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Posts posted by Ketsara

  1. Hi,

    I would say they are trying to tell you that their pay is above the median of the respective pay market (which can in fact be any market (all types of Thai companies, or only foreign owned or in a specific sector or certain jobs), so as such it does not really teall anything.

    They probably just want to assure you that their pay is up to standards, but as you do not know the standard (the median of which market?) it is very hard to tell whether you would be happy with this pay...

    Advice: ask for concrete amount and start the negotiation...

    Good luck,


  2. Dear all,

    I have been working in Thailand for 6 months now. Income tax is deducted from my salary by my company.

    Few questions though:

    - The amount they deducted was initially a bit low, now they start to deduct the amount that I expected (using the tool of one of the forum members). Is there any logic in that (e.g. reaching a certain treshold)?

    - Should I and if yes, how should I submit yearly tax papers? How does that work?

    - I plan not to work here for the full 2009. Would that mean that one day I can reclaim any taxes that have been paid too much?

    Would appreciate all your knowledge on this, as these matters confuse me...

    Thank you,


    As you are asking this question I guess that you are not in the big time league. The company is responsible for deducting tax on you salary. it is very low by world standards. You should be able to obtain a summary of the tax deducted and if your annual income does not reach the threshold of the tax bracket you have been paying, then you could possibly get something back.

    But TIT

    If you are really concerned then talk to your company. But, to be honest, unless you are up in the 100,000/month plus bracket, just sit back and pay the tax. as you said, at the beginning maybe it was a bit low, and now its about right. Sounds good. Don't go standing on your rights and insisting on them, because it only gives other people more work and then you will find them uncooperative and you will probably end up paying more and be classed as a pain in the arse....

    Thanks for your reply... Fortunately I am well beyond the 100,000 baht range and thus pay quite some tax (though lower compared to what I was used to...). The difference between what I used to pay and now start to pay seems to be about 20,000, which is of course nice money not to be spend on tax...

    Any other thoughts on these?

    Thank you,


  3. Dear all,

    I have been working in Thailand for 6 months now. Income tax is deducted from my salary by my company.

    Few questions though:

    - The amount they deducted was initially a bit low, now they start to deduct the amount that I expected (using the tool of one of the forum members). Is there any logic in that (e.g. reaching a certain treshold)?

    - Should I and if yes, how should I submit yearly tax papers? How does that work?

    - I plan not to work here for the full 2009. Would that mean that one day I can reclaim any taxes that have been paid too much?

    Would appreciate all your knowledge on this, as these matters confuse me...

    Thank you,


  4. Dear all,

    I plan to resign in a few months from my job here in Thailand. After that, I would like to travel in Thailand and neighbouring countries for a period of 3-4 months (few weeks in every country, in between being in Thailand with Thai friends). I am dutch, not 50 yet, not married to a Thai.

    Few questions on how to make this work:

    - I understand I need to initially leave the country based on the cancelling of my wp and work related visa?

    - is there a basis for getting a multiple entry visa to cover my stay and trips(prefer nott to bother with visa exempt stamps and limited number of visa days, as no travel plan is yet clear and will probably involve two weeks in-two weeks out of Thailand for the stated period)

    - would it be best to apply for a visa in Holland (on the consulate a visa for family visit is mentioned (non-immigrant, multiple entry, 120 euro)

    -or could i apply for something in the region?

    Your help or pointing in the right direction would be highly appreciated.

    Merry Christmas to all!


  5. The Bangkok Vocational School (Khlong Toei) might be the one you mentioned. Its located on or near Damrong Phiphat road in Klhong Toei. Its close to Bangkok University and Theparin Hospital in Khlong Toei. You can use google map to locate.

    School offers many vocational training classes including barber training. Its 100 baht or so to sign up and student must provide own supplies including clippers.

    Bangkok has many such vocational schools located throughout the city. Another one is on the grounds or just behind Wat Thammonghol located at Sukhumvit Soi 101 sub soi 20.

    I second that. My grlfriend is doing a course at the community school called Lumpini, but located near MBK. Course is free, but take your own hadware. She does regular (free) trips to Hualampong train station to cut etc there. Every course is 2 months and three course result in a certificate (for female hair dressing that is, gents takes a few weeks only). Maybe nice to mention that they all kind of other courses there a well, indeed to develop vocational skills (including cooking, etc).

    Good luck,


  6. Dear all,

    currently on Christmas Holidays in the Netherlands. I consider buying a WII Sports. Here they are being sold (christmas pormotions...) for about EURO 245.

    WIll be back in Bangkok next week, and thus was wondering if anybody knows the going rate of an ENglish version currently? Is it considerably cheaper to buy in BKK?

    Thank you...


  7. Dear all,

    hope you can help me on the road. I live in Huay Kwang (BKK) and wanna ride my bike around in the weekends. Tried some short rides in the neighbourhood, but am looking for some change.

    - Do you have any nice routes around / in the city?

    - Any day trips out of the city that are easy to do (train first and then some cycling?)

    We are also planning for a bigger trip to the North East. No concrete pan, so I am hoping for a few of your advices and routes...

    Thank you very much in advance!


    I live not far from you in Lat Phrao amd I cycle most days. Some of my routes are on MapMyRide and some of my videos are on YouTube

    I'll repeat Pampal's offer ' let me know if you want a riding partner'

    Thanks guys!

    Just registered at the map-my-ride website and will explore your routes and tips around Bangkok.

    Need to do some exercise before inviting you on my ride, as you guys will probably easily beat a beginner...

    Any tips on some shop for some basic biking shorts (nothing special, not necessarily the 2000 bath shorts at pro bike)?

    Thank you,


  8. Dear all,

    hope you can help me on the road. I live in Huay Kwang (BKK) and wanna ride my bike around in the weekends. Tried some short rides in the neighbourhood, but am looking for some change.

    - Do you have any nice routes around / in the city?

    - Any day trips out of the city that are easy to do (train first and then some cycling?)

    We are also planning for a bigger trip to the North East. No concrete pan, so I am hoping for a few of your advices and routes...

    Thank you very much in advance!


  9. Depends if you want to keep your job or not?

    If you really want to 'stick it' to your boss you could call the labour department for clarification in the case of it not being stipulated in the contract, have them write their assessment in thai and hand it to your boss.

    prefer to keep my job, but do not want my boss to push me around, and this is not the first time. Would be helpful if I could refer to something if I want to challenge her statement...

  10. Sorry guys. You're wrong. You ARE entitled to annual leave from the day you start, irrespective of any probation period. You are a regular employee even if you haven't passed probation. Probation is an artificial 'escape' clause for BOTH sides (you can leave without giving notice, for example). Even if the company let you go after probation you would be entitled to be paid out for the holidays accrued DURING THAT PROBATION.

    That is what I reckoned, but how could that be proved? In my contract nothing is stated on not-accrueing, (neither on accrueing though...). So, what is the right answer and what to refer to in discussion to my employer?

    Thanks for all your replies...

  11. Generally, not just in Thailand, but in other places, you will accrue annual leave after your probationary period is over, therefore your employer sounds like they are telling you the right thing. Its nothing to do with the labour law, its pretty much a standard thing in contracts with most companies

    Thanks guys. Not really what I hoped for, and not the practice where I come from (there you would start accrueing straght away).

    Strange system though, as if you are not really working during probation...

  12. Hi All,

    I have a question on annual leave related to probation period.

    Facts are as follows:

    -I am working in Thailand on a permanent (local) contract, with a probation period of 3 months (passed already).

    - I am entitled to 20 days of annual leave per year.

    - My employer says I do not collect annual leave during probation, which would mean that I have only 16 days during the first year.

    Is that a labour law thing? My contract does not mention such a thing.

    Any one who knows whether it they are right?

    Thank you for your comments....


  13. Dear all,

    Having moved to BKK a month ago, I looked into some private Thai classes. I plan to start in September, but would like to do some self-study ahead.

    Could you advise me on some Business Thai / Professional Thai books and where to buy?

    (as I am not a beginner, I am not looking for the very easy books....)

    Thank you!


  14. Just wanted to "shout out" a quick KHAP KHUN KHA for everyone who has thus responded. Each and every one of you have valued opinions and views about living here and I want to thank you for taking time out to review a piece of work that can be quite helpful to a woman who is considering a move out here.

    I am now living (and working) in BKK and very eager not only to read your book, but also to provide any input when possible...

    Warm regards,


  15. Dear All,

    thank you for your wonderful advices! Just what I hoped for, proving a clear insight on the options available. I agree that the employer plan would be the most convenient to go with, but I will look into the other options as well.

    It seems that my family in law- members are also very much in favour of so called life insurances, building some money over a period of time. How would you rate such a plan against these alternatives?

    I am very new in Thai finance, just used to European plans (which offer so much more interest, even on short term), so I am just trying to get things clear...

    Thank you for all your advice!

    Kind regards,


  16. Dear all,

    Hoping for some good advice, I have this question to ask:

    My sister in law is a typical Thai employee, working hard for a few baths. In one way or the other, she manages to save a few thousand bath per month as well, and is even looking into something that will help her into saving something for her old age.

    Question to you: is there any stable long term saving plan that allows to save a few thousand bather per month and provides good interest?

    Or would you know of any alternative that may work out for this purpose? And please, don't make it to complicated: the woman has never been out of Thailand, so sending money somewhere else would not feel ok with her.

    Thank you!


  17. Dear all,

    I am relocating to Thailand to work soon. My (Thai) employer mentioned having a basic health insurance scheme, but also mentioning it won´t be up to western standards.

    Therefore I am looking into a medical / health insurance, but do feel a bit nervous of insuring with a company that may decide to kick me out after a year when struck by bad luck (either big accident or serious illness).

    Additionally, I am also looking into an insurance for disability. As I am form Holland, known for its quite extensive state benefits schemes, I do feel some natural urge to cover some benefits in case I won´t be able to work anymore.Thus I am trying to find something that covers me if I can not work for a long time due to an accident / illness. The life insurances offering 1 m bath are not sufficient to maintain my life style if there is no salary to be received.

    Does anybody have good experiences on either health or life isurances serving these purposes?Is there anything to recommend? I would really appreciate your thoughts on this.

    Thank you,


  18. Dear MR Paddy,

    If I may ask, which company are you using?

    I am looking into a medical insurance as well, but do feel a bit nervous of insuring with a company that may decide to kick me out after a year when struck by bad luck (either big accident or serious illness).

    Another thing that I am looking into, is an insurance for disability. I am from Holland, moving to Thailand, and Holland is quite protective. If you fall ill, you are supported by government. I am trying to find something that covers me if I can not work for a long time due to an accident / illness. The life insurances offering 1 m bath are not sufficient to maintain my life style if there is no salary to be received.

    Does anybody have good experiences on either health or life isurances serving these purposes?

    Thank you,


  19. Dear all,

    Thank you for your helpful replies, which made it very clear that from the Thai side we should not have any problems. We will start the procedure after the wedding day and make sure that these officers at the dutch immigration office (IND) do not mess with her Thai nationality. The text of the nationality act will come very handy!

    Thanks again and wishing you all a very nice day!


  20. Dear all,

    Thank you very much for your replies. (hopefully this is in the right format... I am learning...)

    Just to give some further information, as seems to be helpful from your replies.

    My partner has been in the Netherlands for almost 5 years now, finished all needed integration programs and therefore seems to meet all requirements for the application of the Dutch nationality.

    Indeed dutch law is becoming more strict over time, and in future dual citizenship may be further restricted. One of the exceptions in dutch law is that being married to a dutch citizen leads to dispensation from the requirement of renouncing the original nationality.

    Following this, there would not be any problem. But, there also is this country list stating that even though you may be extempt, Thai nationality is lost anyway. This thus seems to be a Thai thing (not initiated by dutch government).

    Reading from your replies we are facing another struggle with the not-that-well-informed immigration office…

    Any further replies and information on how to proceed is very welcome,

    Thank you,


  21. Dear all,

    I would like to invite you to share your experiences on a dual citizenship issue.

    My Thai wife to be (Marrying in September) would like to apply for Dutch citizenship after our wedding day. Based on dutch regulation, she would be entitled to dual citizenship, based on marriage. However, there seems to be a hick up on the Thai side.

    We are informed by the immigration office that she will lose her Thai nationality anyway (married or not) and should renounce her nationality at the embassy. After being published in the thai Government Gazette (does this exist anyway?), she should provide the Dutch immigration with a copy.

    As my girlfriend does not want to go through the hassle of applying for visa for family visits, and wants to keep her (future) land and house in Thailand, losing her Thai nationality is not very attractive.

    From those with Thai partners I would like to ask:

    -did you indeed renounce the Thai nationality?

    -If so, have you ever received any prof that this really happened?

    -Is there any specific law in Thailand stating that dual citizenship is not allowed? Any help in specifying laws that may be helpful would be appreciated.

    Thank you all for you applies, I really appreciate!

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