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Posts posted by Edonista

  1. Someone in 7-11 obviously reads Thai Visa. :D

    Here is my post No. 59 dated 14th January on the 'Plastic bag' thread in the general topics forum.

    Here's an idea.

    The owner of 7/11 in Thailand is a multi billionaire. His stores pervade every nook and cranny of this land and are now entrenched as part of the modern Thai culture.

    How about 7 starting a "reduce plastic bags / love a cleaner Thailand' campaign. There's many ways they could dso this, and I'm sure the creative geniuses at the ad agencies could come up with many bright ideas. But something along the lines of a discount card or free gift ( sweets for the kids) for every customer who brings their own bag. Or whatever. Just get the public at it - kids especially - and have a nationwide publicity campaign to reduce the amount of plastic, and clean up Thailand. The country would benefit and so would 7/11 as the main sponsor of the scheme, and the savings they would make on plastic bag production. They could even sell reusable bags as supermarkets do in other countries.

    7/11 would overnight be changed from the villains to the heroes.

    A win win situation. But it will never happen.

    But who knows, maybe someone should write and suggest it? :D

    I wonder if I can take any credit for this campaign? :D

    You mean curses from all those who will have to pay for bags in 7-11 thanks to you ? I guess you will take a lot of them :o

  2. examples of price increases:

    AntZ , restaurant in View Talay building, prices in 2004:

    fried chicken with cashew nuts, steam rice, sprite bottle 70+10+10=90 baht

    same now:90+15+15=120 baht

    "Spicchio" in Carrefour:

    pizza slice (each pizza 6 slices) 45 baht

    now a smaller slice (each pizza=8 slices) 60 baht

  3. My wife has now closed her beauty salon, after several years trading - during October she had no business on more than half the days.

    Maybe if she lowered prices....the barber in Soi Yensabay that charges 60 baht for an haircut is always busy, the "beauty saloons" in the same soi charging 150 are always empty...som nam na :o

  4. :D Hello, my fellow-expats. Anybody knows what I can do? If so, please speak...

    I am a retiree, on a "O" type year-by-year visa. Has been in Thailand for 2 years by now. Have bought my own accomodation, new car, etc. Now I am almost happy...,except the fact that I completely ran out of money. Meaning, nothing except pension, which allows for comfortable life... But short of 500,000Bt for immigration visa requirement ( 800,000 minus pension ). I know, it is my fault, but what can be done now? Really wouldn't like to spend my last years like a rabbit on a visa run. :o

    Sell the car and start saving on your pension.
  5. The rich elite want a strong baht, the ordinary Thais can get lost.
    Are you sure of this ? The Thai elite owns the export factories , so I guess they are lobbying for a baht devaluation. Tarisa instead is concerned in keeping too much $ reserves (BoT had 40 $ billions in 2005 and has 100 $ billions now) and so sells back all these useless and low interest earning reserves , the result being a baht stronger than some other area currencies (but still declining against the $).
  6. Thais were once in debt of the INF and it's said that even the great grandson of the Thais are unable to pay for the debt.

    But everything went backward and the debt was paid in 2 years, it showed how capable the Thai can actually be.

    It showed how capable the Thai ladies can be :o

  7. 1.- Is that the culture so different from western countries? Yes. Much more materialistic than in the West. Money number one, lieing scamming and cheating to get farang money a national sport.

    2.- Is the heat bearable? No. You will have spend most of the day indoor. Staying outside more than 5 minutes results in heavy sweating and a compelling need to rush back home for showering.

    3.- Is it possible to live off 30000 bahts per month? Yes

    If I brought my girlfriend (something unlikely), would we be able to live with such as income? Absolutely no.

    4.- The uni and the group I would be working with sounded excellent and really nice. Is Mahidol a, so to speak, prestigious university? I have no idea. I think however the whole educational Thai system is aimed to brainwash students into worshipping the King without actually teaching anything else.

  8. Even if someone is a sex tourist, do they really need to feel proud about exploiting impoverished women, and having to travel halfway around the world just so that they can pay money every time they get laid? That's more than a bit sad.

    I am proud to travel halfway around the world so I can pay much less each time I get laid :o

  9. You are not legally married and if not for the land, you could walk away. I don't know where the land is located BUT getting a 300,000 baht discount sounds a little strange. If the land is upcountry, 300,000 baht could easily be the total purchase price for normal farm land.

    The bogus company you used to buy the land is going to be a problem. She is apparently a nominee and as you should know, that is not legal. If you are able to sell and split the money, I think you would be fortunate.

    He probably paid a 300,000 baht overprice the wife pocketed in :o
  10. Sounds to me like she is a sociopath...

    Read on....

    Profile of the Sociopath

    This website summarizes some of the common features of descriptions of the behavior of sociopaths.

    • Glibness and Superficial Charm
    • Manipulative and Conning
      They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.
    • Grandiose Sense of Self
      Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."
    • Pathological Lying
      Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.
    • Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
      A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.
    • Shallow Emotions
      When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.
    • Incapacity for Love
    • Need for Stimulation
      Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common.
    • Callousness/Lack of Empathy
      Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.
    • Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
      Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others.
    • Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency
      Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet "gets by" by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.
    • Irresponsibility/Unreliability
      Not concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed.
    • Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle
      Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic but exploits others effectively.

    wow ! I really want to be like that ! :o

  11. I agree with Huey. Khunandy is way out of line and should apologise for comparing timeshare salespeople with whores. Apologise to the whores, I mean :o

    Yehova's witness and timeshare salesman. Maybe Amway too.

    By becoming a timeshare salesman he believes he has pulled himself out of the filth?

    He has pulled himself out of misery and that's what really counts.

  12. thanks for the replies.. :o Well, yeah I go to the gym, and I was last week in Koh Chang, but I can't be traveling much since I do have to be here twice a week to attend my classes.. the shooting range seems interesting, I already did some research on it not long ago.

    The thing is that I do try to do things, like go to the cinema, go to Lumpini, cook, take my rabbit for a walk... stuff like that, right now that kind of stuff is not working. Im afraid Im getting to sad, so not many thing motivate me at this point..

    First thing to do is to cook that rabbit.

  13. I have had a Thai GF for about 6 months now.. stay together 3 days per week.. I am 32, she is 30. I have lived in bkk for 4 yrs.

    She sells websites, which isn't such stable work for her..


    Stunning Beauty

    Jai dee

    Very Honest as far as I know

    I believe she loves me

    Very affectionate

    Helps out with $ for food /entertainment all the time

    Great sex


    Her unreal Temper that even she admits is over the top

    Finds something to fight about every 3 weeks or so, which turns into her spewing sometimes vulgar/ abusive language towards me, which can last up to 5-12 hrs at a time! ( i do the opposite of this )

    Super jealous of any female friends i have.. even thought i say we can all hang out and try to do this together.

    super suspicious of all my actions, not to mention any friends SHE may still have.. ( she doesn't have many, admitting she isn't very friendly)

    very arrogant, thinking she is always right.

    Just tonight she said she felt bad about a problem at work, called me and wanted to meet after we talked, but i was feeling a little sick & said the next day is better. This apparently was not good enough for her.. which stated another argument.. :o

    And over the past month SHE asked to marry! She seems to have a real urgecy about this.. Basically, "marry or split." She has also said a while ago that her parents will go back to Isan soon, & she will need to find another place.. also saying how I should get a bigger apartment, etc..

    This makes me question her true motives..... :D

    Her history:

    had 2-3 farang BFs who split on her after 3-6 months.. one of which asked her to marry, then never called her after he went home.. other was a butterfly. So i can understand her feelings a bit.

    hmmm What's a guy to do ?

    Run...but first PM me her phone number so I can take care her broken heart :D

  14. Do all old men lose their balls? How on earth would you lose total control of YOUR house and your wife?! No sex? Jeebus.... Stop feeling sorry for yourself and take responsibility for yourself and your happiness. You still love her? You love what exactly? She treats you like crap and is obviously using you, what do you love? The 30 year difference in age? Surely you need more than that right buddy? Cmon, if you are unhappy CHANGE THINGS. You did this to yourself, its not her fault, its not her families fault, its you. Go find a woman who does make you happy, get out of this situation if it is an unhappy one. It might sting at first but a year later you'll feel much better.

    Aint that the truth! Totally mind boggling how desperadoes here bag there fat assed farang exwives but at the same time hand there balls over on a platter to a 4ft 2inch pipsqueek and then either come crying here or unthinkably do a swan dive off a balcony. walk into the TV room and tell the workers to piss of, NOW. tell the missus to come to bed NOW or go and pack your bags and don't say a word until she asks you. Tell her you need a break with a smile, just a short holiday to think about things. Take control of your life and be a man she just might respect you for it..

    The source of respect is not virility but money.

    The house and the business are both in her name so Fred cannot hope to get any respect.

  15. What are you trying to do with your misguided OP, Shrek?

    Did you consider the amount of perceived wisdom you would tear down from this Forum with your propaganda?

    All the "experts" who constantly say such a relationship can never work, left without credibility.

    Age old clichés such as "you can take the girl out of the bar ............" exploded as myths.

    Naysayers and advice givers having to re-examine their prejudices.

    Shame on you.

    He definitively is the owner of a Thai marriage agency in disguise, posting <deleted> to revive his declining business. :o

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