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About RueFang

  • Birthday 09/01/1977

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    Southern Hemisphere

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  1. I've been wondering why most local dishes are made using prawns (shrimp) with the shells and heads still on. Is it because it adds to the flavour? I find it lessens my enjoyment of the dish trying not to eat the shell, the head and the tail and trying to deshell them on the plate before eating it. I did go through a phase of just eating the entire prawn (and still do if it's they're small) to see if I was missing anything! but really, I'm just not a fan of the clop cloppy feeling of the shell and all those legs in my mouth Now, leaving the tails on I understand it's all about presentation, but when I cook I completely deshell them...practical cooker rather than beautiful presentation cooker Do you eat the whole thing or have some subtle way of de-shelling?!
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