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Posts posted by Lizphuket

  1. Any leads for renting a house near Mae Rim or Prem International School, can pay up to 14,000 Baht.


    Are you in Thailand now? If so, contact Khun Lamai on 0869127114. She is the project manager for Somwang Mountain View estate which is in Mae Rim on the road leading to the school. She speaks very good English and I think there are houses to rent there in your price range. Nice quiet area. If you can't phone post again and I will try to get an email address for you.

  2. Hi Liz, been trying to find out if some kind of ladies get-together can happen (separate from the ladies night one).

    Circumstances changed for me recently and ive been very busy! Sorry.

    Once I get some feedback will let you know. Hope it goes ahead and hope you can join along. Would be nice to meet you. :o

    Hi eek, saw your posts about the kittens (have posted asking for directions to the Wat) and the festival in Chiang Mai town (wanted to go to that but hadn't a clue how to find the place!). Seems as though we have a few interests in common so I knew you had been buy. If you want company on something like that in the future let me know. Hopefully we will meet at the Citylife event. Liz

  3. cheers Ladies for your interest. The next event is Tuesday 9th at the UN Irish Pub on Ratwitthi. Irish Pub is putting on some finger grub and I am sponsoring a blues band. It will probably be upstairs, so men, you can calm down now, sports will still be on downstairs. Hope to see you all there! Cheers, Pim

    That sounds great - I will definitely come along. What time please?

  4. It is a while since there was anything on.

    How about an Unofficial TV Night at Tuskers this Friday. Half price drinks 7-9pm to get the party started and I'll lay on some nibbles if people are interested.

    Anyone game?

    Haha..was a nice idea, tnx mb, but no takers! To be honest (hope no one takes offense here) im particularly looking to make some (western) female friends. Mainly for grabbing a coffee with and sharing experiences. Hopefully will make some good supportive friendships too. Im also a non smoker, non drinker (alcohol), so i might be considered a tad boring by the pub scene bunch. :o

    Like eek, I am also looking to make some new friends having moved to Chiang Mai area fairly recently. Rather than going to a pub or a club in the evening are any members interested in meeting for coffee and a chat somewhere one afternoon? Anyone interested?

  5. Does anyone know of a gardening club or group in the Chiang Mai area. I am particularly interested in getting help/advice on growing orchids but I am also trying to make a new garden so growing / choosing plants in general is of interest.


  6. This sounds like the pitiful plaint of someone truly depressed.

    Too right: so now we've got two tragic letters running on this forum at the same time. Let's hope it's not contagious... :o

    Having read the other letter, I hesitated about posting on mine as I didn't want to start a downward trend! What you and David have said is true - this is a heart-rending letter and I am struggling to translate it. However, I have spoken to him since receiving it and I have convinced him that things are not as bleak as they seemed. Thais do tend towards the melodramatic at times bless them.

  7. I agree ว่า would make a lot more sense from a Standard Thai point of view.

    But I also get a hunch that อีกเลยมา could be a dialect expression meaning approximately อีกต่อไป ... Just another one of my hunches, could be all wrong. :o

    EDIT: And probably is all wrong too. I don't find any similar examples through googling, and if it really is a dialect expression it should be more frequent.

    Is it possible that the อีก is the equivalent of beginning the sentence with อีกทั้ง = furthermore but is placed differently because the writer wrote quickly in a 'stream of consciousness' style?

    อีกทั้ง ฉันไม่คิดเลยว่า ฉันจะมีครอบครัวอีกครั้ง ...?

    "Further, it never crossed my mind that I would start a family again. "

    Your point about a dialect expression is a distinct possibility. Nook is from Chiang Mai but grew up in the deep South so he has a confusing mix at times. I guess the other thing that I need to say is that the letter was written when he was very distressed and contained a couple of typos that I have picked up so far so correct grammar may not have been uppermost in his mind at the time! Thanks for you help.

  8. ฉันไม่คิดอีกเลยมาฉันจะมีครอบครัวอีกครั้งแต่คุณก็ดีกับฉันและ ครอบครัวมาก

    Did the writer mean to say,

    "ฉันไม่คิดอีกเลยว่าฉันจะมีครอบครัวอีกครั้ง" ?

    I did not expect that I would have a family again.

    แต่คุณก็ดีกับฉันและ ครอบครัวมาก

    But, you and I are good together and (you get along) very (well with) my family (also).

    Hi David

    I think you are right about the past tense in this sentence because his preceeding sentence was 2 ปีที่แล้วที่เราเจอกัน - We met each other 2 years ago so that fits. I still get very confused about the tenses as the other correspondent does. Thanks for your help.

  9. Bit stuck on understanding the use of the อีกเลยมา in the following sentence. Can anyone help please?

    ฉันไม่คิดอีกเลยมาฉันจะมีครอบครัวอีกครั้งแต่คุณก็ดีกับฉันและ ครอบครัวมาก

  10. Am I reading this correctly? I think it basically says that we don't understand each other and haven't done so for a long time. (Context is a letter from my Thai bf). More help required later I suspect if you guys don't mind! Thanks


    Also struggled with หรรือ but decided that was Northern (Chiang Mai) 'Hello'??

    Correct that is what it means.

    rao mâi kâo jai gan láe gan maa naan láew

    For หรรือ I can't find any translation you sure this is the complete word what are the surrounding words?

    Good to know that I am making progress with my translation - thanks. As far as the mystery word is concerned the context is as follows:

    คงจะสบายใจ หรรือ เข้าใจมากขึ้น หลังจากที่

    This is a rather sad letter from my bf and, if you have the time, could you suggest something re the following which I am having real trouble with. I think it is something to do with maturity in the first part and having had enough and talking about dying in the second section (sadly a recurrent theme with him at the moment)

    ฉันมันก็แค่เด็กที่ไม่รู้จักโตเท่านั้นเอง หลังจากที่ฉันเสียทุก ๆ อย่างมามากพอแล้ว 26 ปีที่

    Many thanks


  11. Am I reading this correctly? I think it basically says that we don't understand each other and haven't done so for a long time. (Context is a letter from my Thai bf). More help required later I suspect if you guys don't mind! Thanks


    Also struggled with หรรือ but decided that was Northern (Chiang Mai) 'Hello'??

  12. A farang has just vacated a 2 bdr. fairly large kitchen and liv. rm. The car park and garden are also a good size. price 4,000bht

    My Thai friend Khun Lek is up visiting her family at the moment and she says she will have time on Monday to look around for me. Would it possible for me to have your phone number to pass on to her so that you can explain where the house is please? I really appreciate your help by the way.

  13. There are houses around for rent. Best would be to set aside a week for looking around. Most people here that rent pay about 5,000bht for 2-3bdr. with small garden. When you're almost here I'll PM my ph.#

    Thank you for replying. It would certainly be good to cut my rent and also to have a contact in advance. My friend Khun Lek has just gone back to see her parents near Phitsanulok so she is going to ask around for me as she knows the sort of house that I like to live in. I would then plan to come and spend a few days to look around probably towards the end of March or early April. I will contact you when I have confirmed my plans.

  14. Hi, I am new to this forum and I hope I have picked the right one for Phitsanulok area. I am looking to move up there near to my Thai friends but wonder if there are any farangs who could suggest a house to rent while I look around for something to buy. Need good size house (min 2 bedrooms) with garden as I have a house full of furniture brought from England plus dogs and cats. Have my own car. Relocating from Phuket where I have been paying 25k a month - nice if I could reduce outgoings a bit. I have local friends on the lookout. Any help welcomed.


  15. From what I can see house sales to foreigners are way down, but maybe some life in the Thai market. Condos seem to be selling well.

    Sounds to be much the same as in Phuket then. Masses of building going on - I think it will sink under the weight of concrete one day - lots of stuff for sale but I don't think much is actually selling. Even the rental market is not so good according to a friend who works in that market. She says that customers are looking to spend a lot less than they were.

  16. What is the name of the housing development?

    Single story or two story home?

    It is a 2 storey detached 3 bed, 3 bath at Somwang Mountain View Mae Rim Plot 18. If you are interested, they have a sales office there. Ask K Nui in the office about the house for Khun Liz and she will direct you.

  17. Sudden change in personal circumstances means that I cannot now move to my dream home near Chiang Mai. It is almost finished and I now need to sell it. Talking to the developer to find a new buyer is obviously one option but can anyone recommend a good, reliable sales agent in the area? Any feedback on what the housing market is like at the moment? The house in question cost 3m baht. (Be gentle in your responses as I am not thinking straight at the moment!!)


  18. I am moving to Mae Rim next month. Can anyone recommend a reliable shop to a) put up curtains rails that I am bringing with me and :o make curtains for one room and blinds for the kitchen? Not a problem if they only speak Thai as I have help locally to liaise for me.

    Not too far round the central ring road from Mae Rim is Mee Chok Plaza (junction with Mae Jo Road - the only clock tower near CM city!). Better known as the location of "the rural Rimping" supermarket.

    If you stand at their front entrance and look to your left across the car park you will see a specialist curtain shop, just opened, green theme in the window. Next door to the steadily improving Farang Restaurant.

    Thanks for the suggestion. sorry for the delay in saying 'thank you' - busy packing.

  19. I am moving to Mae Rim next month. Can anyone recommend a reliable shop to a) put up curtains rails that I am bringing with me and :o make curtains for one room and blinds for the kitchen? Not a problem if they only speak Thai as I have help locally to liaise for me.

  20. Just turn the fan off if you feel chilly and you should be fine. :o

    I was up in CM last February and it was freezing as far as I was concerned. I think it is the sudden drop in temperature compared to Phuket. I am sure I will adapt.

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