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Posts posted by SiamFalcon

  1. An Evidence Record: “Accountability” Has Been Missing from Thai Government Dictionary

    “THAKSIN” on Thai Flag Displayed in Thaksin’s Football Match: “We Do not Know Yet Who Did It”!

    Luksna Kornsilpa

    May 16, 2008

    On May 16, 2008; there was a radio broadcast of a supposedly parliament meeting where the minister of PM office replied to questions about how the Thai government dealt with “THAKSIN” on Thai flag displayed in Thaksin’s football match issue.

    The minister said, “We do not know yet who did it”!

    Since the question was not about a goat at the bottom, but about accountability at the top, the reply did not provide any meaningful answer. But the minister did not seem aware, and complained being asked over and over, while kept nagging his opponents regarding the use of this issue for political benefit; which sounded nonsensical since the question represented the interest of the Thai nation.

    The author used to teach a politician who had served as minister a number of times in several ministries, and even then he did not score top of the class in management test. It is clear that being minister does not guarantee being well versed, especially in the branch of art or science most required to do the job.

    Especially in the government constructed based on the policy to accept elected representatives who had records of cheating at the use of educational qualification; both knowledge and ethical standards thereof are considered unacceptably poor.

    To have one’s name on something is a means to indicate ownership.

    Flag is an international symbol of an independent nation.

    To have the name “THAKSIN” on Thai flag can then signify that Thaksin owns the Thai nation. To be owned is to be slave (see Longman’s dictionary), To put the name on the Thai flag and to display it in public can be a means to announce that the Thai nation are Thaksin’s slave.

    That is too serious for the whole nation to accommodate in peace.

    Of course, Thaksin’s nominee government, as always referred to by the current PM, cannot ensure impartiality in handling the harassment where their leader was clearly accountable.

    The government has been scrutinizing hard (or hardly?) to maybe find some invisible foreign football fans doing it because of strong admiration towards Thaksin "without knowing Thai culture”.

    Since flag-denoting-a-nation and having-a-name-on-something-denoting-ownership are common global understanding, not just specific nation’s culture; Thaksin’s nominee government, by so stating, seemed to declare itself ignorant.

    Having the ignorant lead the nation is extremely dangerous.

    If they still want to find the foreign goat at the bottom who did not know Thai culture, they may need to find the Thai goat living in Thailand who did not know Thai culture as well. Who organized the distribution of “Long Live the King” flags among villagers to express strong admiration towards Thaksin?

    The following photo was from a Thai media, evidence of Thaksin being overly contented to be greeted with “Long Live the King” flags. If this was what actually happened; with the sense of appropriateness that all leaders should have, he had to refuse such arrangement immediately.

    Where was his ACCOUNTABILITY?

    There was no excuse whether people did that by themselves because they were willing. Leader need to lead people in the appropriate way, not to follow people in the wrong direction. However, after examining the picture a bit deeper, information from some of the faces nearby indicated neither willingness nor admiration.

    Two events, one co-factor; for information analysts, this is a major clue to the real root cause.

    Coming back to “Who did it”!” versus “Who is accountable for it”:

    The following meanings of accountability indicate that leader needs to be at the forefront in answering stakeholders and accepting liabilities and punishment due to misconduct within his scope of responsibility:

    - the liability of a board of directors to shareholders and stakeholders for corporate performance and actions of the corporation (www.academyofcg.org);

    - the obligation to demonstrate and take responsibility for performance in light of commitments and expected outcomes (www.informationmanagement.gc.ca);

    - a concept in ethics with several meanings … often used synonymously with such concepts as answerability, enforcement, responsibility, blameworthiness, liability and other terms associated with the expectation of account-giving … Accountability is defined as "A is accountable to B when A is obliged to inform B about A’s (past or future) actions and decisions, to justify them, and to suffer punishment in the case of eventual misconduct"In leadership roles, accountability is the acknowledgment and assumption of responsibility for actions, products, decisions, and policies including the administration, governance and implementation within the scope of the role or employment position and encompassing the obligation to report, explain and be answerable for resulting consequences … In recent years, there has been a growth in the need for transparency with more and more pressure being put on corporations and businesses to be more accountable in their actions to society and the environment. (en.wikipedia.org)

    During Thaksin administration, there was a case of underground train accident in Bangkok, where Thaksin immediately charged the train operation personnel (the goat at the bottom). Knowledgeable management mostly know, that if operation level personnel could ever cause harmful accident so easily, the mistake lies with higher management in their administration loopholes (accountability at the top). This is one of the clearest evidence that accountability has been missing from Thai government dictionary some time ago.

    Now Thaksin’s nominee government just provided the other fresh evidence stressing the fact that accountability has been missing from Thai government dictionary once more, by disregarding ACCOUNTABILITY of the football team owner, an ex-PM and their own leader; and dwelling further in search of a goat at the bottom.

    By doing so, there is no effect in concealing misconduct; it rather reveals the fact that both Thaksin’s own administration and Thaksin’s nominee administration lack the most important quality of leader: They did not show they ever knew what ACCOUNTABILITY means. What type of leader slip under the goat to skip ACCOUNTABILITY?

    If it eventually becomes clear that accountability has been missing from Thai government dictionary, there is enough reason for the Thai nation to wish for the day when they have a true leader who would bravely exercise the meaning of ACCOUNTABLITY and make sure the whole nation shall not become somebody’s slave. By that time, how and from where the new government emerges would not matter anymore, since it is much better than the Falsified Democratic - Enslaving Administration they seemed to be facing at the moment.

  2. post-47339-1211130339_thumb.jpg

    I watched the FCCT DVD of Jakrapob (bootleg version) checked the Thai websites and can sure see that Jakrapob and all his conspirators are going down big time - what amazes me is what took the Thai police, military and the Democrats so long to make an issue of this treason gang? I guess This Is Thailand and they were just taking their time as usual. There are websites and magazines with translations of most of it into Thai, the police have also announced that they will be making more arrests soon.


  3. Mapjack is great and highly interactive although there are some potential downsides such as Terrorist groups who have never been to a target location may use these street view systems for training and planning where to place bombs.

    On the upside though numerous sex venues might losing business and the industry slowing down due to the fear now of many punters, they can be clearly seen like the farang drooling outside the gay bars and are punished by Google Earth.

    Down on the beach there are groups of people that locals have commented as being pedophiles and pederasts exposed by Mapjack. Some say that Video games on the streets of Pattaya are being planned where you can hunt demons online!

    Other punters however state that they are not afraid of google and that the maps help them plan their sexual forays.

    Surely Special Branch of the Thai National Police checked the work permits of those filming Thailand for public Internet, or is it Thais behind this? Anyone know?

  4. No need to worry, I just came back from Cambodia visa run with 18 months of tourist visas. I asked at immigration about this rule and they said that actually it is an old rule that can be enforeced everywhere and that there are signs on the PoiPet border saying that a ticket may be asked for.

    The officers explained that such rules only apply when:

    1) The subject is present on the list of known pedophiles

    2) The subject is a suspect drug user or seller

    3) The subject is clearly lacking funds and must therefore be working illegally

    It is the illegal workers that trouble them the most with foreigners manufacturing designer drugs, using Thailand as a base for hacking, begging on the streets and BTS stations or other "jobs" deemed socially indesirable.

    They explained that it is much easier to say "you need a ticket" than "bugger off, we dont want pedo predators in our schools"

    Numerous Pattaya women have recently complained of tourists, often British, drugging them and then making off with their gold and money and such people are difficult to catch - by removing the penniless beggars then Thailand is cleaner for all the decent expatriates that work hard for a living and keep their fingers out of the children's panties.

    The officer went on to say that genuine tourists are always welcome, there are many Africans doing illigitimate business in Thailand and rules are needed to weed them out.

    Stangely enough I bumped into an African and decided to ask him, he explained that any rule is just so they can get 500 Baht from him and that as long as he has money he is staying.

  5. 1) I would prefer a Thai bar to a British bar but I would also prefer a black eye to a bottle in the leg or that steel bar on the head.

    2) At first I thought the story might have come from Pattaya People until I saw the word "steal bar" - only crap papers or drunk bloggers make such mistakes.

    3) When Brits and Canadians get murdered the Bangkok Post and the Nation love to run the story - I wonder if they care so much about these Estonians!

  6. Lots of monkeys making monkey media in Thailand

    1) Some papers say Arab and some Pakistani

    2) Some say "wanted" and some say suspect

    3) Some say went on his own others say escorted

    Reuters and Associated Press are just too low class to get the facts right, thats what happens to reporters seeking news from Nana bargirls!! This news goes to show that only gormless bimbos pay any attention to Reuters


    Hey boys, call yourself reporters? Hahaha you are pathetic looking for a nig to kick? - go home

    The International Herald Tribune explains that The British Police have explained that the Thai Police are full of gay buffalos (well they actually use the words "bum steer")

    "We're not seeking anyone in Thailand in connection with the attacks," a Scotland Yard spokeswoman said, speaking anonymously in line with police policy. "It's rubbish, it's a bum steer, whoever told (the media) that got it wrong."

  7. In 2002 a batch of chocolate bars in Tesco were poisoned and it did not make the international media. Now a terrible British Terrorist is busted thanks to the Thai police doing a good job.

    Other such blackmailers are still on the large and reportedly extorting from China

    It is hypothesized that the bangkok Brit may have other cell members who are actually working for Tesco UK.


    Here is another picture of Winstone. If anybody has information regarding him or other cell members or if they have seen him acting suspiciously in any branch of Tesco then please let us know.

    Near to Sukhumvit we have

    Rama 4 Tesco

    Onnut Tesco

    Has anyone seen Al Winstone at any of these potential targets of his?

    Does anybody know of his associates in the UK who may also be members of his terror cell.

    The picture in the red shirt is this British Pratt trying to discredit the Great Britain as when he was arrested he was wearing a white shirt, here is the picture of police taking him away.


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