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Posts posted by base1

  1. I am a bit suspicious, has anyone used there services or can recommend them?  Simon

    I don't know Simon, I wouldn't say they're suspicious just because they charge people? I would have thought a few bucks is actually peanuts for a professional who wanted to work in Thailand.

    Actually I think you may have missed the point about the web site... basically they are saying it IS very tough to find a good job in Thailand and your best chance is to let potential employers in Thailand or Thai headhunters (if there are such things??) find you! Most people agree that searching all the big job web sites is a waste time as decent jobs in Thailand are generally few and far between.

    If you do pay to list on www.workthailand.com then any Thai employee who really needs a farang :o will know where to start looking for one. :D

    Seriously though, I think it is a good idea - as like most things in life you get what you pay for - and paying to help get a decent job is okay in my book. Not only that, it's a real nice looking site and better than most of the crap out there. I would even sign up myself if I got a big discount. :D

  2. This is an interesting thread with lots of views, but web design is like most things in life you usually get what you pay for!

    Yes, there are peeps out there who can bang a "site" together using some useless tool like FP for peanuts - but that doesnt mean real pro design is a cheap commoditiy. The truth is good design still costs money - even in Thailand.

    Also, some freelancers are obviously not shy in err... lying ...about their work. Case in point:

    Landrover site - not by some freelancer (or even an Aussie co) - but a well known Thai company and the cost was not a few thousand baht - more like several hundred thousand baht.

    I understand Royalind was also developed by a well known Thai company, not a cheap freelancer or India co, if one can believe their portflolio.

    Clearly there is a lot of talent, both in programming and design in LOS, but I also believe it is not cheap - and I would also go so far as to say that the top talent in India also costs.

    Cheap and good? yet to find that in any industry.

    just my 2 cents  :o

  3. base1

    You can not generalise about these things. The licensing office I went to did not recognise a UK licence...

    KenUdon yes you're right I shouldn't generalise... but I can go by my own experiences and confirm I have had a couple of claims (not serious) over the years and no problems with either whilst still on the Int. permit.

    Anyway, I got a Thai one too now - smaller and more convenient :cool:

  4. I've been driving in Thailand for 4 years on a british licence (the old paper one). I've been stopped by police on 2 or 3 occasions and they were not unhappy with the licence.

    After a decade or so of driving in LOS using a UK licence together with a legit Int. permit (renewed annually) I finally got around to getting a Thai DL. No test required - 60 mins later in my hand - no problem.

    However, this was not because the Int. perm is not valid in Thailand if one was to have an accident as some peeps wrongly say, but more because (and as jayenram rightly points out) the rossers here are not used to seeing such a daft looking DL as the old style UK type. For those who don't know its a folded piece of paper about 2ft x 2ft in size! ...and incidentally the permit is not much better in design either.

    For the record, my motor insurance company have stated many times (in writing) that the insurance is 100% valid regardless whether using an Int. permit or UK licence.

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