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Posts posted by TonyR101

  1. What's the point of saying corruption was likely to have affected the investigation when the whole world knows bribery and corruption did have a major effect on this case?

    What I can not understand is why Formula I racing still supports and advertises the Brand Name of the organisation who provided the funding for the corruption and the miscarriage of justice which took place? 

  2. Thailand has found Yingluck guilty of "loosing" billions of dollars as a result of the Rice Subsidy scheme. I've no idea how much of this actually went to the farming industry or where the remainder, if any, went but she received a 5yr prison sentence as a result.

    Meanwhile across the other side of the world, the USA government has just given a 12 billion dollar subsidy to its own farming industry, to help the export of farm produce.

    I just wonder whether Ying Luck isn't a victim of unfair bias, on account of her family background?

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  3. Bt 193 billion must be the tip of Thailands corruption iceburg and it's clearly not an overall benefit fot the country's economy, but consider the alternatives.

    Paying civil servants and public services employees salaries sufficient to make corruption the exception rather than the norm is going to place a huge burden on the national budget so Tax has to be increased to pay the bills. The poor can't pay and the rich won't pay so the burden falls on those who have to, i.e. wage earners and businesses, and the cost of living rises sky high.

    Corruption helps prevent burocracy imposing constraints that may be good applied to society in general but not so good from a personal standpoint, such as speed cameras, planning permissions, tax avoidance, getting a drink on election days, etc.

    Taking corruption away from the country's aristocracy would be like taking guns away from Americans, They wouldn't be able to understand what the problem was.

  4. Have I missed something here?

    Seems to me like Mr Thaksin enjoys the support of about 1% of the ex-pat community in Thailand and the other 99% think he's some kind of power crazy criminal looking for the star spot in the next James Bond film.

    I've lived in Thailand, before, during, after, and back again to the Shinawtra era. My experience is that we (ex-pats and Thais alike) were and still are better off under Mr Thaksin's leadership than any other government during the past 30 years. If you don't agree, can anyone give me any good reasons to think otherwise?

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