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Posts posted by DrNox

  1. I hope you can help me. I possess a number of degrees including an University Diploma in Education as well as an Honours degree in Education. I have been teaching botany for many years at university level. Would I be able to teach English in Thailand with my qualifications, or would I be required to attain a qualification in the teaching of English? My diploma in education states that I am qualified to teach in the medium of English.

    What are the salaries that teachers can expect?

    If your criminal record is empty, you are definitive qualified. :o

    As for salaries you can ether get paid by the hour starting at about 300 THB per hour or you get a fixed salary in the range of 30,000 THB.

    Private languages schools some times pay a little more. But don't expect too much since the prices for languages courses usually set by the Ministry of Education. The school charges about 8,000-9,000 THB for a 20-hour course and can not increase it, because the MOE set the max. price. That makes a max. of 450 THB per hour income for the school and the school need to cover there other costs too.

    There are schools that will employ you for more but often they fail to provide the proper teacher license and work permit. And remember, in Thailand you are same responsible for working without work permit then your employer.

  2. Yeah, I missed the part where you explained what's wrong with a (developing) country insisting that foreign (teaching) employees meet similar professional standards to what they would have to in their own country. After all, the purpose of having these conditions is not to "have a go" at foreigners; rather, it's to provide the best quality education possible to Thais, to improve Thailand's image and confidence as a serious economy.

    You are right, increasing the quality of education is the right thing to do and requiring foreign teacher to have a proper background is good. Unfortunately, like so often the man and women that making the rules forgot to see the other side of the medallion. A foreigner who can fulfill all the requirements set will NOT work for 200-300 THB per hour as they would also not in there home country. Increasing requirements is fine, but you also need to increase the budget, in particularly the budget of the government schools. The result is painful visible, this semester there are simple not enough foreign English teachers available since the private schools that usually provide this teachers have more headaches then income from this. Every time i see the kids, mainly in the poorer government schools I get really upset, this kids loved to learn English and they don't understand why Khun Kru from last year can not come back.

    There is no shortage on qualified teachers, there is simple a shortage on budget for qualified teachers. So, increase the current budget from 500 THB per hour to 1,000 THB per hour and the qualified teachers will stay here instate of moving to Korea, Vietnam or Japan where they are welcome, get high salaries and visas and work permits issued in no time.

  3. Being trough this 'problem' twice, I think the issue is not with the doctor. Many Thai women are actually more concerned how her body will be after birth and special, if you still will be attracted to her. I know it sounds strange to us, but from at least 4 women who I have ask why they are going for the C-section answered they are worry of A) pain and :o that there vagina would be 'huge' afterwards and there man would not find it attractive anymore. It is a psychological and fashion thing.

    You should find out what your wifes real concerns are, is it really the advice of the previous doctor or is it more a kind of social worry, fashion, face thing or is she worry to loose your attraction.

    No question, if there is a medical need for a c-section it should be done and yes it is relatively save, as save as a major surgery can be save. But still, we are "designed" as we are for a reason, what ever that may be. So, if all is "normal", normal delivery should be the first choice.

    Btw. I think the c-section rate in Thailand, special among women related with farangs is much much higher then 25%, more likely by 80%. As I said, its a fashion thing.

    Wish you all the best.

  4. This is an very 'controversial' subject and the answer depend on how intensive you worry about your health. The problem is, that Microwaves affect the food on a molecular level. The device used to generate the the electromagnetic wave, the Magnetron uses alternating current what causes the molecules to spin and break a part. Science, today has no complete idea what this deformed molecules will do to a human body.

    Yes, a microwave kill germs etc., but it also destroy and modify enzymes in the food. Same as enzymes altered in genetically modified food they get altered if microwaved. Beside this, the microwave it self may cause a higher health problem then the food it self. Just switch on your microwave and keep your head closed for a while. If the model is not a high quality product, but a standard shelf device, in a short while you will get problems with you vision and maybe headache. All microwaves leak, depend on the production quality, more or less electromagnetic energy. If from a 1000W device only 5% leaking you get 50 Watt straight. (A cell phone uses 2Watt), it is as if you do 25 phone calls at the same time, straight into your head. The same way this waves of electromagnetic energy heating your food, they also heating your body cells and since the head is always the body part most exposed (we have to look how the food look and smell, right!/) your brain is in danger. Remember where you went last night? ***Grin***

    You probably can eat your whole life microwave food without getting anything that would be directly blamed on microwave food. But exactly that is the problem, we don't know what exactly modified enzymes do.

    Just as example, Soy beens have an enzyme which is known to create allergies. Now in the preparation process this enzyme will be destroyed while cooking at 80 degree Celsius for a minute. If you take genetically modified soy beens you have to cook this beens with 230 degree Celsius for at least 40 minutes to destroy the very same enzyme. Surely, nobody is doing this.

    For this one particular case scientist found out about. But what about the other thousands of case we don't know about.

    I strongly believe those are the things causing most of the "society illnesses" we are facing.

    To answer your question: You want get a "quick" sick and if you get something, it probably can't be traced to the microwave. But if you want to live healthy, there is no need for cooking with microwaves. It is not essential to our life. So, simple use a pot and a pan to heat your food as we did for centuries. :o

  5. At first there are many different kind of massages and yes there are all healthy IF done correctly. In Thailand you usually find the traditional Thai Massage and generalized Oil Massages. While the Traditional Thai Massage can benefit your muscle system very well, if over done or done wrong it also could create slide injuries since it include excessive stretching of your muscular system. It the therapist is a bit "rough" on cold muscles they could actually over stretch. Oil Massages, how ever they called (many names are designed for it like Swedish Massage or Mandara Massage etc.) address issues on a very different level. There is almost no risk for injuries. If the pressure applied is to strong for you, you simple tell the therapist. Oil Massages can address several health issues effectively. Combined with Aromas and high quality oils (unfortunately often are cheap oils used to keep the price low) it can be an extraordinary experience for body and mind. A third for of massages are the medical massages. Here you really should trust the therapist first. For example a lymphatic massage has high effects but if done not correctly it can harm. Anyhow, usually you will not find medical massages anywhere around the corner in Thailand.

    So, go ahead and have a good massage, you will like it and with a good therapist you health will definitive benefit from it.

  6. I have done 3 courses there over the last two years, sompleted all 3 levels.

    For the beginner level what I did in the first year, the owner Khun Geaw teached me and I must admit she is an excelent teacher. The other two levels I learned with Khun Joe, he is good as well.

    Since i took the private class (mean one on one) I have learned pretty much, even reading and writing while i am not really quick with languages. ***brrr****

    They teach very praxis oriented don't bored me with things to memorise too much. It is a plasuant and quick learn. They use native speakers and both of my teachers spoke an excelent english by the way. (people told me that is not always the case in Thai schools)

    Ya, i definitive can recommend that school.


  7. Sorry, missed your second question. Oil massage treats the whole body, in serious places with one exception of course. Usually the massage starts you laying face down on your left foot, left leg, right leg, lower back, back, shoulder, arms. Then you ask to turn around and the therapist will work the same way up und the front site. Finally you have usually your head massages, but usually without oil.

    If you feel like “rubbed down with oil” you was definitive in the wrong place.

    PS: A good massage therapist will focus on the acupressure points and not on the funny points of your body.

  8. Oil massage is actually a better treatment for your body then Thai massage. A good done Oil massage will not only be an excellent treat for your body and mind, correct one it can fight infections chronic health problems. Yes, Oil is generally used and unfortunately mostly not very good oil, also Oil massage requires a very well trained therapist to be really good. This separates oil massages in two categories, professional massages will cost you between 2.500 and 4.500 THB per hour while the average street massage you will get for 300-500 THB per hour. Logically you can’t expect the street massages to use special oils and will have to live with the sticky oily feeling. You should try it anyway. If your budget don’t allow you to try a good place with good oils and qualified therapist and you don't like the sticky oil feeling, ask them to use Aloe Vera Gel instate. (Some may have it, or buy it in the pharmacy for your self).

    Have fun :o

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