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Posts posted by gorber

  1. Thai men should learn to teat us with more respect. Else ... you know what may happen.

    Would have to agree with you despite the unveiled threat. Thai guys do not treat their women with much respect that I have seen. Seems the Farang have a head start here as most are at least polite and look after their Thai women/girl friends. Of course there are exceptions to the rule but if you stay away from bars and their 'fare', easy to find a nice lady who will reciprocate the respect. ... But the craziness is still there - just ask my wife! wink.gif

    Absolute nonsense. Why is this myth, that Thai men disrespect their women, seemingly accepted without challenge?

    From my experience of Thai family life/ friends I have not seen any evidence of Thai men mistreating their partners, in fact quite the opposite, I can only think of examples from the other side of the scale. My wife's step father adores my mother in law and treats her very well. My brother in law accepts beatings from his wife even though he works really hard (offshore) so that she doesn't have to work, in fact she doesn't even look after their child (that is done by my mother in law and wife's stepfather).

    All the females in my wife's family are happy with their partners with the exception of two, my wife, unfortunately, and her sister, who was also in a relationship with an english man.

    I personally find it difficult to live up to the expectations of my wife, and that has been the root cause of all our problems.

    My Thai friend in the UK is also very respectful of his partner.

    Yes, I have seen one incident of a man shouting and abusing his partner on the street in Ban Pong, but pratts are everywhere and I have seen a lot more here in the UK.

  2. They probably mean you need to go into any bank.

    It has happened to me also whilst in Thailand. You just need to take your card and passport into a local bank (krung thai or whatever) and you can get your money.



  3. "QUOTE (gorber @ 2010-02-15 06:13:42)

    It is probably fair to say that there are a lot more rich thai women divorcing poor farang men than rich thai women marrying poor farang men."

    "Probably not so fair to say, actually. At most, the number of rich women divorcing poor men would be equal to the number of rich women marrying poor men. And that is if every single one of the marriages end up in divorce. If only one couple stays married, then the number of divorces would be less than the number of marriages."

    Could be that he meant, that there are a lot more (got) rich (after marry a farang) Thai women divorcing (became) poor farang men, than rich Thai women marrying poor farang men.

    That is exactly what I meant. I thought it was obvious, but clearly not.

  4. I think you nailed it there, eek. :) typing skills are not everyone's strong point. I continually make typing errors and if I post something too quickly I always have misteaks (intentional :D ). And, I am supposedly a professional writer. :D

    I don't think it was a typing error, he wrote it twice. Lots of people do the same thing on this forum.

    I know someone (and he isn't the only one I have heard do it) who pronounces baht as bah, without the t. It doesn't matter how many times he is corrected, he carries on saying it (his wife is Thai, so he must here it often enough).

    "here" it? :D

    Good work Bina

    Now THAT was a typing error, and I am very embarrassed.

  5. I think you nailed it there, eek. :) typing skills are not everyone's strong point. I continually make typing errors and if I post something too quickly I always have misteaks (intentional :D ). And, I am supposedly a professional writer. :D

    I don't think it was a typing error, he wrote it twice. Lots of people do the same thing on this forum.

    I know someone (and he isn't the only one I have heard do it) who pronounces baht as bah, without the t. It doesn't matter how many times he is corrected, he carries on saying it (his wife is Thai, so he must here it often enough).

  6. Looks really nice Gorber! what about the maintenance on such detailed woodwork?

    I don't really know yet. We don't live in Thailand and I bought it on our last trip in November. We will be out again in July for a month, so I will see how it has held up.

    Nice one gorber.

    What timber do they use, old teak or something else?

    cheers :)

    It looks like teak, but I am not an expert on these things. It is certainly solid, especially the main structural pieces.



  7. 3 br (2 up, 1dn), 4 bath, billiard room, western + Thai kitchens, dining, living room, etc. Cheers.

    Your place looks great

    I like your Thai style gazebo, was thinking of putting something like that in my place straddling a fish pond. Any advice for me?

    Thanks. The "sala" was made by a local constructer using "old" wood, wagon wheels, etc. included fan and lights. But, it was about 30K delivered. :) They look simple enough to build but probably need tools that I don't have here. Anyway, you can find these things many parts of Thailand. I sent the wife to bargain as she's good at it and thus hopefully avoided the "farang price". Cheers.

    Here is our sala. Specifically it is a some (rhyming with home).


    It only cost 25,000 baht.

  8. Does the sentence:

    I'll teach English for you.

    carry the same 2 meanings in English?

    no, 1 meaning (imho). it means, "i will teach instead OF you".

    สอน means to teach : give systematic info. สอน ก. บอกวิชาความรู้ให้ so you see in the definition บอก...ให้ The meaning of ให้ hanging like that I don't know. ผมจะสอนคุณ says it all, 'I will teach you'. Maybe ผมจะสอนภาษาอังฤษให้คุณ is attempting to say 'I will teach English to you'

    'I will teach instead of you' is ผมจะสอนแทนคุณ.

    The certain way to find out is to ask the person speaking; I think native speakers do a lot of asking.

    ๑ แม่ซื้อหนังสือให้ผมอ่าน ๒ แม่ซื้อหนังสือให้ผม ๓ แม่ซื้อหนังสือให้ 1. 'buy me a book to read' is easy. 2. buy me a book + give me a book. 3. buy a book on behalf of me or someone else.What do 2 and 3 mean?

    isn't this ,my mother bought me a book to read' etc?

  9. I forget how much the bill was for the 3 of us, but I do remember that I gave the waiteer 1000 baht and got back a few hundred Baht in change.

    Yeah, that happens to me all the time. Only the other day I bought a £9.99 variety bucket in KFC. I do remember that I gave them a £10 note, and I know they gave me 1p change, but I am <deleted>*ked if I can remember how much the bucket cost.

    Maybe it will come back to me sometime...

  10. Hello,

    Does anybody know how much it costs to put a child through school in Thailand?

    My wife and I have a home in Ban Pong but curently live in the UK. I do shift work with very generous time off, so we are thinking about moving my wife and our 4 year old son to Ban Pong full time, with me flying out for etended periods of time around 2 or 3 times a year.

    I know there is a catholic shool in BP (Sarasit Phithayalai school) and I have been to the website, but I cannot find the fees anywhere, indeed I cannot access the english version.

    We are not catholic by the way, but our son is half farang so this would probably be the best solution. Also, does anyone know what age range is catered for at the school?



  11. Thanks for that. It looks even riskier than I had thought. In some of the businesses I have seen for sale, it seems unlikely that the return would repay the initial cost by the time the lease has run out, so you are taking a big gamble on the good nature of the landlord.

  12. I apologise if this question seems really stupid but I have not seen the answer in any research I have done so far.

    I am in the very preliminary stages of planning my move from the UK to Thailand and taking a cursory look at businesses for sale (I am interested in something like an internet cafe/shop, but am yet to decide).

    What I want to know is, when a business is for sale for, say, 1M Baht with a 3 year lease at whatever baht per month rental, what happens at the end of the three years? Do you have the right to extend the lease? Or is the 1M Baht essentially spent?

    Sorry again to whomever considers this is a stupid question, but I just don't know the answer.



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