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Posts posted by gordonbennett

  1. I don't agree with those who say these new laws are targeted at farangs. They're not. I have Japanese and Korean friends who are having to jump thru the same hoops we are, and they're not happy either. Several of them have left and taken their money with them, so it's not only the farangs that are leaving and so not spending money in Thailand.

    I also know a lot of Thais who own businesses and every one of them is complaining that business is down, money is tight, no one is buying and their farang customers and Asians from other countries are also not buying from them because so many of them have left Thailand.

    I'm also one of those farangs that is leaving. I've been here for years, contributed to the economy, paid my taxes (even got my nice tax refund yesterday which I'll be taking with me OUT of Thailand :-)), rented an apartment, supported local businesses etc. But me and the money I have made in Thailand will be exiting this country in the next few weeks. Because I see a distinct anti-foreigner sentiment in Thailand, mostly coming from the government and the hi-so's. And if they don't want me, I sure as heck don't need them - I have a life, friends and family, I have money, I own a house, I have a nice car - all waiting for me in the US. Don't need to waste any more of my life in a third world country that is going backwards.

    Thailand is wonderful for a holiday but, with the present government and the anti-foreigner sentiment, you couldn't PAY me to live here.

  2. I also did a visa run with Jack Golf last month where what the company told me did NOT mesh with what the Thai border guards told me. ie: Jack Golf said a plane ticket out of Thailand within 90 days was fine (it wasn't - the border guards were insisting on 30 day plane tickets).

    The trip also took a LOOONG time, with more than 90 minutes at the border (it usually takes less than 45).

    Still, I've used them about 3 or 4 times before over the last few years and have always been happy with them, so I'll probably use them one more time before I leave for the US in a few weeks time.

  3. Even with a Masters Degree in Education here, the schools are lacking. My last school was a mid-tier International School - still poor standard compared to schools in Western countries and still dealing with much of the Thai mentality and lack of common sense.

    Whoops, sorry, that SHOULD read Masters Degree in ENGINEERING - nope, don't have a Masters Degree in Education (thank the Lord!)

  4. Even on a very basic salary as an American you have to be sending more than 119 pound (~$210) back to the States in taxes each year?

    (Let alone 10 years of taxes seeing as the 119 quid passport does last for 10 years)

    So being American costs you significantly more than being British.


    What are some of you reading about paying taxes to the US?

    If you live outside the US and earn money outside the US you DON'T pay ANY taxes on the first $85,000 earned per year. So if some of you are paying taxes on your Thai salary, you must be making a hel_l of a lot more money than I was???

    And no, I don't work menial jobs in the US. I have a Masters Degree in Engineering - my job offer back in Texas is almost $90,000 a year.

    I've been a US citizen for more than 10 years. My salary has always been higher than any salary I could make in the UK. Every time I go back to the UK, people look poor and underpaid.

    Well, the Brits over here in Thailand pretty much look the same way. Every Brit I've worked with at schools in Thailand has looked unkempt, shabby and unbathed. It's always made me ashamed to be British lumped in with that manky looking lot :-(

    Even with a Masters Degree in Education here, the schools are lacking. My last school was a mid-tier International School - still poor standard compared to schools in Western countries and still dealing with much of the Thai mentality and lack of common sense.

    I've been here 6 years and finally realized that the only guys who stay in Thailand long-term (with VERY few exceptions) are the ones who either couldn't get a job anywhere else or are too lazy to work.

    I don't see the appeal of wasting the rest of my life just to sit in a country drinking cheap beer (not THAT cheap compared to the US) and nailing Thai girls - especially when most of 'em only want your money and laugh at you behind your back. What a life, eh?

    No thanks - States bound and looking forward to it.

    Y'all keep paying your exorbitant fees for your British passport, from a government that's charging you to breath - Me, I'll keep my US one, thanks!

  5. Yep, everybody on my bus had an e ticket. They don't check them on any computer at all - just the date and that it's paid. I just change my ticket every month, costs me a 300 baht fee.

    Only one more visa run though and then back to the US and civilization for good. And already have a job offer paying me 5 times what I was making here. :-)

    Thailand's on its way down fast, and I'm not planning on sticking around to see it happen. Sad as it was a nice country, but now even the Thais who didn't like Thaksin want him back!!

  6. Jesus, I just checked the British Embassy website and they're wanting 119 quid for a British passport!!!!!!!!!!! That's over 8,000 baht!!!

    Thank God I have an American passport too cause I certainly won't be spending that kind of money to get another British passport. Guess I'm definitely officially American now.

    No great loss! Last time I went to England last year, couldn't afford anything - it's now one of the most expensive countries in the world.

    Sign me,

    Glad to be American - Britain can go to hel_l

  7. Just an update....

    I was with Jack Golf today at the border that ISN'T Poipet (can't remember the name?) and YES, you definitely need an airline ticket out of Thailand within 30 days. Jack Golf said you didn't but, when we got there, you did. There were notices posted all over the place about it, and every single person on my bus was grilled about it (several had problems as they didn't have tickets with them).

    Looks like there are going to be quite a few people stranded OUTSIDE Thailand as this continues.

    Ah well, for me - time to go back to the US. Thailand has been great but just too many hassles. I've worked here before, and don't want to work here again but, as Thailand won't let me live here and live off savings from the US, I'll just go back to the US and work there.

    Thailand's loss - not mine :-)

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