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Posts posted by Kicker

  1. Hi,

    I hope somebody can help out with a bit of advice.

    I have a house in Rayong and some land in Khon Kaen that I want to sell.

    Both are in my wife's name.

    The problem is that are now living in the UK. My wife is working full time and also hates flying so understandably doesn't want to spend 36 hours on a plane just to sign a piece of paper at the land office.

    If can find a buyer, is it possible that my wife can sign some power of attorney / transfer forms and I can fly across with the appropriate signed documents /chanotes and complete the transaction on her behalf?

    Any advice greatly appreciated on the best way to proceed in this situation.


  2. Hi,

    Thanks for the reply - unfortunately I am around 600km away living in a different province, but will be up there next week with a only couple of days to spare. I'd really like to get someone lined up for when I get there.

    The small tractor thing is a good idea.

    Forgot to add - Phalap is Amphur Muang approx 6 km from the city centre heading towards Kalasin on route 209, not out in the boonies.

  3. We have a acre of land (2.5 rai) in Tambon Phalap, Khon Kaen that the land office are finally coming to measure and put down makrker posts next month (after a year of waiting rolleyes.gif). It has been left for several years and is somewhat overgrown - the land office stipulates on the appointment card that the land must be cleared and accessible (or I may be waiting another year tongue.png ).

    I hope a fellow board member can help out with a recommendation for somebody local that would be able to clear the land with strimmers etc, ideally fairly soon. The area that needs clearing is approximately 1.5 rai.

    I am not located in the area hence the need for help, but will be travelling there in the next week or so on an unrelated matter, so it would make sense to try and sort this out at the same time.

    Many thanks.




  4. Flood damage may not really be that big of a deal unless it is salt water.

    I bought a flood damaged Toyota Corona Exsior from family in Phitsanulok province many years ago, the car had been completely submerged for 3 days.

    If I remember correctly I replaced the ECU, door cards, some electric switches and the odometer unit. Engine gearbox etc were all working OK.

    That car ran perfectly and I sold it for what I paid 5 years later (260,000 baht comes to mind), although the autobox did become a bit lazy at around 250,000km, not sure whether that was related to the flood damage or general wear and tear.

    But a friend bought a Nissan Frontier that turns out had been in the Tsunami - that was a whole different story and rotted along all the welds from the inside out within 2 years.

  5. Saw him on Thursday morning at Buakhow/Lengkee junction, it was quite a spectacle. He was very aggressive and extremely agitated, constant demented rummaging through his pockets, then kicking things around. I saw one guy offer him something, but he snatched it and threw it on the ground. I was chatting to the guys at a nearby motorcycle taxi rank and they said he had been collected by the police the day before but was back again within a few hours.

    He has obviously completely lost the plot, not sure about all the dogooders trying to "save" him or whatever but it was certainly an interesting show to watch for a few minutes. By his behaviour and chatting with the taxi guys I expect before long he will upset a Thai by being abusive or stealing etc, be battered senseless then removed.



    "Witht he double action revolver you would push off safty"

    We have a S&W combat masterpiece (model 15) revolver, it has no safety. Just pull the trigger and off you go.


    My wife has a permit for her .38 S&W model 15, can she use the same permit to buy a pump action shotgun, or must a new permit be obtained ?

    Those shotguns look like good value at 25K, last time I was up in BKK gun shopping with a (Thai) friend he bought a Glock for 108,000 baht, ridiculous price for a $500 gun. She paid 45,000 baht for the .38 secondhand but unused. Still over the odds by US prices but a very nice piece.

    Some good points either way on this thread.

    The 21 foot rule is very interesting, and the most coherent posts are made by that same poster IMO.

    I might hazard a guess that the some of the anti gun lobby here might be changing their minds over the next couple of years as crime skyrockets and farangs become targets, only time will tell.


  6. I think it is a bit more sinister than a wake up call for the farmers........I seem to remember reading it started as a central government directive to help stop the people of Isaan having a separate cultural identity from the rest of Thailand especially with regard to language.

    Also, the rural people are the most uneducated and gullible and make up the largest percentage of the electorate, therefore the benefits of being able to force feed propaganda on a daily basis are enormous. Also goes towards reinforcing nationalistic attitudes with the traditional songs, they sound similar to the ones I heard in a recent documentary about North Korea. People might say, or even think they don't listen, but subliminally they are absorbing much of it. Try switching BBC World on at full volume and "not listening".

    I admire anyone with the cahoneys to climb up and cut the wire, thankfully now I am back in my more peaceful surroundings so no drastic action is necessary.

  7. Just returned from a few days in Isaan - Namphong about 35km north of Khon Kaen. I haven't been up there for a while (5 years), and found the whole experience very enjoyable, except for

    the <deleted>(king loudspeakers starting right outside the window at 5.45 am at high volume, shattering the peace with first a news bulletin, then some traditional music, then some local <deleted> babbling on and laughing at his own jokes. This continued 'til 0800 when the national anthem played, only then was I able to enjoy the local dogs barking and people driving past on 2 stroke motorbikes with no exhausts.

    I wonder if this happens across all villages in the region, and how farangs living there cope with that. I suppose its possible to get used to anything after a while, but by god how awful.

    This was the only wart on an otherwise very pretty face.

  8. Thanks.

    Is it worth it to email/contact the KL embassy beforehand.........am I likely to get a definite answer from them ?

    I suppose if they don't give me the multiple I can always head down to Singapore, no big shakes.

    Are there instances of people geing refused multiple O in KL recently ?

  9. I need to do a non-o visa (marriage) in the near future - have the money in the bank etc.

    As I understand, Singapore will issue this certainly. Got my last one from there.

    However, I would rather go to KL as I have never been there.

    Will they issue the visa as certainly as Singapore, if its not certain I better bite the bullet and head for SIN.

    Thanks for any information.

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