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Posts posted by delmersomsri

  1. Heart goes out to the family. Thailand is a great place but if anything goes pear shaped they like to keep it in house, they are paid to put there head in the sand and wait til it goes away. Hopefully the intended website will grow too allow other 'cover ups' to be exposed and may entice witnesses to certain events to post anonymously. You will never shame the perpetrators here they are just too thick skinned and live in a bubble where nobody is allowed to question their actions.

    Good luck, hope you are successful but like the previous poster said dont do it from inside Thailand, life is cheap as tradgically your daughter found out. Just dont be too successful because then your site will get blocked from its main contributors... farangs here in Thailand. Please send us a link when its online

    just checked www.thaicoverups.com is available

    All who live in Thailand know corruption and coverups are the norm. I feel for the victims and their families. You'll never clean this apple up as it is rotten to the core. I believe the body count at the Downtown hotel is seven. Correct me if I'm wrong. One couple died of simultaneous heart attacks. Why just farangs?

  2. quick, before they pass this law.

    you can easily divorce anytime in the future.

    on the second thought, over 50 you can get a retirement visa, no need to marry


    Believe me, it is much better to get a retirement visa, than to marry a Thai woman. lol. I am speaking from experience. I am married to a younger, Thai woman and I love her dearly and she loves me, but in retrospect, neither of us would get married again. ;-) We have been together for about 8 or 9 years now and things are great, but my advise, to anyone single....RENT, DON'T BUY! ;-)

    In all seriousness though, I think it is a good law and I support it.

    Sounds like an arrangement rather than true love.

  3. My heart goes out to those who were affected by this unfortunate event. At first I was so angry that I could not stop my mind from spinning long enough to make any response. I'm still angry however the medical profession here in Thailand does not deserve silence. So here goes. I have been in two major hospitals and one clinic here in Bangkok. The unsanitary conditions were appalling. The stench on the fourth floor of one hospital drove me outside for fresh air. The floors and furnitures are dirty. Dust everywhere. Odors permeate the air leaving you to guess what caused that foul odor and why hasn't something been done to eliminate it? My niece works for one of these hospitals and has the most unsanitary behavior of any of my Thai relatives. One evening we decided to have dinner at an open air market. Instead of ordering a soda or bottle of water my niece partoke of the community drinking bucket with the community drinking cup with no hesitations. I almost lost it, my dinner! She also brings her four year old brat for weekend visits which as you have guessed I could do without when she is hacking and coughing. No hands cover the mouth or if I'm not mistaken no washing of the hands. She should know better working at a hospital. Where is the education? Do they teach health in the schools? I guess not! I laughed when I read that Thailand was expecting 16 million tourist to visit for medical treaments. One look or one whiff of the air and I'm sure some will be off to other lands. I give the Thai medical workers high grades for their work ethics but a very low grade on their education level. Sorry for rambling. I'm still angry and amazed! Again my heart goes out to them and their families for their new impairment or total loss of sight.

  4. Mr Anwar made a verbal contract and should of honored it and chalked it up as "lesson well learned". First mistake was not asking how far his new hotel was before seeking transportation. Second he tried to renig on his verbal contract. Third mistake is that he forgot con men don't work alone. It's unfortunate as this is just another blight on the tourism picture. Bad people are everywhere! I laugh now at an experience in Detroit Michigan. Lesson well learned there.

  5. It was a ghost town Sunday so I assume it is not up and running yet. My nephew said he had a friend ride it on the 4th of this month. My in laws say that happens with a new leg of transportatin. Test runs, then trouble. Sorry they do not know IF or when it will be up and running. They say that's par for the course, so mai pen lai. Looking forward to using it when we head out of here. :)

  6. I voted YES! Hope I'm wrong as I'm retired and on a fixed income of US$. I've read as much as my eyes and brain can handle about the world's current financial problems and I'm approaching overload. Our economy cannot repay the enormous debt that our government is creating. We cannot even pay the interest. WOULD YOU LOAN MONEY TO SOMEONE WHO YOU KNOW CANNOT REPAY YOU?! When the world wakes up to that fact then the dollar is doomed for a very deep devaluation. It's been predicted that this will happen in 12 to 18 months. Where the Thai baht will be at that time is a big question mark in my mind. I'm racing to get the required amount of money into my Thai account before the dollar devalues so that I can fulfill my visa requirement and be able to remain here in Thailand if I choose to do so. Watching gold prices but it is outpacing my ability to accumulate much. Could write pages about this subject but I don't want to bore our members and my crystal ball is a little foggy. How is yours?

  7. i have this next door neighbour who is ab normal and a bit of a dolt

    each evening between 6/7 he burns coconut husk around his shack this is an annoying smell that lingers for hours we have tried talking to him but he still contiues is vile habit

    what i'd like to know is there a body that can enforce him to stop or can i take it up with the munisipality

    Buy a mosquito net for your neighbors sleeping area and suggest that he stop his ritual of burning coconut husk. If you pay him you will just open pandora's box. :)

  8. My Thai wife and I have returned to Thailand after 35yrs in the USA. I'm on a retirement visa. Six months here already and we are still trying to get used to the noise level generated when Thai's have a conversation. At first I thought they were in a heated argument. Told my wife that I don't remember this from 35yrs ago. She said she did not also. Laughed the other day because two Thais were trying to whisper and were having touble understanding each other. Is it the tone infliction of the language that requires a raised voice to be understood? Has anyone else notice this? Sometimes we can hear conversations held across the fence between neighbors five blocks away. Makes us yearn for more quiet surroundings. Going deaf and crazy! :)

  9. Hi Guys,

    I just went out into the Thai kitchen area at the back of the house to be greeted by a 1 metre Cobra. Closed the door and called the local builders for help. They ran across and tried to catch the Cobra, which at that point had gone underground. They waited around a bit and the Cobra re emerged and started to attack the garden rake that they were using to try to scare it out. Eventually it was pinned down and beaten to death. I have never seen anything like this before and to be honest it's a bit worrying having snakes around. Anyone got any experience of this and also are they likely to be more?

    We have a young Thai nephew staying with us at the moment and I am thankful that he was not the first to find it.

    Cheers, Rick

    Don't like snakes of any variety.When neighbors said they saw a poisonous green tree viper emerge from our patio one night I got on the internet looking for snake repellant. I now have crushed mothballs spinkled on and around our patio. Looking for the plant " Mother-N-Law Tongue". Used that around my home in Florida,USA with apparent success. They say where there is one snake there are more. I suggest you seal any available snake access points into you home and use any deterrants available. If you are not a cat or dog owner I'd reconsider. One method I used in Florida was to bunch old fishing nets around my garden area. Caught many snakes this way. I really don't want to kill them but I don't want to share my space with them. They serve a purpose in nature's game plan. Good luck and watch your step. :)

  10. In the past, I often use the Baht Rate link to check current exchange rates. I have noticed that the exchange rates are not available for many days recently. For example, for the month of October, exchange rates are only available for the 1st and the 5th of October. All the other days are unavailable.

    Is this a temporary problem or it this to be expected from now on?

    I use Yahoo's widget(currency converter) which is running on my desk top.Has not failed to update since I uploaded it six months ago.

  11. Found Miracle Whip at Tesco in Salaya. Still trying to figure out what "proper mustard" is?! :D My sister is comming from the US for a visit. Been putting together a list of items to bring. Lucky for her the list is small. I do miss my Craftman Tools but there is a weight limit :):D . Small reliable kitchen appliances would be nice also but I guess there would be a huge import tax on those. :D

  12. In any case if she gets a green card, she can still travel back and forth but cannot leave U.S. for (I believe) more than 3 months. At least that is what it used to be. U.S. embassy could help with more specific answers.

    If you are out of the borders of the US or it's protectorates (Porta Rico, American Samoa, etc.)for a period of six months or more and posses a green card you are suppose to turn your green card in for a ten year visa card at the nearest US Embassy. Found this info on the US immigration web site. If you attempt to enter the US on the green card and been out of the country for more than six months they may not let you enter. There's no guarantee for any visa as one poster stated.

  13. Advise please. My 2nd 90 day reporting is due the 16th, Oct. in Bangkok. Since my first 90 day reporting I've moved. Was unable to do the required reporting of a change of address in the required 24 hour period. So now I'm faced with giving immigration a change of address notification and doing a 90 day report. How would you handle this? Also is there examples available on how to fill out forms TM.47 & TM.28. Thank you. Standing by. :)

  14. My nephew's friend had a helmet made in Thailand many years ago. He's looking either to get it recovered or replicated. Not being a biker myself I'm looking for help from the Thai biker community. I'm located in the Bangkok area. My nephew and friend reside near Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Nephew sent great pics of the helmet. Will attempt to add. Appreciate your help.





  15. We just had a new fish tank built which is pretty large. (2 meters long and 160Gl) so great pressure will be on the seems.

    The guy who built it told us to wait at least 10 days before putting the water in there?Does silicone realy take that long to dry and hold or is he over cautious?

    anyone a specialist on this?

    No specialist but have worked with silicon, aka; RTV(military version),GOOP, etc. for nearly forty years. Great stuff. Almost as good as duct tape :D .

    My advise is to listen to the man who built your aquarium. Especially if he does it for a living. The consequences of tearing a seam is too great. Patience my friend and you should enjoy your aquarium for a long time. Besides he may be willing to do repairs for free should the seams not hold after waiting 10 days. :)

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