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Posts posted by Digger

  1. Ive been to her family home and it explained itself why she doesnt stop there long, there is nothing to do, she has to sleep on the floor with 5 others in her family (i know its the thai way but,..) all her friends live in pattaya. She can go to the markets when she likes and she likes the beach, she can go the cinema go out with friends. When she stays home she has to work on the farm, has no TV, bad reception if any for phone calls. and about a 20 minute drive to the nearest shop, which she cannot do so she has to rely on lifts. I know where i would rather be.

    She does go home quite a lot every 2 months or so for a week or 2.

    She also stayed in pattaya to go to school, which finished last month. She also has 3 puppies. now she is has sent her dogs to the farm and is looking for work, to pay me back  :o

    I think she has something lined up in a hotel.

    How did she get the dogs to the farm? Can't go on the bus surely?? - Seriously these are just excuses. If she has no money, then being at home is the best place to be as she will have nothing to spend any money on such as movies, markets, shops, top up cards for mobile phone. Cant help but think something more to this. If in school, you do not get a week or two off every 2 months. Every girl in this situation is more than capable of adapting back to these circumstances - dont forget they grew up in it and are quite capable of going back to it. Your somewhat naive to assume its a hardship for her in my humble opinion.

  2. The reaon for the brief exam is all but one issue is done visual by  the MD. They listen for TB.  It is the same for DL as immi. got mi on Soi 11 for 150Baht yesterday and turned in in today whilst getting my DL at Suk 99 Transport office.  I'll get the DL info up later..

    Last medical I did for work permit was very brief - I was not even there !!! Lawyer told me, oh dont worry about that, I had it done on your behalf as I know your busy :o

  3. What about Landrover Freelander - 2.5l petrol has 5 speed steptronix box and is fast, sits high up and being a landrover, comes with that built in aroma of quality that of course does not get carried over to actually being true - helps if you live near a delaership just in case it breaks down (which it would), but its got heaps more style than a Ford Escape, Mazda Tribute and Honda CRV. You can pick up a new but 2003 model for about 1.7m at Landrover in Bangna or out toward the airport at pre tax increased prices.

    Another bet for something more sporty might be the Mazda MX5 - classic sport car for use in Bangkok and they even throw in the hard top for free. Cost is about 1.9m I think.

  4. I know many Thai models that have had nosejobs, eyelid surgery, breast enhancements, LASIK, etc. and none of them picked Bumrungrad.  They say the best doctors are elsewhere.

    Thai people don't go there.

    It is beautiful though.  I lived nearby.  I tried going there once but ended up going elsewhere as the scheduling was a pain in the neck.

    I talked to one of the administration there who said that they don't pay their doctors much so many of the best doctors choose to work elsewhere.  Save money on doctors and staff.

    There are some good doctors there though. 

    Some of the old doctors there have done alot of procedures but have done them poorly for a long time.  Doing a procedure 3,000 times does not guarantee it has been done well 3,000 times.

    Patients are the best source for referrals.  See the results firsthand.

    Good point - I will remember that when I need to have my breasts enhanced :D

    In the meantime, for any life threatening procedure, as against something cosmetic, I'll be found at Bumrungrad :D

    Oh and as 30% of Bumrungrads patients are non Thai, I wonder where the other 70% come from considering no Thai's go there :o

  5. BS - I have no comment on the circumstances between the two of you, however one question in my mind, is if her mother is ill and your in England, why is she remaining in Pattaya? I really cant see the logic of any girl staying in Pattaya when she is in need of cash unless its for one reason and one reason only. For a start, goin back upcountry would mean she is not needing to pay for her room or portion of room down here. That in itself would have covered the 600baht she has claimed she was short of.

    Hope it works out for you, but from my own experience with girls in Thailand, once that trust is broken, it never mends and always will be the source of problems further down the track.

  6. Digger - as far as i understand the salary can be paid from the capital of the company, no need to actually have the company make that money. So the shareholders invest and the employees take the money, more then was actually earned by the company. Just like many companies with bad reports or directors who are also main shareholders....

    But the vat is a different story - I don't understand whether does he have a problem with a minimum vat requirement or with the minimum salary he needs to paid as a foreign director?

    Yes, the money could come from capital to pay salaries, unless of course its spent already and actually been paid in. Also it could come from director loans, however if the sales volume (not even considering gross profit) is less than 100,000 month then I suspect that come renewal time for the visa and work permit, things are going to get a bit sticky. Even more so if there are multiple work permits for foreigners which may be supported by 8 or so Thai staff. If thats the case, the company may be required to increase its paid up capital in order to show that it has capital on hand to meet its obligations.

  7. I have been doing a bit of research during the Easter break. Every nationality (read passport holders) EXCEPT New Zealanders needs a visa to visit Australia.

    Only 0.5 per cent of all people arriving on temporary visas, or

    around 20,000 people, overstay; and  most overstayers only overstay in Australia for a few days.

    I am unable (to date) to find the number of Thai people who visit Australia who overstay, but they are NOT in the top 10 nationalities.

    So - why does a Thai national NEED a visa to visit Australia? That's the question I will be asking the Royal Thai Consulate in Perth on Tuesday when they re-open.

    Watch this space.


    And just for good measure Peter, I'll ask the cashier at Tesco Lotus on Rama 4 why is that Thai's need visa's for Australia, given both have about the same level of influence in deciding Australian immigration policy. :o

  8. Its all to do with the supposed prostitution,sex slave racquets.,its got quite high level political attention.

    Anyone knows this is pretty much old news.

    They have picked on Thais particularly girls for years,and its equally hard to get a Pino gal in for the  same reasons.

    Most people in that scene know Its the Chinese and Koreans that run that game now.

    I think the No1 overstayers in the Uk are Poms.I did see a list the other day from NZ that thai overstayers there came in at NO8 with around 1000.

    I have been doing a bit of research during the Easter break. Every nationality (read passport holders) EXCEPT New Zealanders needs a visa to visit Australia.

    Only 0.5 per cent of all people arriving on temporary visas, or

    around 20,000 people, overstay; and  most overstayers only overstay in Australia for a few days.

    I am unable (to date) to find the number of Thai people who visit Australia who overstay, but they are NOT in the top 10 nationalities.

    So - why does a Thai national NEED a visa to visit Australia? That's the question I will be asking the Royal Thai Consulate in Perth on Tuesday when they re-open.

    Watch this space.


    How can a Pom overstay in the UK?????

  9. Tutsi:  A three inch or greater high grade PVC drainage pipe under your foundation should work well.  Keep in mind that the majority of your foundation is very shallow with only your footings going down to bedrock. Your toilets are drained similarily to your septic tank.

    While I have solved most of my construction problems, I am still plagued by my hot water system.

    I was persuaded that a three phase electric system was best.  Then bought the best automatic heating system for three phase from Siemens and installed in cabinets away from showers.

    First year the hot water didn't work most of the time do to insufficient pressure.  Pump installed and then the water ran boiling or cold with no in between.

    Eveidently the COTO shower control valve simply rotated from hot to cold without effective mixing of hot and cold.  Called installer company who rewired the heater so water never reallly got very hot, a least no scalding, however in winter water was not hot enough.

    Rewirred to very hot again and living with it, but believe me, my valves are probably the problem.

    As I understand it, there are pressure sesitive valves and temperature senistive valves, readily available in the west, which are mandatory in apartment houses due to the common water supply fluctuating in pressure and temperature constantly.

    Now my dreams are about pulling out the automatic heater and installing a temperature adjustable heater commonly found in Thailand.  Then I can adjust the full "hot" temperature to my liking.  Of course, the intake and out take openings in the wall will have to be adjusted, probably with on/off valves with flexi-hoses but when I really get disgusted, will do it.

    In the meantime, my showers are quite short, as the temperature desired is not maintained very long.

    My suggestion to all builders is to locate your hot water heater in a cabinet in the bath with copper pipes but with a temperature control.

    I spent 9k Baht for what will be replaced with a 6 Baht adjustable temperature unit.  Ripping out the wall and tile to change the valves to more sophisticated temperature and pressure sensitive valves is not an option.

    I had the same problem with the big siemens water heater - I called in Siemens and there engineer suggested the easiest solution was just to change the wiring for it to become a 1-phase water heater instead of the 3-phase. He changed it in minutes and now just run the hot tap and the water is perfect temperature for showering. I am not really happy with the solution but it works.

  10. Wilko, Friendship is your best bet. They have marmite, Branson pickles, Pickalily etc. Also full range of  Yorkys products, real English sausages,pork pies ,gammon etc. If you ever have to go to Penang for visa or any other reason its a good place to pick up some British products that are not available in los and also considerably cheaper than they are here.

    Cant say I have ever seen marmite in friendship, but I am probably not looking in the right place. I have though seen New Zealand Marmite in Best at Dolphin roundabout along with vegimite but its a poor namesake of the real thing.

  11. I had accumulated a 40% discount in 3 years on my previous car as I had never claimed anything. When I bought a new car, the premium reversed to the full value - seemingly its based on the vehicle not having any accidents not the driver. I was somewhat surprised on this but could do nothing about it - so yes there are no claims bonuses, but its based on the vehicle not on the driver. :o

  12. Contrary to what the real estate agencies want you to believe house and land prices in Pattaya have been virtually unchanged the last 10 years.

    The building boom the last couple of years haven't done anything to change that.

    Just check around the villages in Pattaya. I live in a very popular farang-moobaan and my rough guess is about 40% of the houses are empty.

    I think it depends upon the village and calibre of properties they contain. I have owned and then sold properties couple of times in last 3 years and in every case the price I sold for was well up on what I had paid for the property, in one case by about 30% in three years. However saying that, there are still many properties that cannot move almost regardless of the price, even in the same village that I had sold in. Obviously location has a lot to do with it, but also the general feel and upkeep of the village is critical in choosing a property that will likely increase in value. Most of my purchases have been outside of Pattaya proper, over at Maprachan resevoir. Whats that saying something like most housing purchase decisions are made within the first minutes of entering the development - means the asthetics are critical.

    One place I have noticed is the Palm Springs place on Siam Country Club - the entrance to that looks so bad, I would not even consider buying somewhere inside there, but no doubt when it was first done, it looked really good but now it just looks hideous. The houses inside could be palaces but I guess most people make that assessment in the first couple of minutes and the entrance area is critical.

  13. If I am not mistaken, you cant put a lease arrangement on either property as surely the fact that the property is mortgaged would preclude any other financial arrangements unless you have written agreement from your mortgage company agreeing to these changes. Effectively, you cannot sell the property - which is what your doing, or at least a part of it to a 3rd party without the consent of the mortgage company and I am not sure how you would go about explaining that one to the bank clerk, let alone getting their agreement. Might fall in the too hard basket for them and they just say 'cannot'.

    First thing I would do is check what options you have with the bank.

  14. All my Tumi luggage and briefcases are made in the USA, not Thailand.

    I bought a lot of it at Singapores Changi airport which is about the cheapest I have ever seen it, but its never really cheap. I hate the cheaper coloured Tumi stuff that you always find in US 'outlet malls' - for me there is only one kind of Tumi and its black either the leather or my fave is the ballistic nylon material. After 10 years of non stop travelling, the luggage is in perfect condition and never had any problems with it.

    Only place I have seen decent selection in BKK is at Gaysorn Plaza and its considerably more expensive than buying the same piece in either Singapore or USA.

  15. Im thinking about giving up my cleaning job and coming to Thailand to teach english.I have some experience teaching english to the other cleaners.

    Im 35yo from Australia ,and I dont know where to starrt.

    If i do the TESOL Certificate course here in Australia,would it still be recognised in Thailand?

    Also i dont wanna teach in cities,i want to work only in rural areas ,preferably way outback.If i get the TESOL in Australia ,then go to ajarn.com you think i could get a job?

    Ok what else then do i need besides a TESOL.

    Another idea Billy ? A new group of ideas every week. Wildly disparate ideas at that. Gay Bars then property development, taxi owning now teaching. Give it a rest

    Dont forget the cafe and then the minimart - Billy is becoming a conglomerate before he has even got here. I bet GE are quaking at the thought of losing their crown as the worlds biggest conglomerate.

    I can see it now on ABC - Billy conquers Thailand - a success story due to the free trade agreement - woops better not mention that or Billy is going to have a whole heap of other import/export ideas :o

  16. I'd personally avoid sois 14, 12, 10, and 8 like the plague -- for the traffic problem cited above.  You simply can't get there from the North without a long detour around Sirikit Center.  When an event is being held (like today), it can be murder.

    I would agree with that 100% and also add Soi 6 for good measure - although you have little bit flexibility, it still sucks in the rush hour as people use it as a 'short-cut' through the tobacco factory. I used to have an apt in Soi 6 and moved out as soon as I could over to the other side of Sukhumvit. Soi's 11,13,15 are much better in terms of access if you want to be in lower Sukhumvit (as I needed to be to be able to walk to my office).

  17. the last time i was in pattaya about 5 yeare ago, i went to a place called "talay villas"there,i went around some of these large propertys, none were occupied,there must be a reason for this ,probably its because farang cant own land in lhailand

    View Talay villas now have about 140 houses built and sold on that project. Not sure how many are actually occupied but a friend of mine rents one which is tiny, 2 bedrooms thing with pool and postage stamp garden and he is paying 70,000 baht month for it. Personally I think its well over priced and have seen the bigger plots and 3/4 bedrooms with pools being sold at 18,000,000 baht which seems amazing to me.

  18. Billy - I suspect you have as much chance of getting a mortgage from a Thai bank for a condo as you do in suceeding in your planned business venture to open a cafe.

    Yes mortgages can be obtained from Thai banks by foreigners, however they are generally only give to people who have enough wealth, not to really need a mortgage in the first place. Many wealthy farang use mortgages here to generate more wealth by using cheap money assured by their collateral. Everyone I now who has a mortgage here and is farang has at least 10,000,000 baht in assets here, often considerably more. Has worked (with a work permit) for at least 2 years and holds a senior position with a well financed company or they own their own business(es).

  19. Are there any events going on in Pattaya that don't involve rapes, farungs going insane, or urinating on statues, or are we being like Pattaya City News and just going for sensationalism here?

    A little balance if you feel you must post these articles please brit.


    well there is lots of positive news.

    Such as .............................erm, well they have put new traffic lights up at each junction on Sukhumvit Road - so now we have about 12 sets of lights on every junction and if your lucky three might be plugged in and have the light bulbs working.

    And it rained today so the resevoirs will have at least, oh 20 litres more water in them.

    And Siam Commerical Bank has opened ATM's at virtually every store that has lights on, so your never too far from at ATM now.

    And, well thats about all the positive news that I can think off for now. Better to stick to the bad news, there is lots more of it :o

  20. Depends on your point of view - every estate agent I have spoken to in Pattaya reckon its a farce and want nothing to do with it. I have only seen one advertise it and thats the estate agent that developed the project. Not seen any re-sales with anyone else. Considering it was supposed to be a sell out within 2 weeks of the auction taking place, seems somewhat strange that at least 3 are still being advertised by the same people that claimed it was a sell out.

    Very much a case of buyer beware in my humble opinion and if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.

  21. Have a good selection of up to date newspapers and magazines.

    The Thai English language newspapers aren't up to much but international newspapers such as tInternational express and the English newspapers are still a good read.

    These cost 150 baht each (quite expensive just to buy a newspaper) but if you can pay the same amount to go to a cafe order a meal and read the paper for free it doesn't seem so bad.

    Thumbs up in Soi 6 does this and gets quite a few regulars in for a meal and a read of the latest farang paper.

    Thats good advise, I sometimes go eat in a place just so I can get read of the old issues of FHM :o

    That reminds me of Simple Simon in Jomtien. I actually rate the breakfasts because they have McCain hash browns as an extra which is nice for a change but there reading matter is hopeless - consists of nothing but motorbike magazines going back probably 2 years and NOTHING else. Would not mind but there is nowhere nearby to buy another paper or magazine.

    Au Bon Pain has USA today which makes for an interesting change to the BKK Post.

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