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Posts posted by waldpyk

  1. Normally my wife wont read but when we went to Holland we bought 2 Thai books at the airport. She finished both of them quite quickly. To this day i still wonder if Holland was that boring or the books that good.

    In general i don't see her reading that much, she reads a lot on the internet when planning trips for clients. But these were the only 2 novels i have ever seen her read.

    I think in general Thais read less then foreigners. I also don't read as much anymore unless im on a holiday. Not counting of course all the articles and books i normally read to keep my knowledge in my field of work up to date. I prefer to read novels on holidays at other times i have enough other nice things to do.

    So it might just be that they have a lot of other things to do.

    like what

  2. we have

    1. peak oil

    2.commodities exploding , yes exploding

    please check price of copper iron wheat ect.

    3.banking crisis : no only sub prime but also and more the CDO's

    the economy is shaking and on the way out

    how anyone can think it will pass like " oke i pay 100 $ more and thats it" , beats me

    the tourist industy like we know it will be over in 2 max 5 years

    sure there will be tourists like there were tourists in 18 century florence and rome

    the industry will be gone the beach almost empty

    i hope to enjoy while it lasts

  3. If the guy finds a few months of happiness and it costs him 6,000 Baht a month for that happiness, who are you to try to tell him otherwise ?

    At least he is happy at the moment, you could actually read a few of the threads on Thai related forums like this one and see all the miserable bitter unhappy Farangs in Thailand, how on earth you can get good advice from this lot heaven knows, look how happy they are!! Always bleedin' moaning. If they knew how to be happy, they wouldn't be so bleedin miserable would they? :o

    So for 6000 per month his happiness is cheap. ( Hardly a kings ransom is it )

    Leave the guy alone, he will not thank you for interfering, he is probably big enough to make his own decisions in life, so let it be.

    Last thing you wanna do is listen to all the ' Experts' here, including me. :D

    Let him be.

  4. If the guy finds a few months of happiness and it costs him 6,000 Baht a month for that happiness, who are you to try to tell him otherwise ?

    At least he is happy at the moment, you could actually read a few of the threads on Thai related forums like this one and see all the miserable bitter unhappy Farangs in Thailand, how on earth you can get good advice from this lot heaven knows, look how happy they are!! Always bleedin' moaning. If they knew how to be happy, they wouldn't be so bleedin miserable would they? :o

    So for 6000 per month his happiness is cheap. ( Hardly a kings ransom is it )

    Leave the guy alone, he will not thank you for interfering, he is probably big enough to make his own decisions in life, so let it be.

    Last thing you wanna do is listen to all the ' Experts' here, including me. :D

    Let him be.

  5. sure we're superior

    sure we can smile or laugh about superstition ( and 9x% is superstition yes)

    but you , have you ever felt or seen the unkown , been goose fleshed

    been paralysed , pissed your pants ?

    if not these posts here are oke , for amusement, nothing wrong with that

    foam on the waves of the internet

    but if you have , please share

    i do not dare , i'm a bit of a coward

    afraid to be cut down


  6. In some circles ( i doubt if that's correct english) there is a lot of talk about the growing of Jatropha curcas. The seeds are used - after crushing and refining ) to make biodiesel. In Africa more than 100.000 acres are already planted by one firm D1 oils.

    Jatropha can grow well in semi-arid soils and does not compete so much with growing foodstuff .

    D1oils recently announced a jv with BP

    anybody knows about persons who have some experience with this crop or know places where it's planted ?


  7. alas . too often questions are asked on TV without enough information about the personal situation

    that said i would rather invest in other precious metals like platinum ed.

    but buying a small amount in gold coins - 1/4 and 1/2 ounce , not the 1/1 - is not investing but wisdom

    if you don't like the word wisdom change it for insurance

    by small amount i mean anything between 2 and 5 thousand euro

    less has no purpose , more creates his/her? own risk

  8. You can also try regular intake of things like wheatgrass and barleygrass. You can buy them in powdered form and if you take them 2 or 3 times a day they can help reduce cholesterol. Of course this is not scientifically backed up but has been known to help a good many people.

    well actually there is

    Am journal clinical nutricion 1999 : an article by Bourdon c.s

    and Arndt in Cereal foods world : the future of barley 2005

  9. predictions about the future in ten years

    and not a word about PEAK OIL and the effects on the economy

    it's unbelievebly

    anyway if i'm a nut and mentally impaired and nothing will happen within two years i will be happy

    and smiling in the los sun

    yes i feel happy in thailand , that's why i'm worried

  10. oke a had a stiff cognac and some wine , still..

    in this forum or in tf i have read nothing about the impact of the coming crisis in the availability of oil

    correct about PEAK OIL

    i am certain it has a profound impact upon the economy but also on the price of air-tickets

    to say nothing of the numbers of tourists coming to thailand

    my first post in this forum was cut/stopped , with friends , if i bring up this subject , i'm just "tolerated"

    anyway i had to try a second time

    after this i shut up , truly

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