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Posts posted by satitteacher

  1. I am a teacher at Satit. Yep, that's our full name Satit Bilingual School of Rangsit University. What specific questions do you have?

    P.S. If you speak with teachers, come to the Secondary building, and hang out by yourself and observe the classes . That will give you a chance to talk to us without a Thai/Administration person. We'll give you a straight no B.S. answer. Remember, this is a Thai managed school. Us farangs are well intentioned but have no power. That will answer your first question when you find that principals leave 

    very year. We are on our 4th one or so in 3 years. Eventually the thai management gets people so frustrated they leave. I like the new principal. He is a friend and a straight shooter. He has been here since day one (one of the very few that remain) If you talk to him he won't sugar coat things. I hope he doesn't get run into the ground like the others.

    You will find B.S in every school, unless you pick a really good expensive one like Harrow's. At Satit it'll cost you 200k+/Year/Child.

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