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Posts posted by jchen

  1. @Blam

    Well said and informative. Compelling idea. If this is the case, then your president George W. Bush should be impeached, arrested, and imprisoned for knowingly telling globally mortal sized lies about WMDs thereby leading the USA to war and to the innocent deaths of 137,287 Iraqis and 4,268 US Citizens. It certainly does look like 'malice aforethought leading to wrongful death'. Is the American public not privy to this information? Why do conservative right wing US citizens continue follow such a known liar? Are they in fact war mongers too? Is this where rich Americans make their money, by making war? Is this why Barack Obama is going to pull out of Iraq really? Because the Iraqi war was started under false pretenses? It seems as though then, that the Iraqi war plan was originated long before your 9-11 attacks. Please enlighten.

    Not so fast Riverine, read, weep, then report back:


    This, and these consignees, are exactly what President George W. Bush used as his primary source of information. And, this sent on January 26, 1998, was a letter to President at the time, Bill Cliinton!

    The first week he took office, President George W. Bush fired SAIC as the elite independent world information gathering source, and turned the job solely over to the Pentagon. SAIC was a major part of the "large war defensive" 'chess master defense' developed by Clinton think tanks. President George W. Bush threw this strategy in the trashcan immediately, then went to war with Iraq utilizing a body of lies unparalleled in US history.

    You yourself may not be a warmonger, the US people may not be war mongers, but George Bush, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Pearle, Donald Rumsfeld, William Bennet, and Zalmay Khalilzad, et al (along with the entire Bush heritage ranging back 70 years) certainly were/are, and they went about it very badly. Bad intelligence from restricted sources(?), or bad leadership(?), or both? History now suggests "both".

    Feet on ground, or foot in mouth? Please do some coherent fact finding before saying anything about the posters here. I don't think that anyone posting in thaivisa.com hates America at all, in fact 99.999% love it more than you will ever know. That's the reason people say anything at all. History is going to enslave George W. Bush to the ranks of the never to be forgotten war mongers, and what NOT to do as president.

    The plan to invade Iraq was formulated long before the 9/11 attack on New York City.

    GW Bush used the 9/11 attacks as the impetus to declare war on Iraq, just as he used the 9/11 attacks to create a monstrously devised, Constitutional Amendment eroding, "Homeland Security" plan. This also, was penned and planned far in advance of Bush ascending to power, by the congressmen, senators, and people that financed the Bush campaign (i.e. Halliburton, CACI, Titan, Bechtel, Aegis Defense Services, Custer Battles, General Dynamics, Nour USA Ltd. etc EACH AND EVERY ONE LATER FOUND GUILTY OF FRAUD DURING THE OCCUPATION OF IRAQ).

    The information has been on public record for 4 years, but the American media, completely and totally cowed by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, and the roaring right, could do nothing about it. Yes, you are correct, and hopefully, Barack Obama will make a complete showing of the real documentation leading up to the Iraqi war, the bogus ones generated and helped along by Ahmed Abdel Hadi Chalabi, and the real SAIC-CIA documents secreted by the Pentagon then released in 2006 under court order. These all led to the declarations made under oath regarding the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame, leading to the telling by Bush press secretary Scott McClellen (http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_...llans-grav.html)

    President Obama should make a model of Bush/Cheney just as judges do in US criminal courts. "Do the crime, do your time" should apply to everyone, not just normal everyday US citizens.

    I sincerely hope that the United States does not have to endure the contrived acts of rich elitist war creators such as these, ever again.

    @Blam: Thank you for clarifying this for me. For a long time, we here in Singapore have refered to the United States as the "United Snakes", I can now see that it isn't the American people but your leaders that are the snakes. I am wondering if Americans can read? If not maybe your new president Obama can help with this. It seems that you Americans are on the road to a new horizon, and I for one congratulate you on your courage to make change and wish you the very best of luck! The world desperately needs a strong safe America, I hope your president Obama can fix the misery from all of the terrible lies and what they have brought you and all off disasters of the last 8 years. George Bush should maybe go to jail? Barack Obama seems like a very good man to me, I would like to meet him someday. Best of luck to you on your new beginning!

  2. @Blam

    Well said and informative. Compelling idea. If this is the case, then your president George W. Bush should be impeached, arrested, and imprisoned for knowingly telling globally mortal sized lies about WMDs thereby leading the USA to war and to the innocent deaths of 137,287 Iraqis and 4,268 US Citizens. It certainly does look like 'malice aforethought leading to wrongful death'. Is the American public not privy to this information? Why do conservative right wing US citizens continue follow such a known liar? Are they in fact war mongers too? Is this where rich Americans make their money, by making war? Is this why Barack Obama is going to pull out of Iraq really? Because the Iraqi war was started under false pretenses? It seems as though then, that the Iraqi war plan was originated long before your 9-11 attacks. Please enlighten.

    Not so fast Riverine, read, weep, then report back:


    This, and these consignees, are exactly what President George W. Bush used as his primary source of information. And, this sent on January 26, 1998, was a letter to President at the time, Bill Cliinton!

    The first week he took office, President George W. Bush fired SAIC as the elite independent world information gathering source, and turned the job solely over to the Pentagon. SAIC was a major part of the "large war defensive" 'chess master defense' developed by Clinton think tanks. President George W. Bush threw this strategy in the trashcan immediately, then went to war with Iraq utilizing a body of lies unparalleled in US history.

    You yourself may not be a warmonger, the US people may not be war mongers, but George Bush, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Pearle, Donald Rumsfeld, William Bennet, and Zalmay Khalilzad, et al (along with the entire Bush heritage ranging back 70 years) certainly were/are, and they went about it very badly. Bad intelligence from restricted sources(?), or bad leadership(?), or both? History now suggests "both".

    Feet on ground, or foot in mouth? Please do some coherent fact finding before saying anything about the posters here. I don't think that anyone posting in thaivisa.com hates America at all, in fact 99.999% love it more than you will ever know. That's the reason people say anything at all. History is going to enslave George W. Bush to the ranks of the never to be forgotten war mongers, and what NOT to do as president.

  3. It seem to me that people with large amount afraid/avoide to pay tax, but poor people have to work their @$ off to make a live.

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    To the OP : you said you are old,

    May I suggest that get Report of Birth Abroad and give your child to get dual citizenship ?

    Get Social Security Number untill she is 18 then she can decide where / what she will be. (does children under 18 have to pay tax ?)

    Please plan for kid's future but not too worry about govt, tax cause you dont know what would happen or sorry to say she will have a hard life when you are gone.

    Just share my experience, and thank you my ex husband he prepared things for my son, other wise we will have a hard life in Thailand by now.

    I apologize if some of my texts may offended you.

    @ Blam:

    This sounds like the most economically correct version of reality in this thread. I would suggest you read what thesunset75 says here very carefully> real life. I understand that you have your own experiences, and those are driving you away from what we in Singapore call "The United Snakes", but think about how random things are going to be post Bush. He may have been the worst president you have ever had, he may have in fact destroyed your country.


    You may be very sorry if you do not allow your daughter to have the chance to be someone she could not possibly be without US citizenship.

  4. :D:o:D:D

    Greg, the owner of Sunrise tries hard, he really does. The idea was taken from a place called Rubios in San Diego, and yep, the fish tacos aren't bad. Unfortunately, it's just plain old white bread style Mexican food for plain old white bread gringos. There is a habenero chile sauce in an innocuous bottle that Greg brought with him from the US... has to be the hottest thing outside of the real thing from Caracas, Venezuela. (I used to grow them, and be careful this stuff will ruin your evening!)

    OK. If you guys are up for the game (If you clowns weren't adventurous you wouldn't be here right?): I don't know the name of this place, but it isn't bad (talk about picky? I am picky), not cheap, and the chili colorado is the best in Thailand certainly. Go to the Saladaeng BTS, go straight down Silom like you are headed for Patpong, keep going, turn right on Soi 6, go past BenTen massage, then turn left at the first corner. Look down at the end of the little dead end soi, and on the right you will see it. They have mariachis sometimes at night too. Best Mex I have found in Thailand, not just BKK. Try it, you will like it. Careful leaving the place, make sure to retrace your steps, heh!

    I need to get my friends Juan, Guillermo, and Hermalinda over here, they know how to do a Mexican restaurant: used to own Cafe Merida in Tijuana, then the Pajaro Azul in Playa Del Carmen, they're much too rich to bother with it any more though dangit!

    ¡Para el ausente, el presente y para los que no podrían hacerlo! (Mexican drinking toast: "For the absent, the present and those who couldn't make it!") ¡Salud!

    Been there, can't remember name either but will go back this weekend. Tiny. Smells funny like lard. Easy to get very drunk. Good.

  5. There will be thousands of tourists who have paid big money to come to Thailand over this period.

    The ban on alcohol for two weekends will inconvenience the plans of many of these tourists.

    It really is a case of over kill with these bans.

    I am glad i am not in Thailand on holidays over this period for while a day or two here and there through out the year is not a real inconvenience to ban alcohol over two of the busiest weekends in high tourist season is a major dispappointment for most people who enjoy the night life of thailand.

    1. In general, most Thais could give a flying fork about what inconveniences farangs. They see the numbers of tourists going up and up every year, this fact alone means that Thailand MUST be better than where the farangs came from, so the tourists can live with whatever goofiness the Thais can manufacture.

    2. Also, in general, Thais suffer from 'Ghengis Khan' disease (they are missing 1 key enzyme in their stomach lining) and can't very well deal with alcohol or alcohol addiction. Shutting off the tap on election days is a must. (A Beer Chang for your vote Khun Daeng?)

    3. If a Thai wants a beer or anything else at any time, 24 hours a day, he/she knows where to get it. The entire no alcohol thing is ludicrous, and as always, it's just a pander to the gander in Thailand. Smoke.

  6. everytime I've gone to the ballot box here, my ballot has been secret. I'd love someone to offer me 700 baht (which I'd gladly take from all commers, in which case you couldn't argue I'd been influenced disproportionatly) and then happily vote for whoever I ###### well felt like.

    If there were 5 or 6 parties running, that would be at least 3500 baht.

    screw'em all.

    The problem, as we have gone over before, is that voting booths aren't always placed as they should, ballots are handed out by village elders and villagers instructed on what to vote (kinda hard to vote for another then unless they smuggle in another ballot and with the agility of a ninja switches it while the elders watch on) to make sure the village as a whole recieves a large kickback.

    And at the same time some people feel offended when other countries and organizations offers to send election observers... :o

    They wanted to speed up he cheating process at the last election with the introduction of new paper ballot boxes when the metal ones used just before that were just fine. Also, the introduction of a rubber stamp eased the cheating process by eliminating the uniqueness of a hand written X or check mark, all rubber stamped ballots look the same and unwanted votes can be easily replaced. Some pens available did not work at all and people were forced to use the rubber stamp.

    And then they claimed 16 million voters. :D

    Brought to you by TRT and it's bought election commissioners.

    My wife's grandfather said the last election was the 'funniest' he had ever seen. He got a bottle of Saeng Som, a free dinner, AND 500 Baht in a little red envelope. He figures that this is the 'way' it will be this next one too. He doesn't care, this is how it has always been... except before it was a few free drinks for him and the wife at his electioneers house, with some larb, green beans and sticky rice, then 100 Baht each as you left to go home. Needless to say, he likes the new way a whole lot better.


  7. Why suffer? We're out of here within two years.

    Mr. Tony,

    Your inference is that all foreigners will be ejected in two years? I sometimes worry about that very situation ever since the coup. The junta general/prime minister is becoming a real peacock and I am sure that he does not want to give up his 'chair' now. Myanmar = Thailand? I wonder.

    The Thai Government websites appear to have been created by 13 year old students using an ancient version Micrososoft Office Front Page. Even at that, they are as amateurish as something the uneducated children could create in just a few minutes, and very much an embarrassment to anyone. It is no wonder that they were so easy to deface. And yet, the people that do the work on this horrific looking HTML & graphics consider themselves experts and are proud to display their work. It is a real travesty.

    I truly wonder when Thailand will wake up. You can look at only your own anus for just so long and think it to be a beautiful thing.

  8. Mr. Wissanu admitted the ministry's website security was not state-of-the-art and is to be enhanced shortly.

    Heh, well, that about says it for everything in this uneducated joke of a country. Even Albania has MCSEs and security CCNEs. Thailand just has a bunch of paper waving morons.

    I celebrated my amazing 21 years in Thailand last month with an "Eff me get me outta here" toast. The place has completely gone to h#ll.

    Thailand. My home, my nightmare. Over 50 million baht gone to the chang see khao.

    Myanmar, Laos, Kampuchea, Thailand. Make sure you get it right, and don't kid yourself like I did.

    Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Pluto, or Goofy....? You be be the judge.

    Mr. Blam,

    I have only been living in Thailand for about a year, but I have been visiting Thailand from Hong Kong for a long long time. Thailand really has changed, hasn't it? Thailand has gone in a very very bad direction since Shinawatra took over. Corruption seems to be far worse, and the Thais seem to have adopted the Shinawatra ("I am a professional liar and you have to live with it") attitude of xenophobia and condescension... down to anything not Thai.

    I have a baby in Thailand now, and so I am living here. It is not anything like it was 10 years ago, I agree. And, the education system is turning out juvenile deliquents just as fast as it can. Where will Thailand be in another 21 years? Far worse off I can imagine.

    'Chang see khao' mean "White Elephant", yes? You have been feeding the white elephant for 21 years Mr. Blam? I see that correctly?

    Good luck to you, Mr. Blam, you have someone here that understands your frustration. The Internet, the Thai websites, the superior attitude with unprofessional training. it previews just a very sloppy country going nowhere. A country without portfolio. Mickey Mouse is just about right. Now, I realise, I have to close my eyes, close my mind, close my heart, and suffer along with you. :o

  9. Chinese proverb: 'Talk does not cook rice.' Ethics, trustworthiness, and respect happen in real life and between people, not in a press release.

    How much more obvious could it be? This German's partner just flat stitched him up him. The German was not stupid, he got blindsided, then 'screwed, blued, and tatooed' by the Thai BPP (back pocket patrol.) SameO SameO country wide, any given day.

    Consider him very very lucky. If it had been Chiang Rai, the German's press release would have simply stated that he had been found dead (for some stupid reason) then forgotten.

    Good luck farang, wherever you are.

  10. Thanks for picking up on this one George. This 12% figure is just a shadow of the reality.

    It is not like this world-wide at all. In Hong Kong, you are expected to be PERFECTLY Canton fluent at age 9. And second language (English) fluent by age 13. Many students are 4 or 5 multi-lingual by high school graduation. (Mandarin (Putonghua), Shanghainese, and Chiu-Chow) Many people speak French, German, and Italian. Why? Because parents and the education system demand it.

    Thailand is a mirror of Laos, Kampuchea, and Myanmar. Failure rates in all classes are just simply passed on to the next level and the next teacher. Thai classrooms are among the worst in the world. Even Southern Egypt, Eastern Morocco, and Western Gobi have a majority of students that at least TRY~! Let's just say there are very few polyglots in Thailand and leave it there.

    Changes are going to be long and tedious, mainly because elder Thais simply don't care. Essentially illiterate, they never had to bother to learn Thai correctly, why should their kids?

    I apologise for being so negative here, my girlfriend is a retired Thai Matayom teacher and has major issues with the system as well.

  11. I hope the visa fees go up and up therefore pricing you visa runners out.

    Was mentioned on Thai TV news today that the whole visa system is going to come under serious review, mainly because there are a substantial amount of foreigners in Thailand working illegally, racketeers and losers with nowhere else to go.

    Hopefully it's going to be crunch time for these undesirables.

    Ridiculous flame bait.

    Make the yearly visa 100,000 Baht, use the money to materialise a real education system in Thailand, then utilise the 'new' knowledge to stop xenophobia. The long term vistors from Hong Kong, such as I, have been studying the Thai idea of 'anti-anyone but Thai' now since 1999. Distortedlink, you are at once correct, but unfortunately far off the mark.

    The world is losing patience with Thailand. It is not a democracy, it is a military dictatorship, ie. Myanmar. The "substantial amount of foreigners in Thailand working illegally, racketeers and losers with nowhere else to go" is by and large junta fiction. Make the 1 year visa 100,000 Baht, or even 200,000 Baht, then what will the Thai excuse be?

    We are only adhering to Thailand rules. These rules are not made by us, they are made by Thais. Consider that carefully distortedlink.

  12. Penkoprod:

    500 Baht increase in Penang.

    The only thing the agent said about the bank book statement is: "Bring a copy of your bankbook." I tried to nail down my extremely dutifull agent on the exact amounts (that the consulate might looking for,) but his reply consisted of "they told us to bring a copy of the applicant's bank book." So, I'm very sorry I can't be more specific. There is no '3 month advance deposit' required in Penang. My guess is the amount in the bank is not as important as showing that you are taking care of your wife and/or your baby responsibly. Therefore, by providing a copy of your bank statment showing that you have some responsible amount of funds in a Thai bank, you are thereby justifying your 1yr non O multiple.

    I do not want to hazard a guess of what amounts are required, as of course I could very well be far off the mark.

    My thing here is that this Penang process is delightfully old school, and I no longer have to deal with the %# extension process.

    Read this again very carefully Penkoprod, then read between the lines, you'll get it. Yes it is just that easy. If you still do not understand, please PM me.

    Have a good trip!

  13. Penang, Malaysia: Non immigrant 'O' 1 year Multiple Entry = Success!

    Absolutely no extra work involved whatsover, just a little more money required. (Your Thai bank book has to show a bit of something)

    Travel: Fly Nok Air; Phuket - Hat Yai RT = 2100Baht; Minibus: Hat Yai - Penang RT = 500Baht (Firefly Air direct nonstop Phuket - Penang RT = 4,830 Baht)

    Accomodations: Hong Ping Hotel 2 nights = 1380Baht (I stayed in Hat Yai a couple of extra days just for fun; Sakura Grandview 890Baht/night)

    Food: Indonesian Ristaffel set = 150 Baht, Hainan Chicken Rice = 50 Baht, Tandoori chicken = 55 Baht, Biryani 50 Baht, Khoo Clan Dim Sum set 80 Baht! Malay "Kopi white" (coffee w/sweet milk) 10 Baht!

    Visa complete: Non 'O' M 1yr: 5,500 Baht (+ agent fee 200Baht)...

    The freedom and peace of mind this visa provides every single day? : PRICELESS!

    Parvez Bookstore, Chulia St. Penang, does it again!


  14. Of course:

    (But I have to say torrenova that I know of NO Penang agents that actually have real websites, that's pretty out there, you know of any?)

    Parvez Book Store

    Mr. Mohamed Anwar

    419 Chulia St. 10200 Penang, Malaysia

    PM me for phone and email addresses.

    One year multiple entry non O in Penang, Malaysia. Available now. Yes, it's real.

    Or, hey, better yet. If you still don't believe, CALL THE EMBASSY! +6042268029

    The approximated 20% price increases have been common knowledge for over a month, ie. this link:

    Bangkok Recorder: Thai Visa Prices Hiked

    More info when I get back.


  15. Just FYI and general info:

    I talked to my visa agent in Penang today. They are now doing non O multiple entry 1yr visas. Also, the prices are going up drastically July 1st.

    When asked about the International bank acct being OK, (ala Singapore) the agent said: "Never mind, bring your Thai bankbook with you to show whatever you have, everything is going to change July 1st and they are just running everything out the door right now as fast as they can." He also alluded to the fact (with some nervousness) that the Embassy may be becoming more strict.

    So, I'm off to Chulia St. tomorrow. Air- Phuket to Hat Yai 1hr, minivan- Penang 4 hrs, 2 nights hotel, minivan, Hat Yai to Phuket.

    Easy, and really not that expensive.

    Even though I don't need to go for a month, I'm going now just to get it overwith. Will file a report on return. :o

  16. To clarify, and a question for lopburi?

    I just moved here to Phuket. I have a non immigrant O visa based on our 6 mo. old Thai baby (not married, but getting the non O was easy, my name on birth certificate.) I don't want to deal with the multiple entry thing at all. Can I just keep going back to Penang (love the place) every 3 months and get non O's indefinitely?

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