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Status Replies posted by geriatrickid

  1. raining like shit here!

    1. geriatrickid


      What kind of shit? Is it like explosive diarhea that splatters everything? Or is it like one big clumb that kerplops? Not a good analogy, although anal.

  2. wonering if its ok to flirt a hot man in McDonald

    1. geriatrickid


      No, it is bad form. Would you flirt in a cemetary? McDonalds serves the flesh of dead animals and its clients are feasting on the flesh and enjoying the result of crule deaths. And you want to flirt? People that do that get heartburn. It is a punishment.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. amazed most of the time

    1. geriatrickid


      Stop hanging around with Paul McCartney

  4. has landed in Bangkok and on his way home in a taxi to see his sweetheart

    1. geriatrickid


      Is that what you call your dog? I refer to my love one as my sweet baboo.

  5. Thailand is my adopted home, so any comment regarding my home concerns me

    1. geriatrickid


      and so you should be concerned when concerns are raised by concerned people!!!!

  6. Well done India great preparation for the games.

    1. geriatrickid


      I agree. Indian quality and standards are something special.

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