inlet with your hand/fingers.



    I've never coughed, or felt the urge to, using various dry-herb vaporizers. I've never had to "season" one. Never experienced plastic fumes. Maybe that applies to certain models and brands?


    Now real smoking (same product), or a vape pod, I do cough sometimes. I have to be very careful with a vape pod. It's 90% THC so the same technique but very small draws.



    Thanks, appreciate the feedback.


    Well, without going into huge detail, yes, the exhaled vapor is visible, but barely, and it dissipates immediately.  Yeah, the vapor does have pretty good taste and smell, similar to the raw flower.  No problem with the draw.


    But I don't smoke, anything.  So it's possible that my lungs just aren't conditioned to breathing in anything foreign.  And it sounds like you do smoke (something) now and then - or maybe regularly - so maybe the difference is that your lungs have already been conditioned.  I remember back in the day that my lungs didn't much object to a variety of smoked items, because I was always smoking something, haha

  8. 4 hours ago, bendejo said:

    You will probably not want to go that high.  If I put the bud through a grinder it vapes pretty well at around 310F; I'm sure there will be others who say I'm wrong, either too low or too high, but you make your own choice.  If you don't grind it up well it will require more time or higher temperature, and you can have fun experimenting.  Adding a longer mouthpiece to the gadget will cool the fumes somewhat.

    I vaped for a few years, then my gadget broke so I started hitting the bong again while waiting for a replacement and was reminded how much I like it.  That 'clubbed in the forehead' sensation the bong gives is beyond words (for me).


    In my own experience I'll season a new vape gadget by taking off the cap and letting it burn at max temp, and keep doing it until it no longer gives off plastic fumes.  Going by lots of posts on the net, it seems there are a lot people buy a vape, try it right out of the box and when they taste the plastic they'll put it away never to be used again, and then put up reviews decrying the gadget as junk. I've been through a few gadgets and found it a good idea to do this every time.

    I just bought one of these a few months ago  https://www.fasttech.com/search?ANIX Gemini

    I don't like spending a lot on these things because I just might drop it on the floor (like my first vape I bought 10 years ago and paid US$150 for) or something in the electronics will die. 



    Thanks for this.  Based on some of the stuff I've found (some of which is included above), the temperature dictates which (and how many of the) compounds in the weed actually vaporize, and therefore become available to inhale.  I chose a temperature of 385F to hopefully include as many of these as possible, while excluding some of the worst ones.  So I suppose a lower temperature (like the 310F you mention above) might be easier on the throat, but could lead to a different experience.  Of course, the experience will be entirely subjective, and we each have to experiment, as you say - which I will.  ????


    Good thought on burning in a new vaporizer with a high temp before using it, I hadn't thought of this.


    And as you say: "I don't like spending a lot on these things because I just might drop it on the floor"... reminds me so much of some of the Cheech & Chong skits we listened to in the '70's that had us rolling on the floor  ????  I'm reminded of all the shirts I used to have back then, with holes in the front from burning seeds falling unnoticed out of a doobie while slouching back with my friends.  No longer a problem!  haha

  9. By the way, I forgot to mention that the temperature of the vapor seems OK without a bong, which was the entire reason for posting this in the first place.  Although the vapor did cause some lung irritation (and some coughing), I didn't get the feeling it was due to the heat.  I'll probably try it with a bong sometime anyway and see if the experience is any different.

  10. This will be my first experience with a weed vaporizer, so I'll experiment and see how it goes.  I did order it with the 14mm glass bong adapter, so it should be easy to pop into a bong if that's what I decide to do.  From what I've read (below), the chosen temperature can be very important in determining the effect or taste, or harshness.  It was literally 50 years ago when I toked my first doobie, and of course, at the time, we had no idea about all of this biochemistry or snobby, subtle flavor distinctions - which I now find extremely interesting and simultaneously hilarious.  Technology has finally caught up to what we already knew 50 years ago.  Wine snobs: you got nothin' on us potheads!  ????





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  11. I recently ordered the Xmax V3 Pro "dry herb" vaporizer online, which is due to arrive shortly.  I'm very interested in its performance, but one of my concerns is breathing the hot vapor.  These devices will heat the product to over 400 degrees F, and even though they don't produce smoke, the hot vapor might not be so healthy, especially on a regular basis.  Do most people use these things attached to a bong, for that reason?

  12. On 7/13/2022 at 3:31 PM, CrossBones said:

    I would suggest Dynavap Vong, with a Bong (14mm)


    or  a Volcano


    Neither of these devices could be classified as electronic cigarattes i believe.  The dynavap isnt electronic. And the Volcano is a massive beast, that runs off mains  power not battery and bares no resemblance to a cigarette. Neither of these devices are capable of  vaping ejuice.



    Anybody try using this place in the link above (www.greenlungsth.com)?  Their website does appear to have exactly what I need (dry herb vaporizers, etc), but there's currently no way to purchase anything directly from the website.  Apparently the only way to contact them directly (or buy anything) is via the Line app.  I did chat with them on Line yesterday, and they tell me that payments are made through direct deposit into their account, but I'm not sure if I have any way of confirming whether I should expect to receive good service.  Anyone try them already?

  13. 8 minutes ago, JWRC said:

    It's worth checking the mattress on your bed too, I say this from experience, a good mattress makes a big difference when you have spinal problems.

    Thanks for this, I was actually thinking the same thing.  I live in a rented condo, which means the mattress is rented also, and I think it might be contributing to my current problems.  For what it's worth, any suggestions in that regard?  I've looked briefly at some of the good-quality (say, Sealy) king-size mattresses at Central, but the prices seem like a total rip-off to me.  80K on sale!  Wondering if there are any decent-quality alternatives.  I've thought about looking to pick up something at the local auction house, but it would obviously have to be thoroughly checked out beforehand.  I suppose it's possible that some foreigner needs to get rid of his recently-purchased mattress for whatever reason, and is willing to accept an auction-house price.


  14. On 9/3/2020 at 3:22 PM, AlfHuy said:

    same problem here.

    For this, I walk around 7km a day and feeling much better.

    Sometimes a visit to an acupuncturist is very helpful.

    7km/day is quite a lot, kudos to you.  I started walking around 4km/day recently, which I thought wasn't bad, but 7km is a pretty substantial commitment.  Maybe I should follow your example.  ????  I stopped playing badminton in January when Covid hit, and although I do other (lighter) exercises, I think the lack of substantial activity has really started catching up with me.


  15. 1 hour ago, dlclark97 said:

    There is a large multi floor Lazy Boy store in Bangkok.  Every possible model is on display.  Very little parking (like only 1-2 cars) at this facility so better to park somewhere close and use a taxi.  I too had a recliner from Index and it quickly became an example of 'you get what you pay for'.  I got one of the high end leather materials on my current Lazy Boy.  As it was when I purchased mine you placed your order and waited for it to be made.  This store can also arrange repairs and even recovering in a few years if needed.  Very pleased with mine.  Am also about 100 kilo and after two years there are no signs of wear of the covering or any visible indication of cushion wear.  Just as comfortable as the day they brought it in.  

    Thanks, that's very encouraging, especially the part about the leather, and your similar body weight.  Can I ask which model and what material you bought?  I was thinking of doing the same thing, and La-Z-Boy tells me that it's around a 50-day wait for delivery at this point.  It's also good to know about the parking situation, as I was thinking of driving in to their Flagship store in Bangkok (which I'm pretty sure is what you describe) to check out their product line.

  16. 2 hours ago, stouricks said:

    The problem is that the Lazy Boys you get here are made in......CHINA. Not very good quality as a previous poster said about his 'leather' office chair. Exactly the same for me, but after a few emails to LZB in USA they refunded the money......and Office Mate replaced it for a different brand....win win.

    La-Z-Boy tells me that their factory is located in Chonburi province, so I don't know if the situation has changed since you bought yours, or if they're not being honest with me.  I also haven't looked into Office Mate at all about having them provide me a recliner.  Can I ask when you bought yours?

  17. 2 hours ago, seajae said:

    I have a damaged spine that causes quite a bit of pain and makes it hard to sit comfortably but we recently went into a store where they had an electric recliner and I tried sitting in it. Was amazed at how comfortable it was and with the electric reclining I was able to lift my feet just off the floor a few inches without changing the angle on my spine, the relief I got was really great and we ordered 2 of them(12,000 baht each, big discount during covid). The chair also allowed me to stand up again very easily, something else I usually have a big problem with, will have to get my wife to chase up the docket so I can get the manufacturing name of the chair. Finding comfortable furniture when you have spinal damage can be very hard in Thailand but these chairs were a fantastic find.

    Sorry to hear about your spine.  Sounds a bit like my own situation, in which I have two discs which I ruptured in '03, one of which was repaired through surgery, but both of which occasionally give me trouble from time to time.  Yeah, I would be curious to hear where you found these recliners, and maybe the model number also, if you have it.  I would also be curious to know your body weight, as I think that's a very important consideration when comparing recliners.  A friend of mine is very happy with a recliner he bought 3 years ago at Index - and I checked out his model, but he's only 66Kg, which makes me doubtful if his recliner would hold up under my own body weight of 105Kg.  ????

  18. 18 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Yes. You are worth it. If you can afford it, why not? And now, with the Thai economy being in tatters, there are alot of sales. Don't pay anywhere near retail for it. I would negotiate a deal. If they don't budge, take your business elsewhere. There are alot of dealers around, who would be happy to have the business. A shop in Central might be less flexible. 


    But, not sure about that long lasting part. Most mechanical and electronic things break eventually. My dream home is going to be in the boonies. Not easy to get a repairman out there, who knows how to fix a specialized item like this. That is always a consideration. 

    Thanks for that.  Yeah, it has occurred to me that the La-Z-Boy powered option might prove to be a huge, expensive headache if something fails.  I can just imagine the headrest getting stuck at a position intended only for TV viewing (with the head tilted forward), and then being unable to use the recliner thereafter for a nap.  With the current Covid situation, I also can't help but wonder if the future of some luxury retailers in Thailand (like La-Z-Boy) might prove to be very short, which wouldn't be good in terms of trying to get a repair on a proprietary product like this.

    • Thanks 1
  19. 1 hour ago, jvs said:

    Not trying to blame you or make you feel bad or anything but unless you are a body builder you are overweight.

    Losing some weight will reduce the pressure on your back a lot!

    Have you considered this?

    Do you *really* want to hear about my health issues?  I thought not!  ????  So let's please keep the dialogue focused on recliners?  If you happen to be in perfect health, at whatever age you happen to be, my hat is off to you.

  20. 6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Leather is great. But hard to find real leather here. They often use a PVC/leather mix. Low quality. Real leather is expensive. 


    Are any of your La-z boys electric, or manual? Have always wondered how reliable the electric recliners are, long term?

    I myself am considering an electrically-powered recliner.  I discovered one (La-Z-Boy) at Central which, in addition to the usual back recline and legrest lift functions, also provides powered headrest and lumbar adjustments.  The first chair that I tested there was fully manual, and as soon as I had reclined in it, I started thinking that I would have to use a couple of throw pillows, one under my lumbar, and one behind my head, if I wanted to watch TV while reclining in it.  Thereafter, I tried the powered chair, and it became immediately apparent that I wouldn't need to use a throw pillow for either purpose, because the adjustment range on both the powered headrest and the lumbar were more than sufficient for any purpose.  Pricey, of course, but certainly an appealing option.  The question becomes: am I worth it?  ????  And: how long will it last?

  21. I've had back problems since I foolishly hurt myself in 2003, but they seem to be flaring up even more now, and I think having a good-quality recliner might help alleviate some of this.  I've looked at some La-Z-Boy recliners, but I'm not sure if there are other reasonable options.  The La-Z-Boys are apparently designed to hold someone up to 120Kg (which is good), and I'm around 105Kg, so I think I should avoid some of the smaller or lower-quality offerings.  I'm currently using a pretty inexpensive reclining loveseat that I picked up 3 years ago at Index, but the lumbar area has already caved in, and I'm using 2 or 3 throw pillows to support my lower back when I'm sitting in it - which tells me that I probably shouldn't be sitting in it!


    I thought La-Z-Boy would be top quality, but I found some other stuff here (below) which puts some doubt into that assumption.  I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions, or can relate any of their own experience?  Other than the experience with the Index loveseat, and a quick trip to Central to look at some of their La-Z-Boy offerings, I haven't really explored other possibilities.  Maybe there are some good European brands available?  I'm 105Kg, and 185cm.  Thanks for any feedback here.



  22. 1 hour ago, Bigz said:

    When did this 2m baht coverage came into effect? I did my renewal online in May. It was automatically set to 2m baht for 3rd party/death but I could reduce it to 1m manually saving me 1k baht on the premium.

    Just got off the phone with my insurance company (AXA).  The OIC revision went into effect on April 1, 2020.  In the past, the insurance company would perform an investigation as to the remaining lifetime earning potential of the injured (or killed) party, in order to arrive at an acceptable figure for payout.  Under the new rules, no such investigation occurs, and the injured party simply receives the fixed amount specified in the policy.  In my case, the injured party would receive 500K from the compulsory policy, and 1M from the voluntary policy.  This total payout apparently represents a significant increase from what was typically paid out by the insurance company in the past, which is why my premium went up.  As far as the maximum third party coverage allowed, I'm told that AXA won't allow anything higher than 1M per person, but maybe your insurance company allows a higher limit.  Hope this helps.

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