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Posts posted by jackoneilone

  1. I know this is an old thread now but quickly going to chime in on 2 points:

    1. I know they use a specialist anaesthetist when general anesthesia is being administered. Atleast I do remember that was the case when I had work done as the specialist also introduced them self and what they did, what I would feel etc. Also it wasnt just Kunachak that performed the work; anesthesiast, another surgeon, 2-3 nurses.

    2. From conversations I had way back then I do remember they did offer a few laser options including co2, erbium and fraxel. By now perhaps they offer more but I wouldnt know.

    3. His charges are quite high and have gone higher but I can bet anything it has to do with the fact that 1. he is very competent and skilled and so is quite popular including amongst farangs and 2. the demands on his time are quite unreal given his professional position and his PS surgery. The charges Im sure are reflective of both points.

  2. Hello all. As this topic is several months old, I thought I would just bump it up and ask if anyone here has any recent news on a topnotch oculo-plastic surgeon in Bangkok (or any other city in Thailand). Much appreciated. Thanks.

    Some that u could try and contacting first and see what their opinions are:

    Keerati Pungpapong

    Chulalongkorn University & Hospital, Dept of Ophthalmology

    [email protected]

    Passorn Preechawai

    Dept of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine

    [email protected]

    Pornchai Mahaisavariya

    Oculoplastic Clinic Bangkok 10700 Ramthabodi Hospital

    [email protected]

    Suppapong Thakunwichoha

    Chulalongkorn University & Hospital

    [email protected]

    Weerawan Chokthoweesa

    Mahidol University, Ramathibodi Hospital

    [email protected]

  3. potentially yes.

    You could have a bursectomy (removal of the bursa) but that is usually last option as its surgery and recovery will take a while. However the bursa will grow back without the inflammatory condition. Usually takes a few weeks to heal.

    But why do you have it? whats the cause and reason? is it infected? did they check the drainage for signs of infection? Have you had cortisone injections and given arm sling to immobilise the joint?

  4. Thanks to you each again, good advise, it looks like I will be taking some long talks with each hospital raising points that you have kindly experienced and shared to make my own unskilled judgments on them. Until now I have only discussed it once with an orthopedics doctor at Samitevej (Dr Wichian). I wouldn't know one good surgeon from another as it's not my field of work and I hadn't really thought about the seriousness of choosing a surgeon correctly. The doctors can't really tell me this?!

    It will be for my cost, but I am ready to pay for the best outcome and best surgeon. Judging by a few posts on the useful link sent by Sheryl (thanks!) a few peoples opinion suggest the surgery won't be worth it? I will have to question the doctors views on that when I see them as I was lead to believe the success rates were higher percentages.

    I am currently located away from good hospital resources due to work, so scouting the internet for ideas so far.

    well a good place to start is look at the hospital's websites and check each doctors profile, training and speciality. Also you could ask each hospital (if its not published on their website) who the head surgeon for that department is eg many orthopaedic surgeons but only 1 head surgeon would be there for that field.

  5. :) The surgeon is what matters the most and not so much the hospital! Youd want the best surgeon to operate on you wouldnt you? So why should the hospital matter? especially since all 3 of those are top end ones?

    Its very irresponsible and silly to simply choose a hospital because of its size, comfort, and more likely marketing rather than finding the best doctor for the condition.

  6. I can see how confused you are and how frustrating the situation can be.

    However you have not given much info and unfortunately perhaps cant because from your post it comes across that you were not available at the consults with your wife. Or the doctor didnt talk to you.

    Which hospitals, doctors and specialities has she been seen by?

    What tests and panels have been done and the results?

    What screenings have been done apart from ultrasound and results?

    What type of fibroids are they and the location because they can be removed by an experienced surgeon at a hysteroscopy? Has she had a hysteroscopy? And have they ruled out occulusions in her fallopian tubes if infact they are the issue? the tubes either way can be recanalized.

    Hysterotomy is very aggressive and though technically much easier and widely used, they are not needed in a lot of cases but the doctor may choose it since its easy and they are being lazy or not exeprienced/trained to perform the longer more difficult and delicate microsurgeries necessary otherwise.

  7. explain "bulk".

    There are plenty of sites that ship supplements and powders to Thailand




    Above 3 have the general commonly understood "bulk" amounts. And they ship all over. I use iherb the most.

    purebulk.com offers actual bulk powders. excellent seller and never had an issue with them. always buy all my "bulks" from them.

    Now if your thinking bulk bulk then china is the way but ud probably need atleast 20kg or a barrel full min order.

    PS better more effective forms of Choline are around. Is this for mood or increasing mental/cognitive functions?

  8. Ive already stated the best one and the only one qualified at FUE. I have seen his work first hand and hes one of two surgeons registered on the ABHRS and ONLY one listed on ISHRS for FUE. I believe he learnt under bernstein himself if I recall correctly.

    With the current techniques out right now I would either go with FUE or bite the bullet and wait for a few more years trying everything until then to retain what I have left and perhaps growing it back though definately stopping the loss until cloning your hair follicle is widely available and feasible. They have done it and im sure if your super rich you could get a team to work on cloning your hair for ya right now lol the rest will have to wait.

  9. amazing how little people know, how little they are prepared, how little homework they do, how greatly misinformed they are, how much they believe marketing hype and all this for potentially life threatening cosmetic surgeries!

    sigh :)

  10. How much have u lost?

    Many ways of trying to gain most of it back and easily halt it.

    In regards to surgery or transplant I highly recommend Dr.Viroj Vong

    Only guy whose trained in FUE(only 1 in thailand last time i checked). He is highly trained(on american board too), well spoken and knows what he is doing.

    Go see him for his expert opinion but from memory for 2000FU done via FUE it was around 4000 or so.

    FUE is most expensive method but then u done have a massive scar or piece of your scalp cut out.

    Also note that they can now clone your <deleted> (only implantation would be needed) although last I heard its still not commercially available.

  11. smartlipo is not the only form of laser assisted liposuction. So far I havent come across any actual studies or scientific studies that conclusively proves it purported skin tightening benefits (personally though I do believe it would somewhat help and is less damaging to surronding tissues).

    Vaser has been around for a while and is just 1 form(brand) of UAL. There are a few that use vaser in BKK.

    Both tools in the right hand could produce excellent results and vaser more so in the wrong hands could burn right through ur skin. Vaser can however treat an area faster as laser is a much slower more labour intensive process.

  12. this is just getting ridiculous. lets all just bash the whole hospital and all their surgeons due to the unverified unknown stories of a few.

    Its a fact of life that ALL HOSPITALS have good and bad doctors. Its also a fact that death and complications can and do occur. Its also a fact that the best of doctors can screw up and sometimes miss things too. All surgeries carry the chances of risk and complications.

    Be informed. Be realistic. Research and decide carefully. And understand that cosmetic/plastic surgery is STILL surgery and things can go wrong. Infact you could die from a simple liposuction procedure due to a blood clot. If you cant accept and appreciate that and take responsibility for your health and well being, then you shouldnt be thinking of surgery.

  13. lol that looks like a copy and paste job lol

    And some points are incorrect or not quite accurate as they depend on case.

    Yanhee is not the only place that do this infact Preecha, Poomee, Witoon, Kunachak, Greechart and a bunch of others all do this.. Ofcourse the surgeon needs to be skilled and know what they are doing to avoid complications and incorrect pocket creation etc. The easiest, least technically difficult and old method is the under breast incision.

    Other methods are even more technically complicated and prone to complications eg TUBA which is done via belly button.

  14. As I stated I have tried shall I say for lack of a better word a more scientifically sustaining and nutritious fast. Protein came in the form of very fast absorbing low digestion sources eg Whey Protein Isolate or its functional derivatives BCAA.

    Even then and knowing that nutritiously speaking Im fully providing for the body as best I can, considering its a fast (blood tests to prove things), the hunger was intense. Of course IF I dropped my intense gym sessions then I didnt feel as starved and craving food but thats logical and the most hunger was on the first few days. But then things would reach a point where you started feeling lethargic and weakish which is when you knew it was time for real food.

    To explain the scientific effects of a fast on the human body would take me hours to write with a ton of references from sources and my medical texts lol so im going to skip all that. Suffice to say it affects almost all of your hormones, puts your body in a catabolic state, increases your cortisol production, reduces your metabolic state and essentially your body starts canabalising itself to feed your cellular energy requirements(first goes your glycogen reserves within a day or so and then its major source becomes your muscular structure as its easier to break down-with the help of cortisol- than fat. which is why people on such fasts though they do lose some fat lose a much larger amount of muscle. and muscle is much harder to produce and gain not to mention its beneficial effects and its increasing your metabolic rate etc. all very counterproductive).

    Hence why not providing the basics with a sound scientific nutritious supplementation would be folly. The more aggressive method would be to try and counteract the catabolic state of the body by anabolic medications and supplementation. (Do note that your body does try though it fails-depending on severity and duration of fast- to counter act the catabolic state eg increase HGH).

    The only way to do such a diet IMHO is to provide the requirements as mentioned and try and control/offset the catabolic state by supplementation going so far as the use of anabolic agents if needed. That way you can detox and your body breaks more fat down than your muscular tissue which is completely counterproductive to a healthy life.

  15. It seems counter intuitive but the lack of digestion demands allow the body to free up resources and perform some amazing healing and detoxing. Something like 70% of the bodies energy is used for digestion so free up 70% and its like being attached to a jet engine.

    CobraSnakeNecktie - Absolutely! Thank you for being here and supporting the Master Cleanse. It is pure and simple and cheap. It frees up so much time as well. At least half the day is spent shopping for food, preparing it, eating it, and cleaning up afterwards. The cleanse is really a mental battle. It requires discipline and it teaches you more about your body than you ever imagined. It goes beyond the physical as well. It cleanses emotional baggage and even engenders feelings I can only describe as spiritual. It's life changing. There is no money to be made selling the cleanse. That alone explains why there is an often violent dismissal of it. When I meet someone suffering from disease, the first thing that goes through my mind, is that they should try the cleanse for 10 days. I often hold back on this recommendation because I don't want to come across as a new age snake-oil salesman with the latest panacea. But in my heart, I am convinced that many diseases can be wiped out and that no harm can come from at least 10 days of fasting and purifying with this ever so simple lemonade.


    It is inevitable with any "diet or cleanse" of that nature to see massive reductions in your cholestrol levels. Infact fasting being the main key factor would produce huge drops of the cholesterol levels and I know since Im speaking from experience and having done before/after panels just like yours. However whilst fasting I have also supplemented with things I know are good for me eg fishoil, multivitamins etc resulting in much much better cholesterol profile than yours not to mention hormonal profile and full blood panel profile. Also I would have just enough protein in an easily ingestable form so as to avoid the body canabilising itself to sustain me.

    My question to you though is:

    How do you deal with the hunger?

    Even with supplements (making sure I had the key ingredients, minerals, vitamins, protein, glucose etc my body needed) I was very hungry.

    How could you realistically ONLY intake those ingredients listed and for such a long time without cheating now and then to curb the hunger pangs and pains?

  16. CTO:

    She doesnt look bad. Like sheryl said as well I do beleive she is a bit underweight and if she wants to tighten her skin/body up I would recommend bulking up and trying to get more toned/muscular eg back area which would also tighten tone her skin.

    If her stomach area is indeed that bad ie 2 folds of skin is still left then tummy tuck is the only solution as that much tightening cant be done via any other means.

    She can easily and SAFELY have both procedures performed at the same time if she so desires although I would have suggested deal with the BA first and its pains let that heal and then do the tummy tuck or vice versa otherwise she may find herself very uncomfortable and restricted.

  17. I have to say that the recovery takes longer if you go through the underarm and the scares under the crease are hidden anyway, and when you need to replace them they have to be taken out through the crease incision anyway which will leave you with 2 scares in the end. Even girls with little breast tissue look great with the placement under the muscle.

    Good luck

    If your partner is thai then she will get it cheaper at some hospitals too.

    I have to disagree here.

    Recovery does take somewhat longer via underarm but your left with no marks, incisions or anything else on the breast area.

    Barring any complications they can actually be taken out the same way too :) Its only when things get complicated when they are put in eg major scarring, infection etc that a direct under breast crease incision is made to rectifiy things. Infact I know of a lady that had her old smaller ones removed and put in bigger ones via same method.

    I do agree under muscle does look good.

  18. I wouldnt use polyclinic.

    I would feel more comfortable in a hospital with more major procedures etc

    Then again did have GA and 5hr op at Yoskarn but I did check and they did have emergency equipment, 2 surgeons, nurses and anaesthesiologist so went for it.

    Tummy tuck would not take 5 hrs to perform.

  19. as a side question have you tried mersyndol forte? each tablet contains 450mg paracetamol 30mg codeine and 5mg doxylamine

    as you may guess its quite potent and something specifically effective against migraines. usual dosage is 2 tablets at a time max 8 a day. Coffee because of its caffeine can boost the effects if needed.

  20. I have seen a few girls now that have had tummy tuck and boobs at the same time and everything went well and the recovery was fast. When the breast implants are put in under the crease the recovery is heaps faster too. I think it also depends on the skills of the Doctor you choose.

    Good luck!

    Thanks Rachel - Under the crease means what? They are very small - small to begin with - got huge with mummy milk - no empty again - is that by under the armpit?

    I know there is above and under the muscles but never sure what that means - will visit a few places when in bangkok later this month if anyone has recomendations on places. Yahni high onlist currently

    Undercrease implies under the actual breast crease itself. I dont recommend this method at all! and there is no need for it.

    The major disadvantage with this method is the obvious scar that would be left underneath the breast crease. It is there no matter the skill of the surgeon.

    Transaxillary ie armpit incision is probably the best method around with no marks at all on the breast area.

    Whether the implant is place UNDER or Above primarily depends on the amount of breast tissue and breast size and the desired breast/cup size. eg if shes say cup size A and wants C-D most likely she doesnt have anywhere near enough breast tissue etc so its best to be placed underneath the muscle. If say shes C and wants D then above is fine. Least chances of rippling effect on breast surface would be underneath the muscle.

    Underneath means they put it underneath the chest muscle.

    You can get tummy tuck and BA at the same time with no issues. It all depends on the skill of the surgeon. Does she even need it? exercise, laser sessions etc wont suffice? she has that much excess skin etc?

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