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Posts posted by NedKelly

  1. I purchased this model in 2007 (2006 make) at Nonthaburi Toyota. We had a referral from a friend so we got a 20 or 30k discount, window tint, liner ad cheap mats......I had tobuy better ones as the cheap shitty ones were crap. The guy at Nonthaburi looked after the insurance and rego each yer after that changing the rego each year for a better deal. It usually cost around 24k for both all up. I was happy with not having to do the paperwork for the regoand insurance....so I found the level of service exceptional there.

  2. Over the past few years I have witnessed first hand the treatment of and attitude towards 'nannies' in Bangkok. They are usually from up country maybe even Myanmar but not always foreigners. It disgusts me the way they are treated by their own people in most cases I have seen. Very low salary, no time off, very long days, sleep on the floor, spend all day long looking after a snotty kid, blah blah blah. Bad luck if they want a day off or a few days off to attend a funeral or family event......that's the end of the world for them. I am sure there some horror stories out there. Then you hear the horror stories from the parents how the maid has run away or abandoned the child etc etc. What do they expect ??? Anyway this is just one example of why there is problems in Thai society......imho ! Whats the word used here is it 'khon chai' people you use !??

  3. Truth is often the first victim in war......Thai visa should consider this. Some of the sms messages sent are like shooting first and ask questions later and the <deleted> hits the fan and comes back to hit them in the face. Get it right or forget it I say. We all need accurate info to be able to inform business partners o/s and relying on the sms messages has become ...well less than reliable. Can someone explain to me what I am trying to say ! What day is it who am I ? waiter....another gin......

  4. Just want to throw in my 5 bahts worth....its a horrible story.....I go to Surin province a fair bit to my wifes village and usually feel safe there. But one time I went for a ride alone on a small motorbike to a nearby village just to look around. After going through the villlage and then doing a u-turn to come back the way I came I was 'chased' aggressively by a couple of guys on other bikes.....I was not trying to 'get away' just trundling along but they raced after me after I passed their spot and cornered me into a wall......I was thinking what the $#^% as I checked for weapons as instinct would in a case like this. Luckily nothing so I stood my ground and backed up the bike and rode off. they followed a while until they saw the village to which I was headed. I dont know if they realised the bike I was on belonged to probably the heaviest guy around there. Anyway it was a wke up call to me to be careful out there.

  5. I wonder what the planet is going to be like in another 50 years ......I wont be here to see it but the way its going now I am happy not to be here - but I am sad for my kids that the planet we leave them is going to be in a very sad declining state largely from our own doing. Ya dont have to be a scientist to understand this point.

  6. It is interesting that Mr T has camped himself next door.....maybe they really are confident of a change and a vacuum to be filled by the almighty from across the border. But why oh why at the start of the high tourist season when some things are just starting to perk up in the tourism industry........gees a mans gettin real tired of it all. Who needs terrorists when the locals stuff it up for themselves !

  7. In July I attended the Asia Pacific Summit in Melbourne to listen to several Australian and International Scientists presenting on Climate Change. Also present was Al Gore and via video link Dr David Suzuki who both made their own presentations. I am not a scientist but after listening to the presentations and seeing so may different examples of unusual climo/geologic/bio related effects from current climatic conditions, it is very difficult to think that we are not headed for uncertain futures.

    Glaciers are melting everywhere, some will dissappear very soon others will be gone altogether within years. If you look at a map of the Himalaya and see how many river systems begin within these mountains, it is obvious to see that if all the glaciers melt the amount of run-off will be greatly reduced. Theses rivers include Yangtze, Mekong, Irrawaddy, Indus, Salween, Ganges etc. How many people rely on these rivers?

    The fact is that carbon emissions are rising at an amazing rate and will continue to rise. The scientific consensus is that if emissions continue to rise and we dont act now to reduce emissions then the average temperature around the world will rise. With an increased average temperature we can expect various effects such as crop failure, crop reduction, species extinction (up to 30% of species if the temp rises 4 degrees c), drought, floods and so on. The problem is that no-one can really predict what will happen.

    Looking to the arctic ice - well it is reduced every year. Some say it comes back each year, which might be true, but it is to a lesser extent and the thickness reduces each year from what was once metres to only one metre in some places. When the ice melts the sea warms making it more difficult for the ice to return. In the antarctic, large portions have broken up in some areas and this has surprised scientists.

    Sea level wont rise too much from arctic ice melts as the ice is already in the water. If yo ulook at Greenland ice which is largely land based, the scenario is a little more frightening. Greenland ice is extremely thick in some places and recent observations insist the melting is occuring at an increasing rate. Apparently you can stand on the ice and hear a feint rushing sound which is melt water running down and under the ice. If greenland ice all melted we may well be looking at sea level rises of several metres - so dont worry about building your sea walls as the new coastline would more likley be out near Saraburi ! Then think about how many people around the planet would be effected by this scenario? The result is unthinkable...chaos, war, breakdown of society, hundreds of millions displaced etc.

    But dont fret too much. We are doing things to make changes. New energies are being developed; technologies are improving efficiency, things like hybrid cars are already on the market. We all need to do our bit to reduce our consumption and be more aware that everything we do has some sort of effect on everything else on the planet.

    If all this talk ends up being a hoax well be it....at least part of mankind would have moved to a new level in terms of sustainable futures and a planet that is liveable for everyone. The way we live now is not sustainable. In India alone there are 400 million people without electricity in their homes.....!!

  8. Just got back from Immigration office at Rasa II building Pahonyothin fro 90 day reporting. They certainly will move this office to a location next to Chulalongkorn Hospital. The address I have in hand is as follows:

    One Stop Service Centre

    Chamchuree Square 18th Floor

    319 Payathai Rd, Pathumwan


    they say the subway station 'Samyan' is best for transport. But you could take the BTS to siam and walk back around opposite MBK.

    the map I have is confusing.

  9. So mr jingthing you advocate closing airports as democratic? The yellows are as bad as anyone and in a way worse as they represent such a minority. At least the rural poor were benefiting from some development under Taksin and eventually will hopefully be able to pay for the education so severely lacking for them. Lets wait and see what the current leadership is capable of and willing to do for the masses.....it remains to be seen. Until then all power to the reds and good on them for acting. Who wouldn't be angry?

  10. I don't see what the big problem is with foreigners owning farming land in Thailand other than filling in the land and building villas which seems to be a pretty popular pastime. But any person who wants to own land and use it for agriculture would presumably want to 'improve' the land and or it's production. So what if the land is owned by a foreigner. He/she would probably employ local people to work the land anyway and may even pay a better salary and give better conditions than a local employer would.

    Well I'm off now to buy a swathe of isaan so I too can sit in the dust and heatwaves and wait for some rain...shhhh dont tell anyone! I'll make at least hundreds of baht a year ...!!

    Ned turning in his grave !

  11. Aruyevedic (spelling) Massage at Healthland in Pinklao is fantastic. I've had it several times but is best done weekly for a few weeks and then just do exercise and maintenance to keep it in check. If yo ucan find a local massage place that will do an oil massage on the lower back you could try putting a hot water bottle on it for 15 minutes and then go straight to the massage place for a pre arranged appointment time......results will come along nicely. I have been to osteopaths in the past and they tend to use heat prior to massage and then maybe manipulation. In Thailand I havent found anywhere that does it in this order and thats why I suggest the self application of hot water bottle and then massage at the local joint with an old mamma who has strong hands and arms.

  12. Just a quick warning that there has recently been a few cases of police arresting tourists at the beach end of Bangla Road late at night for not carrying a passport. Ok the law states you must carry your ID at all times but seriously how many tourists actually do this 24/7.......not many I would guess. Anyway the fact is that it has happenned and unfortunately for the police they may have picked on the wrong person recently as the guy was on a travel Agent organised 'fam trip' from Australia so the ramifications will be interesting as the Agent who organised this is closely connected with TAT. The guy in question was held overnight in a cell with two other punters who paid more to be released earlier. The guys wallet was emptied of all cash and they even wanted his credit card pin number which he refused. So be careful all and sundry the pigs are on the loose again.

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