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Posts posted by WitawatWatawit

  1. "But the new forms have yet to be printed and would not come into force until about August. Police said that should be enough time to use up the 28,300 books of the Thai only forms that are still left."

    Wonder if that include the "missing" books too?

    with 28,300 books to finish by August they surely would be busy


    If they were doing their jobs properly, they could issue that many tickets before lunchtime. And that's just for foreigners. :)

  2. A very shallow look at the problem. We need a lot more hard core facts and statistical info from the writer before we can proceed to debate what is written. A true opinion writer (and this is an opinion piece, not an analysis) will quote page and verse from facts to back up his/her arguments. A true opinion writer inspires debate and advances an argument. This hasn't occurred in this case. It's just lightweight meanderings.

  3. Dude, you have NOT been addicted to benzos, and nor have I. For heaven's sake, your body (like mine) developed a bloody DEPENDENCY on them, not a flipping addiction. Jeez.Wake up to yourself. I spent a year recovering from benzos, yet I still say there was no addiction. Two years after quitting smoking, I still crave a smoke, but I don't crave benzos. Understand the difference?

  4. I shall pay tribute to him at the Banharn and Jumsai Silpa-archa Public Toilet in Banharn and Jumsai Silpa-archa Park on Banharn and Jumsai Silpa-archa Road in Banharn and Jumsai Silpa-archa district. Nice park and road, btw, paid for with funds initially earmarked for the poor in Isan.

  5. Melatonin did nothing for me. I took it every night for a month with absolutely no effect. The only thing that helps me get drowsy is Atarax, unless I want to take Valium or Xanax which I don't want to take because they are addictive if you take them for more than a couple weeks.

    Just a minor correction ... they are not addictive ... your body develops a dependency on them. Taken every day, that dependency can develop in just a few weeks, and weaning off can take a year or more of sheer hell.

    Isn't that what an addictiion is, a "dependancy". Seems to me you're just playing semantics.

    No. I'm not. Perhaps this website can explain it for you - better than I can. I should explain that I went through xanax withdrawal.


  6. Forget the culture shock (and I've seen some seriously crazy reactions to it). What has become more important to me in later years has been the attitude of many Thais towards foreigners. OK, I live close to Pattaya and that might explain some things, but it doesn't explain all, like rules and regulations being interpreted at the discretion of a solitary govt official, or suburban Thais losing their village-ness (:)). Culture shock isn't really a big deal for most people - in reality, it's more adaptation to new circumstances - some do it quickly, others never.

  7. Melatonin did nothing for me. I took it every night for a month with absolutely no effect. The only thing that helps me get drowsy is Atarax, unless I want to take Valium or Xanax which I don't want to take because they are addictive if you take them for more than a couple weeks.

    Just a minor correction ... they are not addictive ... your body develops a dependency on them. Taken every day, that dependency can develop in just a few weeks, and weaning off can take a year or more of sheer hell.

  8. Just the thoughts of having sand getting in them private parts giving me the willies......

    Reminds me of Marty Feldman and the gorgeous Julie Ege in "Every home should have one". They've just had wild sex on the beach and are lying in each other's arms dewy eyed and sniffling. She looks tenderly at him and says, Darling why are you crying? Is it your first time? And Marty says "Yes." A moment later, Marty gazes into her eyes and says, Darling, why are you crying? There's a pregnant pause, and she says ....
















    You had to see it to appreciate how hilarious it was. Even Julie Ege's stunning naked dangerous curves (damnnn she was hot!) couldn't detract from the scene.

  9. Just bear in minds that who ever is the instigator of any altercation, the non Thai will end up paying for all

    damages and hospital bills, no matter whether it was a self defense using resemble force to protect oneself,

    this is the law of the land, i.e. Thai= poor, farang= rich, and so this ' logic' prevails even in motor vehicles

    accidents, so think twice before acting unless there's no other way out to act.....

    Link to said law of the land please.

    "Law of the land" can also refer to common law.

    Anyway, Ezzra is not completely correct. The only two car accidents I have had in Thailand were caused by Thai drivers, and both took responsibility. In the second (repairs cost about 16k), one of the Thai guys in the delivery van shot off down the road to buy us all drinks while waiting for the insurance rep - very affable guys.

  10. I'm moving as well. I've been told that packing your belongings yourself can negate insurance. So be mindful of that.

    I've contacted one company in Pattaya - will get the name later, short term memory loss :) - which quoted me 19k baht for 1.5 cu/m crate (first consignment, with more stuff to follow later) to NZ. They will pack.

    No point in selling stuff here and purchasing again back home - second hand market is worthless. A new 50-inch TV cost me 28k last year, but best offer 2nd hand is 10k, so the loss is 18k - which far exceeds the cost of shipping.

  11. There requires a lot of pre planning , secret meeting places , coded messages and a instantaneous crowd of at least a hundred thousand to beat Prayut-O mob of paranoid spiffs, it might be a good idea to leave it to the professionals , the Students, they seem to have a good track record against the military........................coffee1.gif

    The Thai students are the bravest of the brave. They are well educated and will not be fooled. If this constitution is fair and good for thailand, they will certainly fight to defend it.

    However, if it puts this country in danger of going back to a time when they had no freedoms,

    They will fight bravely and as always peacefully.

    Voices verses guns.

    Sadly, Thai students are some of the least well educated on the planet.

    I've employed a ton of graduates here and apart from 1 or 2 from Chula, the only ones with I didn't have to start from scratch with were those that had done bachelors/masters overseas.

    I think before you call them brave, you should find out who is leading them to protest. If it's just another red/yellow politician desperate to line their own pockets, I'd put these students in the "dumb as a bag of rocks" category, rather than the brave one.

    Your last paragraph is misleading and vile. You clearly forget 1973 and 1976, not to mention Black May, 1992. You also forget the current student leaders being held by this govt for expressing a dissenting view, and there is not the slightest hint of a political agenda - just a social agenda. Get real.

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