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Posts posted by globe

  1. About the airport itself.

    Lots of bitches from the surrounding residents about hearing problems, sleepless nights everything you can think of.

    Correct me if I am wrong. It took them 40 yeas to build this airport in a swamp called Cobra or some snake pit.

    Very reminiscent of the time in the 40's when the only airport serving New York City was La Guardia, because the residents complained about having larger and larger airplanes with more noise utilizing the airfield.

    The powers to be at the time decided to built it as far away from NYC as possible, also in a swamp area known as Jamaica. Nothing there but a few seagulls.

    The first commercial flights began on

    July 1, 1948. The airport, originally dedicated as "New York International Airport" on July 31, 1948, was renamed Idlewild Airport in December 1948 because of its link to the Idlewild Golf Course. The golf course acquired its name from an old Indian name for the area – "Idalwilde" – or peaceful and savage. Idlewild Airport was renamed in December 1963, in memory of President John F. Kennedy. It was rededicated on December 24, 1963, as

    John F. Kennedy International Airport, following action of the Mayor

    and Council of the City of New York and a resolution of the Commissioners of the Port Authority.

    Soon people began to build houses all around the airport, until the "Jets" came. Yes the first turbo jets of the B707, DC8 and other vintages were noisy, smoke belching monsters, but that was the technology of the day. The neighbors started to complain about the noise. Well, you knew you were buying a house near the airport, so shut up, was the answer from the authorities.

    Then came the Fan-jets, the kind in use today which really are like shrouded propeller blades, who are 10 times quieter than even the old piston jobs, like DC 7 Bs and Lockheed Super-Constellations of yore.

    The Concorde began commercial service in the mid 1970's, flown by British Airways and Air France and was originally banned from using JFK. But under pressure the management consented to a test flight to KJFK in order to evaluate the noise impact it would make. It was well advertised in the media.

    Now here is where I come in. On the day in question, I don't remember the exact date, I happened to be at the airport's PONYA operations to await the arrival of the SST which was to be around 13:00 LT (I think) doesn't matter because when it came close to the ETA, operations was informed that because of a fuel shortage the airplane was diverted to Boston, Massachusetts. Meanwhile JFK traffic arrived and departed as usual. At precisely 13:05 the phones kept ringing off the hook, complaining about the horrible noise the Concorde made, even though it never arrived there.

    Same same, as the Thais say.

    PS: I had met several of the Concord crew back then, received the Cook's tour of the machine, envious because I was pushing 40 already never being allowed to fly something like that.

    I remember the first time I met the flight-crew perusing the SID (Standard Instrument Departure) of 31 L which they knew by heart having departed JFK many times in 707s, but this was the "noise abatement" procedure written specifically for the SST, a very complicated time and fuel consuming procedure. Many times, when en route to Florida, did I hear the Concorde crew who departed Miami, beg for clearance to climb and accelerate. The beast consumed huge amounts of fuel at low altitudes.

  2. Oh yes, they (it's only one however) and yes it was because of my naïveté and trust in human nature.

    Not quite done yet, but I am waiting for him at this very moment.

    Well “Kamoy” had returned to his wife and son. What was I supposed to do? Sue him? I wouldn’t have snowball’s chance in hel_l to win. Him Thai, me Falang. This would drag out for years and at 72 ½ I don’t have the time. He apologized profusely and promised to pay me back “next season.” As with my other miseries I needed some cash in the bank to get the minimum required for the retirement visa, which I should have had 2 years ago, were it not for the tsunami and T's cleaning out my bank account. His family own acres of real estate which has tripled in value. They are selling a great deal and building resorts. These people won't lift a finger to help me. I know blood is thicker than water. The 100,000 Baht he borrowed from me for the lumber when he was building his house, every time I look at it I could throw up. They all drive brand new cars.On a recent rip to Phuket’s International Hospital with my erstwhile business partner as designated driver, since I refuse to drive in Phuket, It was necessary to replenish the money supply via some conveniently located ATM machines in the lobby. It appeared two of them did not care for my US card. My “friend” came up, asked what the problem was and suggested one outside of the building. This one indeed was kind enough to dispense the requested amount.

    Upon leaving, a floor walker, a personable retired Irish volunteer approached me and advised me that he noticed my “friend” shooting a movie over my shoulder with his cell phone as I was entering the PIN.

    What he expects to do with it, I do not know, since would need the card as well. Just to be safe I closed the account immediately.

    This guy had swindled me out of over 1 Million Baht had the nerve to come back and laugh at me when I threatened him with the Police.

    His E-mail to me earlier this year:

    why you talk ih me about police. Before you will do any think, if you go to police both of us have to fight by lawyer. And it will bring to many problems between us . Also you have no contect no paper ith me about money problems.

    Yes he made sure there was no money trail. For lack of space I kept some of my papers in his (our) office which was destroyed by the tsunami. Since had also emptied my personal account I had no money for a lawyer anyway and they don’t come cheap in any country.

    A thought hit me. Since I paid cash for the truck, hey, finance the thing, interest rates are low and it would get me around 250,000 baht into my account. with this and my income from Social Security I should have no problem. When I die, the truck will be up for grabs anyway. Meanwhile he confessed that he registered the truck in his name. For cheaper insurance, he said. When I approached him about the financing he was willing to assist me. The insurance company agreed to pay for the dented tailgate, (Someone had hit me while I was stopped, but drove off, what else is new in Thailand) but the bank also wanted some small dents and scratches taken care of . The body shop in Phuket said 2 weeks but it has been 9 weeks and today is the day I am supposed to get the vehicle back. After a million excuses I won’t be holding my breath since he has the book and probably sold it by now.

    I received a call the last week from him, advising me that a falang has to return to Sweden and is selling several items, including a CPU sans keyboard or monitor. I bought a washing machine from him almost new and cheap, he said; He wants 4000 Baht for the CPU. Cool, since my laptop gave up I need a second computer, since I have 2 keyboards and 2 monitors laying around.

    He came up to the house, I handed him 4000 Baht and that's the last I heard from him for a week. He wouldn't answer the phone so I sent him an SMS. His answer? "I don't have time to drive to Takuapa for this, other things to do". He never told me this thing was in Takuapa, I would have said no.

    After stealing over a Million Baht from me, does he really need the lousy 4000 Baht? Perhaps he feels he is entitled to it. Trust any Thai ??? Not as far as I can throw them.

    T's family apparently destroyed my mail, because one day last February, my Social Security payments stopped. A frantic call to Manila revealed that SS had sent me 3 notices 4 weeks apart which were never returned. I was therefore declared dead. Luckily I have a brother living in North Carolina who made numerous phone calls and managed to get everything re-instated after 4 months.

    I queried T's family where the mail was delivered. (The mailman does not come up here) who insisted that they never received anything.

    Listen to this dialog:

    "Mailman no read English, so when I not home, he take mail back".

    Ohh-kay, what about the next day? "No they keep mail". As a souvenir? "I donno". So the way I understand it; an illiterate mailman will just take the mail back to the main post office where they let it rot?

    I can see one mail getting lost, but 3 on 3 difrent occasions? No way.

    Trip to Phuket:

    I did not want to drive myself because # 1, I am still gun shy, due to the accident I had there, # 2, I really don’t enjoy driving anymore. I offered to pay one of T.s brother in laws, a young Thai who drives a local taxi, was supposedly familiar with the city but spoke no English. Additionally, in case of an accident, falang are automatically guilty. I read a story where some fellow was waiting for a traffic light to change, when he was hit by a motorcycle trying to beat the light, killing its driver. 5 “eye witnesses” swore they saw the truck hit the bike. It cost the man 100,000 Baht and the use of his car for more then a month, which had been impounded.

    The US Embassy had their visit-day, I needed verification of my still being alive and well also needed extra pages in my passport. I had downloaded a map of Phuket, printed a copy, marked the place where the meeting was to take place and gave it to the guy the night before. It was the “Phuket Hilton Arcadia”, at the South end of the island. My guess was that the trip would take at least 2 hours knowing how these people drive. The embassy staff was to be available from 8 AM to 12 noon, therefore I told this fellow to meet me in front of his house as 6 AM sharp, in order to be one of the first ones to be taken care of.

    Arrived at the other guy’s home exactly at 6 AM (German punctuality) but found no one waiting. 6:05 I blew the horn, which resulted in mother appearing 1 minute later, motioning to me, that he was getting dressed. 5 more minutes passed, I was now told he was taking a shower. Grrr :>((( Anyway we left at 6:15, thundering along at 110 to 120 km/hr along this mostly 2 lane road, blazing through towns which were already crowed with motor bikes. Mario Andretti wannabe showed off his skills in handling a car, how to waste fuel and wear out brakes in record time. :D

    I remember reading the map, noting that Arcadia was south of Patong and was surprised that he stopped there several times to ask for directions. Apparently he had forgotten to bring the map and got lost. We finally did arrive at 8:15, exactly 2 hours after we departed Khao Lak. There were already about 20 people ahead of me, but things moved along smartly. Additional pages in the passport, having my citizenship verified, outfitted with the official seal took less than 20 minutes. I now asked the man if he could fax this to the embassy in Manila which houses the Social Security office for Asia, as soon as possible and could hardly believe my ears when he said: “Official documents can not be faxed, they have to me MAILED” !!!!!!!!!!! :>((( Mailed ??? It will get lost sure as shoot’n and take weeks. Just send it via DHL he said, there is an office here in Phuket. Of course no one knew where, but a nice young lady at the hotel desk suggested the airport. Sure, make sense, where else :o

    I motioned to my non English speaking genius that we needed to get to the airport, however not to the airline terminal, rather the cargo section. I even wrote, in big letters DHL on a sheet of paper to facilitate the search, by asking the personnel at the entrance, which he declined by saying: “ROO JAK” (I know). Right then it started to rain heavily and where did he take me ? Straight to the Passenger Terminal :>(( OK Einstein, let’s try this: Drive to the exit, (after paying for parking which we didn’t) and shout “CARGO” ???? to the attendant. Hey that worked, because the lady pointed south. Finding the place wasn’t difficult, but we were denied access due to security regulations. He did manage to talk the fellow at the booth into issuing us 2 badges. Entering the huge building, I asked another guard the location of the DHL office. “May mee” (no have) “ is in City“. Where in city ? May roo. (don’t know). I was close to screaming when a young lady approached and pointed “upstairs”. Hallelujah !!! The second intelligent Thai person I met so far today, both female. Upstairs was indeed an agent of DHL. Filled out the paperwork, she copied my passport, I paid 1000 Baht, now here the 64,000 Dollar question: HOW LONG? “3 working days” Well, it was Thursday afternoon, we have Friday, then the weekend, therefore the soonest this thing could arrive in Manila would be Tuesday. Do some people still use carrier pigeons?? It would have been faster. Ahhh life in the LOS.

    PS: Arriving back in Khao Lak where it rained like crazy, the guy jumped out, I switched seats, started up the hill to my house when the engine quit.

    The truck was out of fuel. :>((( He couldn’t have pointed this out to me while we were driving back? :D I couldn't see the gage from the left seat anyway. Why me, oh Lord, why me? :D

    When they gave out brains, Thais must have been way back in line.

    PS: I found out later; this fellow did not forget the map; he had no idea what to do with it.

  3. My god, what useless drivell. I can't believe it.

    It was a push-back and the pilots had nothinbg to do with it.

    Anyway, another article in the Post today about the noise, oh the horrible noise those airplanes are making. Ear plugs and pills are being distributed. Give me a break.

    About the airport itself.

    Lots of bitches from the surrounding residents about hearing problems, sleepless nights everything you can think of.

    Correct me if I am wrong. It took them 40 years to build this airport in a swamp called Cobra or some snake pit.

    Very reminiscent of the time in the 40's when the only airport serving New York City was La Guardia, because the residents complained about having larger and larger airplanes with more noise utilizing the airfield.

    The powers to be at the time decided to built it as far away from NYC as possible, again in a swamp area known as Jamaica. Nothing there but a few seagulls.

    The first commercial flights began on

    July 1, 1948. The airport, originally dedicated as "New York International Airport" on July 31, 1948, was renamed Idlewild Airport in December, 1948 because of its link to the Idlewild Golf Course. The golf course acquired its name from an old Indian name for the area – "Idalwilde" – or peaceful and savage. Idlewild Airport was renamed in December, 1963 in memory of President John F. Kennedy. It was rededicated

    on December 24, 1963, as

    John F. Kennedy International Airport, following action of the Mayor

    and Council of the City of New York and a resolution of the Commissioners of the Port Authority.

    Soon people began to build houses all around the airport, until the "Jets" came.

    Yes the first turbo jet engines of the B707, DC8 and other vintages were noisy, smoke belching monsters, but that was the technology of the day. The neighbors started to complain about the noise. Well, you knew you were buying a house near the airport, so shut up, was the answer from the authorities.

    Then came the Fan-jets, the kind in use today, who are 10 times quieter than the old piston jobs, like DC 7 Bs and Lockheed constellations.

    The Concorde began commercial service in the mid 1970's, flown by British Airways and Air France and was originally banned from using JFK. But under pressure the management consented to a test flight to JFK in order to evaluate the noise impact it would make. I was well advertised in the media.

    Now here is where I come in. On the day in question, I don't remember the exact date, I happened to be at the airport at operations to await the arrival which was to be around 13:00 LT (I think) doesn't matter because when it came close to the ETA operations was informed that because of a fuel shortage the airplane was diverted to Boston, Massachusetts. Meanwhile JFK traffic arrived and departed as usual. At precisely 13:05 the phones kept ringing off the hook, complaining about the horrible noise the Concorde made. even though it never arrived here.

    Same same, as the Thais say. :o

  4. you are right. This is why I didn't make a big deal out of it. Most Thais, especially the children don't know how to say "thank you" (cop koon khap) when handed something.

    On another note, while I think of it. It's terrible to be retired and have nothing to do, espeacially since I, as a pilot was always driven by the clock.

    No I am lying. I get up when I feel like it, eat when I am hungry, take naps when I get tired in the afternoon and go to sleep whenever I feel like it. Something I always wanted to do. :D

    I may have posted the following once before, but that was my first encounter with kids in Thailand who are not really wanted.

    I had invested a great deal of money in a transportation company when I first arrived, owned by a fellow everybody called Mr. T. Nice young man, 29 years old, spoke reasonable English, pregnant wife and well-to-do in laws. I really didn’t want to work but to just sit on my butt; this seemed to be ideal to earn a few sheckels without much effort on my part. We operated 10 mini buses and had contracts with all the major hotels in the area. Well the tsunami changed all that.

    But that is another story. (I could write a book: “How I got screwed out of 3 Million baht within 2 short years”)

    I will start with the story of Lucky which I had written and sent more than 2 years ago to various people.

    I was at T's father’s restaurant when he introduced me to his nephew Lucky. His name is actually Anoluk. Luck is what they call him is 12 years old and because of a severe head injury he received the age of 4 never learned to read and write. The boy spoke well, was very polite and seemed quite normal to me; I even saw him ride his sister’s motorcycle. I invited him to come to my house to play video games. This kid mastered a complicated game within 20 minutes, which I can not play to this day and on an English keyboard no less. “Wait a minute“…………., I said to myself. “There is nothing wrong with this child“. I asked T, if he was ever tested? No, was the answer, but his teacher told the parents that he was brain damaged and unable to learn.

    Now the whole story. He comes from a very poor family about 1,600 km from here near the Cambodian border. They don't even have electricity there. The stupid parents sent this boy to school at the age of 5, after falling off a tree at age 4 undergoing brain surgery and having been in a coma for 3 months. The teacher, underpaid and overworked (which is the rule here) simply could not cope with the boy's special needs, so he, or she pronounced him mentally retarded.

    Also, as is customary here, he did not measure up to the parent’s standards so he was shipped off to some relatives.

    I am no genius but I know that the human brain at a young age is very resilient, so I volunteered to hire a special teacher at the horrendous rate of 300 Baht per hour (about $ 7.50 :>)) which is normally a day’s pay for a teacher) twice a week for 3 hours per day to see if he was capable of learning. That was about 8 weeks ago. Lucky is making tremendous progress and is a whiz at math.

    Last week the parents came to visit, after a 22 hour bus ride and stopped by to thank me. They casually mentioned, if I wanted to "have" the boy? For 5000 Baht, (around $ 120.oo) they would give (sell I suppose) the child to me. “Hey, no way José, I am not in the habit of buying children. I like the kid but thanks for the offer“. That was that. They thanked me again and left.

    As usual, Luck showed up every day (walking about 8 km from Bangniang to my home) and like all the other kids in the neighborhood to play video games and watch satellite TV. About 3 days ago, he came with all his meager possessions in a plastic bag and politely asked if he could stay overnight. “OK I said. “No problem, although my bed is sort of small“. "No“, he said “I like to sleep on the floor anyway, because it is cooler there". Later that day I received a phone call from T, saying the parents "gave" me the kid as a present. But wait!!!! THAT DID NOT FIT INTO THE EQUATION. Well what could I say, or do? He really had no place to go and was shoved from relative to relative, the last one happy to have found someone like me.

    So, I always wanted a grandson but never thought it would be this way though. :>))) He is a bit of a handful sometimes because he never learned discipline. Luck does his own cooking knows how to sew and cleans up afterwards. I love to see him smile. The hugs I get from him every morning and when he comes back in the afternoon make up for all the trouble >:o)) As it turned out the boy is simply dyslectic which can not be cured, but one can learn to live with it.

    In August 2005 the parents came back again and asked if Luck would go with them to their hometown, about an annual pilgrimage custom to their Buddhist temple for atonement or something. Lucky agreed.

    Update March 2006:

    The boys and I were having breakfast at the restaurant across the street from the school when Lucky showed up. He came to visit his grandmother for Songkram. My, did he grow! Well he is probably 14 now. He has a job at a local telephone shop since there is electricity there as well.

    I received a big hug.

    It was gratifying to see that he is able to lead a normal life.


    Note the scar on the boys head. It went from behind the left ear to almost the forehead.

    It is better visible in this picture.


    I am trying to chronicle my "adventures" in Thailand, because when I decided to move to Thailand at the age of 68 the consensus from my family was: " You are nuts", at your age?.. Thanks to digital photography and having plenty of time I can do this without guilt feelings.

    After my sons were emancipated, my wife divorced me after our 30 year marriage, because, as she put it I was boring . It was a nice, mutually agreed on divorce. Even though I haven't heard from my sons (38 and 40 for more than 3 years, I correspond with my wife almost weekly.

    Go figure.

  5. Not really.

    Aviator was not available, so I opted for globe which is the way I always posted on the Thai and Thai/Puket forum.

    I do use the Spanish version "aviador" occasionally on other forums. Why? Do you have a problem with it ?

  6. I speak, read and write fluent German as well as Spanish.

    I ventured on a German chat-room some time ago, over a theme involving "Kinder, einer verlorenen Generation". (Children of a lost generation). I posted the same picture of the sleeping Libo and the reply of some Kraut was, (in German): "Well I was talking about German children, he is just a little too dark for my taste. "Just because he is not blond and blue eyed?" :o

    Well, my nasty reply caused me to kicked of the website. :D May pen ray.


    Trying to contribute something to the community here, which had lost many children to the tsunami, I donated halve a Million Baht to the repair of the destroyed perimeter driveway of the primary school the boys attended at the time.







    Today there are new buildings, plaques of contributors with as little as 100 baht all over the place. Me? Nada en absoluto :D

    I never even got a "thank you". :D

    I never asked for laurels, but I guess their attitude was; hey, falang has much money, can afford it. :D

  7. Sorry but I find Globe's post more than a bit spooky as well, Photos of the boy sleeping are very strange as are the hugging refernces, perhaps as part of a younger generation we are brought up to be a bit more cautious and wary.

    Yes, the witch hunt is on. Every kindness shown to a child in the US and Europe today is frowned upon and viewed with suspicion.

    Since my own sons are too busy with their own lives, I am grateful to have some young life around me.

    The mothers whose "husbands" have deserted them (for the umptienth time) are grateful I make sure they go to school, have a place to hang out, watch TV and play games on the computer. I am invited to all birthday parties. Everybody know me in town as the crazy old American with a dog hanging out of the passenger window.

    The birthday hug, as you can see came from the heart of Libo.


    My neighborhood brats at last year's tsunami memorial.


    Chok dee y'all :o

  8. The Burmese care taker has the cutest little boy who helps his daddy all day long.

    About 2 years ago, when the kid was around 3, I was told that he can not eat solids because of an infected mouth and cries constantly.


    Man, that looks nasty you have to take him to a doctor. "No money" was the answer.

    Sure he has a DVD player and a large TV. Misplaced priorities I would say.

    My dentist lady, a highly qualified Ex Royal Navy oral surgeon who survived the tsunami and swore never to work in this town again, opened a practice in Takuapa. Since I had a few loose fillings to be checked I loaded father and son into my truck and headed for Takuapa. "Bad idea" I was told. "Why?"

    Well Burmese are not allowed to ride "inside a car and even though he has a work permit he can not travel more than 10km from here; you'll be in deep trouble if you get stopped by the police. "Poppycock."

    The lady first treated to infection., handed me a handful of pills and advised to came back with him in about 3 days for further treatment.

    3 days later she pulled 3 teeth which were coming out in all directions. He was such a brave little boy, didn't even cry.


    (voyeuristic shot, isn't it ?)

    The reward was a huge portion of ice cream.


    OK, here it is almost 2 years later, the teeth came back ok, but oral hygiene, even though I gave them a toot brush is not high on their priority list. (An American orthodontist would be rubbing his hands in anticipation seeing this. I know, I spent $ 15,000 on my youngest son's teeth .)


    I live here at the edge of the jungle, quite close to a camp. Nobody believes me that I have yet to visit a bar in this tinsel town in more than 3 years. I like the solitude after, as a pilot traveling all over the world. But if I can make their miserable lives a little easier to bear, so be it.

    Like I said, he works here all day as well and having fun doing it.

    Hmmm, mangosteens all gone ?


  9. First of all that boy does not look Burmese, secondly I find your post extremely weird and thirdly your pictures look set up and voyeuristic.

    Where did you crawl out from under what rock?

    What are Burmese supposed to look like? Horned devils perhaps?

    He is sitting right next to me, eating his lunch

    Anyway, I am sorry I posted it. If you find it "setup and voyeuristic" that's your problem.

  10. Ubiquitous UBC.

    I have had their "service" Silver whatever that means for almost 3 1/2 years now. I rarely watch TV but do check with CNN or BBC on occasion. The rest is just for the neighborhood kids, cartoons etc.

    To pay for their "service" I need to drive to their office in Takuapa a 75 km round trip.

    On the 3rd of August I paid my 1,558.49 Baht, albeit reluctantly, because of what I deem to be a total rip-off. 4 or 5 movie channels show motion pictures whose actors have been dead long enough to qualify for resurrection. 95% are films I have seen 50 or more years ago.

    OK, the discovery channel will on occasion have something worthwhile, but even this miserly tidbit will be shown for the rest of the month.

    Today is Monday the 3rd of September. One of the little kids came in this morning to watch his favorite cartoon; and "Nothing", just the basic stuff for free, and all in Thai.

    After dialing a dozen numbers I finally managed to speak with an English speaking representative, who informed me: "You no pay bill, we disconnect".

    "Hold on lady. I have the bill here which I paid on the 3rd of August. Today is the 3rd of September." "Yes you should have paid before". "Yesterday was Sunday was your office open?" "No but before, because the computer will disconnect at midnight.

    In the 4 years I have lived here, I have been screwed, blued and tattooed out of almost 4 million baht, but this one takes the cake.

    Never a dull moment in the LOS (look out suckers)

  11. The following is e-mail I sent to my family in the US, about 1 1/2 years ago, after a TV broadcast about child slavery in Asia.

    I must tell you the story of Libo my Burmese "slave boy" who is here every day and occasionally sleeps here as well. Hails from Khaow Thoung in Burma where he was found as a newborn in a trash can. A lady who had 2 daughters took him in and raised him. Economically things became and still are very bad in Burma. The little family, like the Mexicans sneaked into Thailand, a 3 day voyage at the bottom of a stinking boat.

    Well, Burmese are treated here worse than animals, have no rights, no access to welfare or health care. They are tolerated because they perform labor which the Thais won't do and cheaper yet. The stepmother had a job here working on a plantation tapping rubber, when rumor had it there was an opening as a cook in Nam Kem, a fishing village north of here. Libo was left here as she and her daughters traveled to this village Christmas day 2004.

    Well the 26th was that fateful day the Tsunami came. The woman and one of her daughters perished. This girl, still a teenager could not take care of the boy and sold him into slavery to the owner of the property I rent.

    Yes Virginia they still have that here. Against the law, but never enforced. :>(

    At first this child who was always happy and full of mischief was inconsolable. Even 3 days after the tsunami he just moped around, wouldn't even watch his favorite cartoons.

    He works 7 days a week from 7AM till dark for 700 Baht pocket money a month and sleeps on the floor of the real estate office.


    Libo a good worker even though some of the leaves are bigger then he.


    Mixing cement, barefoot and carrying the heavy buckets,


    or out in the monsoon rain all day,


    carrying lawn care equipment which I could barely lift.



    As with all growing boys; he is always hungry, since they don't really feed him much. Well "Papa" (me :>) always has food for him.


    He is young enough, we judge him to be 11 or 12 to still love to hug (my happy birthday present) which isn't bad for the old guy's mantra either :>)

    Anyway, I would love to adopt this kid and buy him out which probably amounts to next to nothing but; at my age, I am just shy of 73 who knows? Then what?? without He speaks Burmese and Thai as well as quite a bit of English by now.

    I have 2 Grandchildren back in the States and miss them. This way I can play Grandpa to him and some of the neighborhood kids as well.

  12. Yes, I couldn't help myself, especially reading this on the German On-line magazine "Der Spiegel".

    A380 rammt Hangar - Promo- Tour mit VIPs verspätet

    Even experienced pilots will have to get used to the colossal dimensions of the Airbus A380 .

    During a promotional flight in Thailand, one of their products rammed a wing into a hangar. Hundreds of VIPs had to wait hours until the damage was repaired.

    Always the pilot's fault.

    What bull-shit. And you people still believe what you read??

  13. When a huge ocean liner enters New York harbor it is boarded by a "pilot". Actually a misnomer, (the Germans all this guy a "Lotse" a guide who is supposed to know the harbor and its constantly changing depths during high and low tides) The Captain of the vessel will hand over command to the pilot during this maneuver.

    Just wondering, as a pilot myself,

    who is in charge when an aircraft is driven on the ground or flown, the pilot in command or who else?!

    This is of course the responsibility of the cockpit crew, captain or first officer, :D

    When taxiing, the Pilot of an aircraft is required to keep the nose wheel of his aircraft on the line panted onto the tarmac to assure clearances from obstructions. As I said before, the crew can NOT see the wingtips of their large aircraft from the cockpit, relying solely on the taxi line. It is up to airport management to assure clearance for any and all aircraft directed to the parking area, jet way, steps, whatever.

    Wait a moment, I just re-read the first post:

    A wingtip of a latest technology Airbus 380 aircraft currently being tested by Thai Airways International (THAI) Saturday morning hit a hangar entrance door at the Suvarnabhumi airport maintenance centre as the plane was about to take off for Chiang Mai, causing a delay.

    It was during "push back" when the airplane was under tow!!!! :bah:

    So why all these stupid commends:

    Or were they Nasa pilots?

    Maybe the pilot was inexperienced and was just winging it

    Because of the sheer size of the plane, why didn't they think of fixing side mirrors and reverse gear in the first place.

    I am wondering what kind of a pilot that is, who's not taking responsebility for his actions and how to fix a damage like this in an hour, it takes hours to oversee the whole damage like this, it is for sure not like a small wound what you would fix with a pflaster. :o

    I had a bird strike once on a 727, just about 6 feet from the wing root. Maintenance decided after placing a peace of aluminum over the "wound" and taping it with lots of duct tape. They (maintenance) decided the aircraft was air-worthy for the flight and then to the next repair facility, which was fine with me. Just sign here and get me off the hook.

    Any realiable pilot would refuse to continue this flight shortly after a damage of his wingtip, just my two cents. (Two Baht maybe) :D

    I don't know what kind of pilot your are, but you definitely never flew for a living, let alone an airline. Pilots are not suicidal, they all have families to come home to and will not put their own lives in jeopardy. (###### the passengers, if I live they will live as well)

    Suvarnabhumi. The hub of Asia air travel.....and now accidents :D

    To quote the FAA. It was an "incident", not an accident. If your wife/girlfriend cracks the mirror on your car, backing out of the garage, would you classify this as an "accident"?

    At least we know for sure that the pilots are not women!

    They usually cannot get IN to parking spaces without hitting something!

    IT maybe a good idea to put cameras on the wing tips for forward and reverse movements. And also proximity sensors. This could happen again at some point, you never know. :bah:

    Didn't you read any of this before making such a ridiculous comment? :D

    Chock dee. :o

  14. During my 30year career as a pilot, I had one incident, when the wingtip of my aircraft a Boeing 727 struck the tail of another aircraft while being marshaled ever so slooooow into the gate area by two line-crew with illuminated batons. It was at night and the bright lights of the arrival area obliterated any view, other than straight forward, plus I only saw the batons not the persons motioning me to keep going. Besides, pilots can not even see the wings of a B727 from the cockpit, let alone from a monster like the 380.

    I as the captain was however admonished by the US FAA for "carelessness". Perhaps I should have pushed the airplane by myself.

    So, don't believe anything your read by unknowing poorly informed headline hunting reporters.

  15. On a recent rip to Phuket’s International Hospital with my erstwhile business partner as designated driver, since I refuse to drive in Phuket, It was necessary to replenish the money supply via some conveniently located ATM machines in the lobby. It appeared two of them did not care for my US card. My “friend” came up, asked what the problem was and suggested one outside of the building. This one indeed was kind enough to dispense the requested amount.

    Upon leaving, a floor walker, a personable retired Irish volunteer approached me and advised me that he noticed my “friend” shooting a movie over my shoulder with his cell phone as I was entering the PIN.

    What he expects to do with it, I do not know, since would need the card as well. Just to be safe I closed the account immediately.

    This guy had swindled me out of over 1 Million Baht had the nerve to come back and laugh at me when I threatened him with the Police.

    His E-mail to me earlier this year:

    "why you talk ih me about police. Before you will do any think, if you go to police both of us have to fight by lawyer. And it will bring to many problems between us . Also you have no contect no paper ith me about money problems. "

    Yes he made sure there was no money trail. For lack of space I kept some of my papers in his (our) office which was destroyed by the tsunami. Since had also emptied my personal account I had no money for a lawyer anyway and they don’t come cheap in any country.

    Well “Kamoy” had returned to his wife and son. What was I supposed to do? Sue him? I wouldn’t have snowball’s chance in hel_l to win. Him Thai, me Falang. This would drag out for years and at 72 ½ I don’t have the time. He promised to pay me back “next season.” As with my other miseries I needed some cash and a thought hit me. Since I paid cash for the car, hey, finance the thing, interest rates are low and it would get me around 250,000 baht into my account. When I die, the truck will be up for grabs anyway. Meanwhile he confessed that he registered the truck in his name. For cheaper insurance, he said. When I approached him about the financing he was willing to assist me. The insurance company agreed to pay for the dented tailgate, but the bank also wanted some small dents and scratches taken care of . The body shop in Phuket said 2 weeks but it has been 7 weeks and today is the day I am supposed to get the vehicle back. I won’t be holding my breath since he has the book and probably sold it by now.

    Trust a Thai ??? Not as far as I can throw him.

  16. After my last VOA stamp in Ranong I made the obligatory trip to Kuala Lumpur. 2 months single entry in hand proceeded to immigration in Phang Nga and was issued a 30 day extension stating: Application of stay is permitted up to 20 June 2007.

    Ok, now it’s back to the “Run” to Burma to start the 30 day cycle all over. (I assumed. What’s the old saying? Assume makes an ass out of you and me)

    The nice officer in Ranong informed me however; “You can not leave, that is you may leave but you need to stay in Burma for 4 days”. What am I going to do in this God forsaken harbor town for 4 days? I have a house, People and a dog to take care of. They sold me a 7 day visa for 1,800 Baht with the remark: “See you on the 27th. I hate this 3 hour drive to Ranong , scenic as it may be, but with all the nuts on the road I was now forced to do it again 7 days later.

    On the 27th of June I did my thing again, but swore afterwards I would never do it another time, at least not in a long-tail boat. Halve way across the bay we entered a hellacious thunderstorm, encountering huge wind whipped waves and torrential downpours. I was soaked to the skin and scared out of my mind to boot.

    I had heard about the only alternative which was a trip to the Andaman Club and casino, presumably very expensive. At this point in time I didn’t care how much it cost. Someone here in the forum posted a google satellite website which gave me a general idea where the place was.

    After some erroneous turns prodigious swearing plus several U-turns (the entrance to the right road was blocked off with barricades) I did finally stumble upon their pier. Covered car park with attendant. Beautiful terminal. Customs on premises, friendly staff; I was in heaven. All of this for the measly sum of 850 Baht. My customary long tail driver charged me 800 Baht, ever since the US dollar went south, 300 for the trip and 500 for the saw-buck. Well, when it was $ 5.00 for the ransom at Burma it wasn’t that big a deal paying 300 Baht considering the trouble I had obtaining nice crisp $ 5.00 notes from any bank around here. (One bank even insisted on seeing my passport. What, to buy 5 dollars??) However, $ 10.00 US are now worth only around 350 Baht, not 500.

    The boat was super. Luxurious interior, fast too, took only 15 Minutes. Burmese immigration on the other side smiling and helpful. After a leisurely lunch, not cheap comparative to what one pays in Khawtoung, it was back to Ranong and their in-house immigration officer. No long lines of creepy, smelly long-haired backpackers. (I always wondered the impression immigration in Ranong must acquire about foreigners, looking at these individuals day in and day out.) This is it for me from now on. Well one more time and then it’s back to Malaysia again. Were it not for some dishonest Thais as well as farang who cheated me out of more than 2 Million Baht 2 years ago, I would have had my retirement visa a long time ago.

    But that’s another story.

  17. Get a proper visa !! They may let you in (a stay of let say..3-4 days to pack you bags ) !!! The worst case scenario then is that maybee you won`t get a visa !!

    After my last VOA stamp in Ranong back in March I made the obligatory trip to Kuala Lumpur. 2 months single entry in hand proceeded to immigration in Phang Nga and was issued a 30 day extension stating: Application of stay is permitted up to 20 June 2007.

    Ok, now it's back to the "Run" to Burma to start the 30 day cycle all over. (I assumed. What's the old saying? Assume makes an ass out of you and me)

    The nice officer in Ranong informed me however; "You can not leave, that is you may leave but you need to stay in Burma for 4 days". What am I going to do in this God forsaken harbor town for 4 days? I have a house, People and a dog to take care of. They sold me a 7 day visa for 1,800 Baht with the remark: "See you on the 27th. I hate this 3 hour drive to Ranong , scenic as it may be, but with all the nuts on the road I was now forced to do it again 7 days later.

    On the 27th of June I did my thing again, but swore afterwards I would never do it another time, at least not in a long-tail boat. Halve way across the bay we entered a hellacious thunderstorm, encountering huge wind whipped waves and torrential downpours. I was soaked to the skin and scared out of my mind to boot.

    I had heard about the only alternative which was a trip to the Andaman Club and casino, presumably very expensive. At this point in time I didn't care how much it cost. Someone here in the forum posted a google satellite website which gave me a general idea where the place was.

    After some erroneous turns prodigious swearing plus several U-turns (the entrance to the right road was blocked off with barricades) I did finally stumble upon their pier. Covered car park with attendant. Beautiful terminal. Customs on premises, friendly staff; I was in heaven. All of this for the measly sum of 1,850 Baht. My customary long tail driver charged me 1,800 Baht, ever since the US dollar went south, 300 for the trip and 500 for the saw-buck. Well, when it was $ 5.00 for the ransom at Burma it wasn't that big a deal paying 300 Baht considering the trouble I had obtaining nice crisp $ 5.00 notes from any bank around here. (One bank even insisted on seeing my passport. What to buy 5 dollars??) However, $ 10.00 US are now worth only around 350 Baht, not 500.

    The boat was super. Luxurious interior, fast too, took only 15 Minutes. Burmese immigration on the other side smiling and helpful. After a leisurely lunch, not cheap comparative to what one pays in Khawtoung, it was back to Ranong and their in-house immigration officer. No long lines of creepy, smelly, dirty long-haired backpackers. (I always wondered the impression immigration in Ranong must acquire about foreigners, looking at these individuals day in and day out.) This is it for me from now on. Well one more time and then it's back to Malaysia again. Were it not for some dishonest Thais as well as farang who cheated me out of more than 2 Million Baht 2 years ago, I would have had my retirement visa a long time ago.

    But that's another story.

    When I re read the story, which I posted this morning, after a long 13 hour day yesterday. The ol' gray mare ain't what she used to be.

    It is not 1,8540 baht, rather just 850. The same goes for the long tail boat

    My apologies.

  18. Get a proper visa !! They may let you in (a stay of let say..3-4 days to pack you bags ) !!! The worst case scenario then is that maybee you won`t get a visa !!

    After my last VOA stamp in Ranong back in March I made the obligatory trip to Kuala Lumpur. 2 months single entry in hand proceeded to immigration in Phang Nga and was issued a 30 day extension stating: Application of stay is permitted up to 20 June 2007.

    Ok, now it’s back to the “Run” to Burma to start the 30 day cycle all over. (I assumed. What’s the old saying? Assume makes an ass out of you and me)

    The nice officer in Ranong informed me however; “You can not leave, that is you may leave but you need to stay in Burma for 4 days”. What am I going to do in this God forsaken harbor town for 4 days? I have a house, People and a dog to take care of. They sold me a 7 day visa for 1,800 Baht with the remark: “See you on the 27th. I hate this 3 hour drive to Ranong , scenic as it may be, but with all the nuts on the road I was now forced to do it again 7 days later.

    On the 27th of June I did my thing again, but swore afterwards I would never do it another time, at least not in a long-tail boat. Halve way across the bay we entered a hellacious thunderstorm, encountering huge wind whipped waves and torrential downpours. I was soaked to the skin and scared out of my mind to boot.

    I had heard about the only alternative which was a trip to the Andaman Club and casino, presumably very expensive. At this point in time I didn’t care how much it cost. Someone here in the forum posted a google satellite website which gave me a general idea where the place was.

    After some erroneous turns prodigious swearing plus several U-turns (the entrance to the right road was blocked off with barricades) I did finally stumble upon their pier. Covered car park with attendant. Beautiful terminal. Customs on premises, friendly staff; I was in heaven. All of this for the measly sum of 1,850 Baht. My customary long tail driver charged me 1,800 Baht, ever since the US dollar went south, 300 for the trip and 500 for the saw-buck. Well, when it was $ 5.00 for the ransom at Burma it wasn’t that big a deal paying 300 Baht considering the trouble I had obtaining nice crisp $ 5.00 notes from any bank around here. (One bank even insisted on seeing my passport. What to buy 5 dollars??) However, $ 10.00 US are now worth only around 350 Baht, not 500.

    The boat was super. Luxurious interior, fast too, took only 15 Minutes. Burmese immigration on the other side smiling and helpful. After a leisurely lunch, not cheap comparative to what one pays in Khawtoung, it was back to Ranong and their in-house immigration officer. No long lines of creepy, smelly, dirty long-haired backpackers. (I always wondered the impression immigration in Ranong must acquire about foreigners, looking at these individuals day in and day out.) This is it for me from now on. Well one more time and then it’s back to Malaysia again. Were it not for some dishonest Thais as well as farang who cheated me out of more than 2 Million Baht 2 years ago, I would have had my retirement visa a long time ago.

    But that’s another story.

  19. post-47818-1185280928_thumb.jpg


    By the time I figured out how to attach the px, my post was gone. :D

    Where id it go? :o

    I went into the menue and it said "You may store post snippets, or any other information you need to hand here."

    I would like to post more than mere "snippets". :D

    I am furious. I spent 1 hour extolling the virtues of my soy dog and upon pre-view, everything disappeared in cyber space. I am pissed, to say the least. God, do I hate computers :D

  20. but how do they work out your "arrival date"? Presumably our "arrival date" was when we obtained our non-immigrant O visa (though we are not moving "permanently" to Phuket till later in the year).

    LivinLOS - are you saying that you had to travel to Customs in Bangkok for the "settlement" or was this done after being trucked to Phuket?

    I air freighted direct into Phuket.. All done and point of import. Cargo zone at HKT..

    My wife (not paper) was outside of Thailand for 5 years prior to her returning here and was due for tax free status.. I had a one year non imm O (but it was in her name)..

    I have since learned, that cheating Farang (white European) seems to be a national past time, but to cheat, screw and completely strip someone of almost 4 million Baht ($ 100,000.oo us) in less than 2 years' time must seem some kind of record.

    It started soon after my coming here and began with the shipment of my belongings.

    Prior to my arrival in March of 2004 I contracted with an American shipping company in Los Angeles to have a 1 cubic meter container, weighing about 240 kg, containing assorted household goods and memorabilia to be shipped from the east coast of the US to my home here. The price seemed fair, everything went as planned.

    3 1/2 weeks later I received a telephone call from a Mr. Kittipong who introduced himself as the Thai agent of the US forwarder. "Hello, your container has arrived here in Bangkok and is ready for pickup by you." "You must be kidding", I said. "I am not going to drive 1000 km to retrieve this thing. Ship it to my home here in Khao Lak and if there are any additional charges let me know." (A fellow I know in Tap Lamu, a harbor town about 12 miles from here had a ship Diesel motor weighing 4 tons shipped there from Bangkok for 1,800 Baht, so how much could it cost) "No, you need to mail me your passport first" was his reply " No way José, I am not sending my passport to just anybody, but wait; My newly found Thai friend Suwan Ramkew, also known as Mr. T. and his brother will be driving to Chiang Mai for Songkram next week, I will have them stop by and hand you the passport." 2 days later I get a call from T stating that this guy needs 8000 Baht for "expenses" but they didn't have that much cash on hand. I wired them the money, they handed the creep my passport, as well as the 8000 Baht and his assurance that everything will be ready for pickup when they return. 3 days later I get an e-mail from this chap saying my container is now in Phuket because the truck could not negotiate the narrow roads in Khao Lak. What narrow roads ??? Route 4 ain't exactly a dirt path. I e-mailed the man back and told him: OK, forget it. I will have the container picked up in Phuket, just tell me where. Another few days passed. Then another e-mail: Your container is with the authorities at the pier in Bangkok ready for release to you. We will not release the container as well as your passport until the following charges have been paid.

    Pier fee: 3,500 Baht

    Handling: 4,800 Baht

    Transportation: 26,000 Baht

    Customs fees: 12,600 Baht

    Miscellaneous: 5,200 Baht

    Grad total: 52,100 Baht

    At the pier in Bangkok ? Are we talking about the same container which was supposed to be in Phuket ??

    I sent two guys with a rental truck on a 3 day trip to Bangkok. Expenses, fuel including overnight, meals etcetera another 14,000 Baht.

    The container sat on the pier. It had not been moved one inch.

    Welcome to Thailand.

  21. When I read things like that, I could cry.

    STOCKHOLM, Sweden July 20, 2007 - She is a latecomer to the information superhighway, but 75-year-old Sigbritt Lothberg is now cruising the Internet with a dizzying speed. Lothberg's 40 gigabits-per-second fiber-optic connection in Karlstad is believed to be the fastest residential uplink in the world, Karlstad city officials said.

    In less than 2 seconds, Lothberg can download a full-length movie on her home computer — many thousand times faster than most residential connections, said Hafsteinn Jonsson, head of the Karlstad city network unit.

    My TOT high speed ADSL which goes from 50 kb/sec at 5 AM to 30 to 20 and occasionally becomes unconscious around 8:30 AM. It will limp along at between 2 and 4 kb/sec all day.

    Banana republic.

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