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Posts posted by typhootea

  1. Hi all

    Iam about to apply for a family UK visa for my thai wife, and we plan to revisit frequently over the coming years, we can provide General dates, like birthdays, Christmas, and the like. Have fixed dates for our first trip.

    We have 2 children with UK passports, new born, condo and car in bkk in her name adequate savings etc to fun all trips and medical insurance and the like. I have work permit and contract for Thailand, and have evidence of many visas for travel in Asia and Australia.

    Iam wondering if anyone has applied for a mutli entry first time around and been successful and if so was it a 1-2 or 3 year.

    Welcome anyone's experience please, before we submit the application and the payment!


  2. I have now two trading accounts which allow share dealing by non-residents. One is TD International in Luxembourg and the second is HSBC Expat Banking Jersey. I would love to find another trading site because I can't stand HSBC and would love to dump them.

    Funnily enough, I opened an account with Internaxx (as TD International in Luxembourg) used to be known many years ago. I subsequently opened an account with Saxo in Singapore (a fairly painless process) because I was unhappy with Internaxx's high charges. Since then Saxo has increased its charges and TD International has just announced a major change in charging structure. Whilst Saxo would be a possibility for you, now I probably wouldn't recommend it over TD International. However, there are other Singapore brokers that might meet your needs.

    How does DBS Vickers Singapore compare? although I had to travel there to set up Bank account and

    I have ETFs for S&P 500 and Bonds through ishares (Canadian ETF to avoid risk of USD death tax for the family which I would be exposed to if traded direct with US Broker) 60/40 split less than <1% fees. I may take a hit on the USD to Canadian USD

    Some good advice if needed for members, but if looking for an income stream may be worth ETF / Bonds and rented property in UK


    Also have a 5 Million Baht in Land and Homes paying about 3+%, for some entertainment money, although this is taxable.. can claim back tax at year end.

  3. I'm looking for a contact address for companies located in Thailand who design, manufacture and assemble Thai traditional houses.

    There used to be a company based in Ang Thong but I cannot seem to locate them through my contacts.

    Can anyone point me at a website or other addresses including any sites in Northern Thailand some of whom resell traditional style wood houses for dismantling and erection elsewhere? :o

    I know this is an old post, but would be keen to know how your searching went

  4. hopefully in the future i can offer the services of my sister in law she has just passed out at law school and she plans to do freelance work in the future but unfortunatley at the moment she needs more experience so maybe in a couple of years time i can give members a guareentee having knowen the girl for six years.she done some work with my wifes house in pattaya recently and while having trouble with the building contractor my wifes sister nailed the problem down .i was quite impressed the skills a 22 year old girl used.however i believe lawyers are very cheap so hopefully someone can advise you of a good genuine one on the forum

    Cheers, Might keep you to that ... especially if she ahs experience of drafting builder contracts

  5. Cheers everyone very much appreciated for your prompt response

    Going for the usufruct title seems safer bet at the moment with the business law situation, although looking at another plot near one of the golf clubs so may have to go down that route later

    Anyway thanks again.....just popped up a comment for a lawyer in pattaya, anyone have any good or bad comments - do's or donts....

    Cheers again


  6. Afternoon...........

    I am in the process of purchasing some land outside Pattaya with my long term partner, the amount 850000 Bht/ 24500 US (approx).

    The plan is to internet transfer it from my Offshore UK, USD account pre-converted to bht direct to a new account she has opened in the BKK Bank (see comment 4.).

    However I have been advised wrongly or rightly, by different parties which is adding to the grey hair

    1) I Should not detail anything on the transation details of the 'notes' for her bank records when transfering the money

    2) In contrast been told to detail 'for the purchase of house or land'

    Eitherway I feel both options could instigate some form of investigation and hold up the transfer as it is over 20K USD for a start and I cant purchase the land, and if I detail a house.....then they may question 'what house'

    3) To add to the stress factor (and I havent even considered building anything yet, if went anything like the house in the Uk - still not finished, I ll be bald by time Im 38) another colleague has said detail it down as 'a loan to buy land OR a house OR just loan' in the transfer note.

    This way in the event we build properties and sell any she can off set some profit assigned to her in any agreements made under the Usufructs which is suggested for her to assign a new chanote title for the area of land to enable a house to be sold and also then her to pay off or pay part some the 'loan'........thus returning my investment and reducing any personal tax liabilities..........can any of this be done and is legal and worth doing or does this pose too mucf of a risk? (the hope us for us to have enough money to build dream house..long term plan..can dream!)

    4) Finally i have read that it is better to transfer any amount to her account account in foriegn currency, her bank will change it automatically to baht even though her account is in baht.....is this right, she doesnt have to hold a USD account?

    I will probably get a better exchange rate than the HSBC offers (never difficult!), but again I feel this may raise eyebrows as I assume this will go through the Bank of Thailand.

    So at the moment I am stuck in catch 22 situation, send the money without details and be damned, send the money with details and be damned, or send it as a loan and could be a win win for both of us......if anyone can suggest what to do next it would be welcomed before I have to got out and purchase a few litres of 'back to black'

    Or overall am I just being paranoid and should detail what I want and transfer for the money?

    Apologies if long winded, but need to get the grey matter clear...



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