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Posts posted by teatree

  1. I think having children is an entirely selfish decision. I was'nt consulted on whether I wanted to be born or not. There I was happily drifting around in neverland when suddenly I'm rudely awakened and told "go to school" 'get a job" 'pay your takes'. For f sake just leave me be!!!

    Why anyone would want to bring a child into this steaming turd of a world is beyond me. In the words of the late Bill Hicks "we are a virus with shoes". We need to be wiped out..the world depends upon it!

  2. Nana BTS....Indian/Pakistani/Mid East appearance guy ....late 20's early 30's from Manchester UK...very well dressed...jewellary....very polite. Claimed to be drugged by a russian woman. That's as far as he got before I said I had no money and he left. Anyone seen this guy??? Beware...this is the second time I have been stopped in the last 6 months, maybe I have a sympathetic face..or maybe I just look like a mug...

  3. I think the reason many people havnt posted on here before is because of the tiresome English bashing that inevitably happens..."I hope any team but England wins"...."boring England"....ETC ETC ETC. I just think people cant be bothered to post. Its hardly a lack of courage as one poster mentioned...is there any courage involved in writing an anon post???

    I think its just nice as an Englishman that we won and left all these petty bigoted idiots like the Aussie rugby cheif and Campese with egg on their faces. England ran the arse of the ball on sat, from deep in their own half, even from drop outs, but still we get labelled 'boring'. Teams like SA can spend the whole game kicking up and unders and nobody mentions anything.

  4. Looks like NZ have by far the best team, but as we all know, the best team (or even teams) very often doesn't win these kinds of tournaments that consist of knockout games. Look at when France won the football WC, they were not in the top half a dozen teams there.

    Do the All Blacks have the mental strength that they have lacked in the past? Hmmmm

    I fancy France to do well in this WC and quite possibly win it. They're playing at home which is a big advantage, and they are always the kind of sporting nation that can be inspired into brilliance. Playing in front of home fans could be the thing that inspires them.

    It will be interesting to see how France perform tonight, Argentina are no pushovers.

  5. we die. it is a fact.


    Have a bit of comapssion, no one deserves to die like that.

    I agree

    I think kiakaha's point is that nobody here knows the guy who died, and adding shocked replies offering condolences is pretty trite.

  6. Not knocking Thailand but the humour here is rather basic. Just an observation.

    People have said that the word play is something that would go over the heads of 99% of Farangs. Well, this may be true but I would hardly call puns great comedy. Puns are only one level up from custard pies in the face. Are you saying local radio DJ's in the UK or wherever are great comics because they use puns???

    "The time's coming up to 8.43 and news just in of a man from Texas who bought a 60 year old tin of baked beans from his local shop.......I guess you could call them HAS BEANS.......I wonder if his favourite actor is SEAN BEAN......etc etc"

    Not exactly Bill Hicks is it?

    Anyway, like I said not complaing just an observation, I do love the Thai people's thirst for "sanook".

    Comedy shows, especially life, are a lot more elaborate - there is political and social satire hidden in the every complex word plays as well. If you watch magnificent British comedy shows such as 'Yes Minister/Yes Prime Minister' you will find for example that they live from properly timed "puns" based on wordplay, and are some of the most difficult things to achieve.

    Or look at one of the most classic moments of British comedy, a seemingly simple scene where we laugh about the painful misfortune of another - in "Only Fools and Horses" when Delboy is in the Yuppy bar and falls. It's all the right timing.

    Thai humor can only be experienced when one speaks Thai well. To get all the subtleties, one has to speak Thai like a native (which is beyond me). Go to a life comedy show, they are much better than what you see on TV.

    Only Fools may be one of the most popular British comedy shows but that popularity should tell you that it appeals to the lowest common denominator and is bound to include simple things like slapstick so as to appeal to all ages. One of the most popular? Sure. One of the best? No sir. Not even close.

    As for Yes Minister, well the comedy doesnt really lie in the puns, it lies in the deeply satirical content, showing how the government in the UK functions - the faceless civil servants pulling the strings, the Machiavellian tactics employed and the corruption that most Westerners don't even seem to realise exists in their country. Take the gags out and apply them to some guys running a cake factory and I dont think it works so well.

  7. Not knocking Thailand but the humour here is rather basic. Just an observation.

    People have said that the word play is something that would go over the heads of 99% of Farangs. Well, this may be true but I would hardly call puns great comedy. Puns are only one level up from custard pies in the face. Are you saying local radio DJ's in the UK or wherever are great comics because they use puns???

    "The time's coming up to 8.43 and news just in of a man from Texas who bought a 60 year old tin of baked beans from his local shop.......I guess you could call them HAS BEANS.......I wonder if his favourite actor is SEAN BEAN......etc etc"

    Not exactly Bill Hicks is it?

    Anyway, like I said not complaing just an observation, I do love the Thai people's thirst for "sanook".

  8. I wonder if you guys can help me...

    I've decided to buy a CBR 150, can anyone reccomend a reputable dealer in BKK? I went to a dealer at the bottom of Ramkampaeng road who quoted a price of 63,000 - is that the going rate? What about a used one? Are they worth the risk???

    There was a used one for 42,000 with about 4500 km on the clock.


  9. I was at the Major Ekkamai KFC this evening, just about to tuck into my food when a French sounding woman with a shocked expression (and bad breath) came up to me. She went through some story about her husband being put in jail (in Pattaya) for some reason or another and wanted 3500 baht to release him. They didnt have any money because it was stolen in the same incident that the man was arrested for - I'm not really sure as I had already sensed a scam and was concentrating more on the food that was waiting for me.

    Anyway, I wanted to give her a chance as it could have been a true story. So I asked her if she had a contact name at the police station that i could call but she insisted that she didnt have a number and didnt want anyone to call and only wanted cash. This really convinced me that she was scamming plus the fact that I have read on this forum about a woman with a similer description conning someone else.

    She was mid to late 40's , quite slim with slightly tanned skin light/medium brown hair and maybe light brown eyes. Has anyone any experience of this happening to them?

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