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Posts posted by Zorro888

  1. If the Resturants follow Thai Law they must give you a bill with 7% Govt VAT, service charge is optional.

    However most restuarants and bars run two sets of books, the real one and the one for the tax man.

    If oyu go to a resturant or a bar in an established hotel such as Zico's Brazilian resturant or go to Tesco you wil lsee the 7% VAT on the bill. If you want to claim the tax back you must ask for a VAT invoice, and unless it is a big Hotel or Tescos etc, you can forget it as the place will be running two sets of books.

    Hope this helps...

  2. I am not sure there are any 'real' International Schools in Koh Samui. I think if there is a registered teacher in Koh Samui they could do quite well by setting up a school as not only the local Ex Pats but also many a tourist would pop their kids into class fro a week or two... I suppose in a year or so they will have one when a teacher comes to retire and gets board in Koh Samui so decides to set up a school.

  3. Don't use Manit. you will never see any work done.

    You are right. A lot of lawyers ( so called ) are only glorified legal clerks, they can never represent you in court.The foreign Lawyers here, must use Thai staff.

    Manit is Singaporian ( I am very sure ).

    So it leaves a question, if you are a foreigner, you are NOT allowed to practice law ( any one can correct me on that ). So who does all your legal work?

    Bangkok anytime, even if it's a foreign firm there,I think they do employ qualified people, sure you pay,but the result is there.

    Ever tried to do litigation work here with a local lawyer? Impossible.They are all in someone's pocket.

    I pretty much agree, most of them are simply Company Sec operations. In any case try Crawshaws, they do Company Sec and beleive it or not they do have Thai Lawyers on site for legal disputes, court etc. Mike Peart is the chap to speak to.

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